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Zero-K review in c't

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12 years ago
Zero-K review has been published in a printed german magazine "c't" (-> http://www.heise.de/ct/ ). It's the second most popular German computer magazine.

You can read the article about us here: http://zero-k.info/temp/zerok_ct_26_colored.pdf

Thanks for the article and your interest!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
congratulations mate!

Nothing makes The Emperor more happier than seeing zero-K flourish and rise through ranks to become The best RTS ever!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yay this will bring more noobs to rage at!
+0 / -0
Good job! Was any work done on this side to have an article there? If not, congratulations (well otherwise too :D)!

Although i have to say, the controls were very strange at first for me (i'm coming from warcraft 3 and the likes), and it took a while to get used to them. If you're used to attack-move your units, it's extremely annoying if they attack the ground you clicked instead of enemies on their way.

I know this is a bold request, but maybe it helps to keep new players: Would it be possible to exchange the fight and attack commands? That is, a (attack) will make the units auto-micro and f (fight) will make them attack a specific target?
In the long run it might help players to get used to the controls faster.
Ofcourse people should be able to keep their current commands if they are already used to them...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
good job!
+0 / -0
translated the article to english [with my noob english.]


Real-time-strategists, who like massive battles with the style of Total Anihillation will like Zero-K. The open source game, based on the spring engine, theoretically runs with 250 players per battle, whereby each can command up to 5000 units. But already encounters of 2 to 4 players can become easily hectic and confusing. The ressource supply of metal and energy is a central part for unit production and base-building.: extractors provide metal, solar plants and fusion reactors produce energy. If one ressource is missing, the production is stalled. There is only one playable faction, which benefits the balancing. In exchange, the game offers a versatile unit selection. Beginning with tanks, to jets (planes), artillery and battleships up to gigantic battle walkers, there is everything a strategist would desire.

The graphics of zero-k are nice [german: does not have to hide? - better suggestions?] - this relates both effects and textures and unit models. Energy weapons send impressive lighnings over the screen. For starters, the game offers tutorial missions and the possiblilty to play vs AI players to familarize with the controls. The controls themselves are designed like genre-common, like the "command and conquer" series. You can zoom for better viewing with the mouse wheel out of the action, which leads to a smaller map scale and units are iconized.

The core of the game is the multiplayer mode. Playing vs human opponents achieve experience points, with higher ranks you can get additional building possibilities for skirmishes. The program needs for solo-play an internet connection. On the first start, the spring engine loads multiple additional game components. A simple registration (without email adress) is required, too.
+0 / -0
Zomg, that screenshot has Goli and Sumos! Now all the nubs will rush heavies. We are doomed! Everything is lost! ZK will die! D:
+0 / -0
Nice, looks like these people actually got what ZK is about.

(and yes, heavies do own)

edit: And big thanks to mojjj for translation :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Short, but attention is good. Also encouraging coming on the heels of the failed attempt to get Zero-K on GOG.com.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Good job, almighty master! New noobs to blow up indeed! Anyway, we get a feature YAY! Difficult to train them though...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Whenever training new players keep in mind: Your training could be the only thing standing between you and a big ZK community where more than 2 hosts are filled :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I doubt that. CA started with 4v4s. I expected two or more rooms being default as soon as we have more than 15 players online at once. Now we play 16v16 and bigger.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Right; it's not a lack of players, it's a lack of players willing to host/seed games, and not just join whatever happens to be the largest game at the time.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If there's 100 players willing to play, they won't be able to join the same host.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Spring supports 100 players in a single game. So sure they will.

lucky, the problem is people will leave the 1st room if the 2nd one grows too big, or alternatively merge the 2nd room via commands. This all happened before. I think one time an admin even !moved all players from an experienced room to a non experienced room for some silly reason (ie none).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I just bloody hate how some people don't give life to empty rooms myself. I just wanna 1v1 with a guy of my exact strength, dammit!

Still, good job at getting featured. Also, I love how I am a noob but am involved in the main forums
+0 / -0
Caused of that article I have decided to play Zero-K!
thanks to Ct to print this article, because now I am able to play this fantastic game! :D
+0 / -0
Oi, I hope you'll stay with us. :)

If there's anything people can help you with, make sure to let us know. A lot of people like assisting new players. When playing in team games make sure you communicate with others, let them know you are new, show patience and ask for advice when overwhelmed by what the game throws at you (you will be, at some point!). Most important though: Have fun playing!
+1 / -0

12 years ago
yay! welcome and have fun. and what skasi said about assistance ;)
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