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Last few days I've seen quite a few. Some simply resign early, others resign after their, frankly, stupid strategies predictably fail or their commander dies, or something similar. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just low-rank players, but I've seen at least 3 blues do that. Want to know what others think about this issue, if it is an issue and what the community can do about it. CoC says this:
Pursuing all-or-nothing strategies without the consent of your team, or resigning on your own because you faced an early minor setback, is disrespectful to your teammates. A pattern of such behavior may result in moderator action, and in any case you will be damaging your own reputation in the community.
+0 / -0
RUrankgooseman Where do you draw the line?

Personal Opinion about the Quoted Passage:
" "Pursuing all-or-nothing strategies" - Hows that defined? Nux rush i guess, what else?
"without the consent of your team," - what is "your team"? 50%+1? 50% of those who actually participate in chat? else impossible to follow -> gets ignored. Pala rush? When only 5/16 Players help does that count as "consent"?
"or resigning on your own because you faced an early minor setback," - what is a "minor setback"? Is loseing entire Army (80% of total Value owned) still considered "minor" since fac and com are still alive?
"is disrespectful to your teammates." - respect needs to be earned, recognition/esteem can be demanded -> gets ignored.
" A pattern of such behavior may result in moderator action," - that would require the definition of a measurement on which basis "moderator actions" are taken. Rarely ever witnessed any, my guess is the mods dont know themselfes whats ok and when it crosses the line. I think more communication could often do wonders without the need of any authority.
"may result" - only "is going to result" if the mods sex last night was bad or what? I dislike such injustice/unequality inviteing passages.
"and in any case you will be damaging your own reputation in the community." - what reputation?

Personal Opinion about your Statement:
"Some simply resign early" - noobs look at colours, pros look at names&symbols. If theres a big imbalance of "average+" names a early resign is justified in my opinion. Theres even purples that are beasts 1vs1 but are egoistic noobs in lobpot. Why fight when you cant win? Id rather spend the time takeing my chances in the next game than spending looong time slowly dying.
" others resign after their, " - logic result.
"frankly, stupid strategies predictably fail" - was this pointed out to them before?
"or their commander dies" - their own fault.
"or something similar." - understandable but often salvageable.
" It wouldn't be so bad if it were just low-rank players," but I've seen at least 3 blues do that" - id recomend throwing that line of thought out of the window. Youre forceing players into a role with it. Also whats "low rank" for you? colour or level? In my experience everything below like level 40 resigns last. Were the games where they resigned won or lost afterwards? Theres often a "point of no return", many games are decided by 1 action of 1 player.

Since your initial post is more a question im keen on hearing your position. About the many questions id like to establish a baseline first so were talking about the same thing. Feel free to also copy paste quote me so its known what youre refering too.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
The line is defined in large part by people sending reports. If a behaviour gets reported a lot, then clearly people don't want it. The CoC is already pretty long, and stuff like this a grey area, so I doubt writing even more would help. A giant precise CoC would only be read by people trying to nitpick out of it.

See the bottom of the CoC.
Not every situation is explicitly covered by the Code of Conduct. Sometimes this is because the Code of Conduct is insufficiently specific; this is necessary if it is to be kept to a reasonable length. At other times, events can occur that are so extreme that the Code of Conduct and the precedent of previous modactions does not fully cover the situation. The spirit of this goal takes precedence over the exact wording of the Code of Conduct.
+5 / -0

2 years ago
I sometimes pack it in early if I can see there's no way the team can win. Sometimes for inexplicable reasons nobody expands and when I die 2v1 in some lonely spot forward, I look back to see one guy building roach ramp, a noob spamming storages and two other players building their own seperate singus. Then you know its hopeless and rather than rage I just quit. Probably healthier.

Other times I inexplicably leave early are due to my shitty internet and electrical situation and I apologise for those.
+2 / -0
We sometimes think of colors as objective properties of objects, much like shape or volume. But research has found that we experience colors differently, depending on gender, national origin, ethnicity, geographical location, and what language we speak. In other words, there is nothing objective about colors.


now apply this to ppl that resign and how u and them see battlefield...


Gamblers Take Note: The Odds in a Coin Flip Aren’t Quite 50/50

What he and his fellow researchers discovered (here’s a PDF of their paper) is that most games of chance involving coins aren’t as even as you’d think. For example, even the 50/50 coin toss really isn’t 50/50 — it’s closer to 51/49, biased toward whatever side was up when the coin was thrown into the air


now apply this 51/49 to ppl u have in your team we all feel certain way when we look at our team at the start of the game...
coin always heavier on one side
+0 / -4
lol you know most people in the top 20 can figure if a game is lost in the first 5 minutes of a game right? we stay for the amusement of the fight and the occasional turnaround.

also all nothing strategies are amazingly effective when they work... you don't report the successes only the failures? just because "you" can't manage it does not mean it never, or even rarely works.

imo this is just a bad precedent to set.
+1 / -1
2 years ago
If they just resign is better than spam continuously resign votes in my opinion. I definitely enjoy trying a bit more than others (even if I am 99% sure team will loose), but it is harder to explain people why team is not that bad (involves lots of chat) rather than control some couple of more units...

Besides the reporting, I think it always helps if you would just voice your opinion on the risky strategies. Everybody plays as they want but at least people are more aware of what happens which can help with some strategies. Example: someone starts starlight, does not advertise it - even if I do not fully agree with the construction better I know it's there, maybe will decide to help, know we need to resist X minutes, try to prevent scout, etc.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
also all nothing strategies are amazingly effective when they work... you don't report the successes only the failures? just because "you" can't manage it does not mean it never, or even rarely works.

imo this is just a bad precedent to set.

Yes they can be effective but they basically force that risk upon the whole team. I mean, if you are focused on your personal fun, than you should maybe better do that in 1v1. In my exp, people mostly get reported for persistently doing all-or-nothing-strats over many games, effectively turning them into 1-man-shows. This can become quite annoying. The reports should start after people ask them not to do it, but without success.
+3 / -0
noobs look at colours, pros look at names&symbols

" It wouldn't be so bad if it were just low-rank players," but I've seen at least 3 blues do that" - id recomend throwing that line of thought out of the window. Youre forceing players into a role with it.

I know ranks aren't as telling of someone's skill, and I think that is sort of the issue here. I'm not throwing anyone into a role. There is already a role. And there's something else that looks at colors, other than the players. The balancer. If there's 2 blues it will put them in 2 different teams. But it doesn't seem to know that one of the blues consistently throws and ragequits, while the other doesn't. This also applies to all other ranks. THIS is my main issue with them. It seems to overrate some players, creating very uneven matches.
"frankly, stupid strategies predictably fail" - was this pointed out to them before?

Besides the reporting, I think it always helps if you would just voice your opinion on the risky strategies.

Can't watch every player at all times, they rarely tell you what they're doing either. Some lobs repeat the same mistakes over and over.
Were the games where they resigned won or lost afterwards?

Nearly always lost. Was it their fault? Depends on the player, the match, etc. Criteria for that would be something like:
  • How risky their strategy was, and how well-informed and consenting their team was regarding it, as covered by CoC
  • How early they resign / how long the game goes on afterwards
  • Frequency

all nothing strategies are amazingly effective when they work... you don't report the successes only the failures? just because "you" can't manage it does not mean it never, or even rarely works.

It's not about the strategy, it's about teamplay. If you do something risky or stupid, but your team approved it, it's now the team's fault if they lose, not yours specifically.
Multiplayer B1535601 10 on LLTAComplexV2

The line is defined in large part by people sending reports.

So, the answer is to just report people?
+1 / -0
2 years ago
ehh so i should start reporting every player that plays bad? cause to me every sub 2200 elo player is utterly incompetent and is doing a terribly stupid thing without my approval?

not taking mex? - BANNED!

not making basic E? - BANNED!

no grid? - BANNED!

not making the right units to counter X? - BANNED!

not pushing front? - BANNED!

in-base porc? - extra BANNED! why do you even need that LLT?

making radar? - BANNED! everyone should know how to contact line scout with raiders

These are all legitimately bad strategies, but every player makes these mistakes; some of them are just crutches because they cant play any better. I highly disapprove of your incompetence and lack of skill! Play as good as me!
+1 / -3
id like to report myself for the very bannable risky strategy, solo compush all the way into enemy base with just an eco com! i was even 1v2 on that front, the audacity! THEY EVENN MADE LLT, my com lived with only 10% HP to spare...
+0 / -3

2 years ago
If people want to leave/resign because it's not fun any more I think this should be ok. Playing on a losing game is pretty pointless and demoralizing... Just let the resign happen and try again next time!

Also, if a blue+ is resigning I suspect it's very rare that the game is in a winnable state and it's almost certainly the case that they have no idea what to do, so would just end up feeding anyway.

For example, in practice if I'm calling a resign vote (though not resigning myself) then I think the game isn't winnable, I know my current strategy isn't working and don't have any ideas what alternative strategy might be viable. I suspect an actual resign is a more extreme version of this (I personally will normally only actual!resign when things passed hopeless five minutes ago and it's now mop-up time, though I will sometimes just check out and do some eco or move a widow around, letting my metal excess to people who presumably think there's still a game there).

Unrelated: pretty much every bold attack or superweapon starting (e.g. Trinity) is all-or-nothing and no-one ever asks if it's ok to start building a Trinity (nor should they), so that bit of the CoC seems poorly worded to me...
+5 / -0
ehh so i should start reporting every player that plays bad? cause to me every sub 2200 elo player is utterly incompetent and is doing a terribly stupid thing without my approval?

You're strawmaning. There's a difference between playing poorly because you cant play better and playing poorly for your own amusement at the expense of your team.
If people want to leave/resign because it's not fun any more I think this should be ok. Playing on a losing game is pretty pointless and demoralizing... Just let the resign happen and try again next time!

I think these are valid resign reasons. I believe it has been discussed with the admins in game that it's ok to resign there, but you have to call a resign vote/talk to your team about it.
+0 / -0
it's ok to resign there, but you have to call a resign vote/talk to your team about it.

I think *have to* would be overselling it a bit... but it is certainly polite to communicate usefully in some way or another before unilaterally resigning. Particularly when you still have plenty of units left to play with, which you are now dumping on somebody else to manage.

All of this really does just boil down to
Treat other members of the community with respect.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
RUrankgooseman: Nitpick: Playing poorly even if you know better is actually fine, it's playing well below (or well above) your balancer ELO that causes problems with uneven games.*
This mostly happens due to inconsistent play.

Inconsistent play can also happen naturally some times (e.g. when people are trying out new strategies), hence why only a consistent pattern of reports of inconsistency play starts getting mod attention.

* Ok, so there's also the potential issue where you can have something like someone trying to rush nuke every game and the game result boiling down mostly to whether this works, which sometimes can make other players feel lacking in agency, which sucks.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Playing poorly even if you know better is actually fine

I agree insofar as such a person does not necessarily cause imbalanced games.

That being said, playing with someone who could play quite well if they chose, but is instead publicly boasting and flaunting that they can't be bothered playing the game with any degree of seriousness, is rather a drag - even if their rating accurately reflects the level of play they are delivering.

In this case I suppose the boasting is more the problem rather than the poor play.
+3 / -0