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Title: no ello teams
Host: AUrankSmokeDragon
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.6.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1945470
Started: 8 months ago
Duration: 4 minutes
Players: 12
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: None
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8 months ago
This battle counted for rating?
+0 / -0

8 months ago
tarkin sold
+0 / -0
8 months ago
Can admins derate this?
+0 / -0
it shouldnt have counted for rank if thats what your asking?

it was just a test of a mod.. it was a bit of sillyness

please confirm the correct syntax is: "noelo" : true, .. this does display in game as no ello true.. but when i set it via the mod settings it displays as no ello 1

.. i was told it was no ello

true ... ??? !!!
+0 / -0
im confused what is Rating? whats that even mean?

i hope i didnt loose anybody any rank
+0 / -0
8 months ago
+0 / -0
It's elo with one L FYI.

noelo isn't in the modoptions for the replay, I wasn't there for the lobby so idk what happened there. It is odd to me that a game with these modoptions isn't forced noelo by the server; shouldn't the noelo modoption be redundant in these cases? Seems odd to me that someone could pollute the casual ladder with nonsense by hosting rooms with nonsense modoptions and not setting them as noelo.
+0 / -0
well dont blame me i set this "noelo" : true, and it displayed ingame as such.. if that doesnt work why does it display? .. this is what i was told was no ello setting. i tried to do the right thing

from now on ill just set it manualy until i can work out whats wrong
+0 / -0

8 months ago
I think you want noelo=1, not true. Untagged for rating.
+2 / -0
ok thanks ill change things asap. i asked this question 2 months ago and was told the opposite.

sadly there have been a number of games with this setting that it seems counted for ello.

what confused me most was the setting displays ingame.. as no ello = false.. it shows up but does nothing
+0 / -0