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ZK is on Greenlight!

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10 years ago
massive success
Did you follow what was happening in the last two days? There were all kind of problems. Thousands of players but few got ingame.
Even if a few stick around and basically double the evolution playerbase, the prize has already been too high.

The top comments on steam is "WTF IS THIS?"
Players who failed to install are likely not coming back.
They are lost for any spring project.

Not going to explain every detail but look at this:

Read this please and also read all the feedback from users on steam.
Needs to be VERY sure that does not repeat with zero-K.

EvolutionRTS had some trivial problems that would have been caught with some real testing.

New players WILL try to play the zero-K missions.
Are the missions ready for that?
My experience with them, as well as the comments on them, tells me: No.

Will the install work 100% reliable? On all plattforms?
If it was not RECENTLY tested by several people on a BLANK system then the answer is: No, it will not.

Is the lobby "1000-monkeys-safe?"
Will things still work when hundreds of players randomly click all kind of buttons?
For example in evolutionRTS a problem at first was people clicking wildly on minimap which caused !addbox spam.
Seeing how even a few trolls routinely can stop the gaming and require admin intervention: This will be a problem for zero-K too.

If there is lots of reporte problems with engine, will anyone care to investigate it?
Afterall 91.0 is two years old now.

Are the default settings and widgets REALLY good?
In screenshots every game looks different. Unless many people have for longer periods played with defaults then: No, the defaults are not good.

That is not criticism to developers: things just happen to be as they are, and some problems are not easy to fix.
The only criticism would if you were to disregard all these things and still push for release.

zero-K will not be judged by spring standards. It will be judged as harsh as any other game.

I hope it is that not a desperation reaction like GoogleFrog wrote in other thread:
I don't see anything to lose at this point.
I am not sure if that is good basis on which to release.
+17 / -0
Exactly. Imho, the big focus needs to be on the "first five minutes" part. Not tweaking the game itself - the actual ZK gameplay experience is ready for prime-time. And I'm not talking about cosmetics - ZKL ain't pretty but the its appearance doesn't need to be priority.

The installation process, the first run (holy crap that annoying "writable directory" message!) the thing where sometimes ZKL doesn't really show and you have to find its icon in your system tray to open it up, giving the user a quick way to get into the SP missions, the quality of the SP missions... that stuff.

When the players get into the proper multiplayer game, they're in for a solidly good experience. But right up until then?

+4 / -0

10 years ago
A lot of the problems people had with Evo regarded getting single player up and working. I don't think this will be as big of an issue with ZK because ZKlobby has singleplayer button visible as soon as program is opened. The problem I see is that none of KingRaptors sunrise campaign missions appear in this menu: http://zero-k.info/Missions , how come?
+1 / -0
You might want to have a long discussion with knorke, forb and myself. We spent the entire evening and day helping newbs. Don't do it yet.

More of what I learned:

Linux users generally are more technical, but those that come from steam will have problems with all the extra work getting things working, and patience runs thin when there are hundreds of people needing help, be prepared. Any users - linux or not - that have any technical trouble will need hand holding and that requires 1 on 1 time from "staff." Hundreds of people means we need lots of staff.

Lucky: Springie is better than spads due to 2 reasons:
- Existing map boxes - no need for box setup
- Spectating unsynced users - no delaying the game - very important for a flood of newbies!

I foolishly resisted adding !start to weblobby because silly springie gives me no way to identify it, thus I can't tell springie from a human. But 1 in 1000 hosts are humans so I should have just let the issue go and put that in (like zklobby will say !start even in a human host). I wanted complete correctness and it was a mistake.

People will complain about ugliness and it's not a trivial issue. They say "I wanted to play the game and it put me in a stupid program" and some people will literally turn it off without even looking around. Weblobby looks way better than ZKlobby so be prepared, this will happen. One guy was running weblobby in a tiny shrunken window and couldn't see anything.

Single player is crucial and ZK SP = Missions, so as knorke said it had better work. Don't bother telling people to make custom battles, it's too much trouble for most people even though it's ridiculously simple for us - add 2 teams, you vs. bot. Seems simple but it's not. You want a click and play at all costs. Make sure it works.

We were overwhelmed. A bunch of very small issues that are easy to deal with when 1-2 newbies join the lobby, is a whole different story when 200 people join.
+12 / -0
10 years ago
A comment in greenlight:

Skoardy Il y a 3 heures
The cover image with rounded corners makes the game look like it's a mobile port. Ports generally get a bad rap on Greenlight so you might want to look at changing it.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Evo Rts go live was a train wreck. please lets not do this unless we have a couple of months to get ready.
+0 / -0
Are the default settings and widgets REALLY good?
In screenshots every game looks different. Unless many people have for longer periods played with defaults then: No, the defaults are not good.

I said this months ago, and I still stand by it. Granted, the defaults are, all things considered, usable out of the box, with the exception of chat being at the top. However, I'm not sure how we could do new user testing on widget sets before a flood happens. It would be worth having a lobby page with UI arrangement presets, for simplicity's sake.

They say "I wanted to play the game and it put me in a stupid program" ...One guy was running weblobby in a tiny shrunken window and couldn't see anything.

I find that interesting, given the popularity of many Free-to-Play games that have most of their setup happen in lobby programs. Also, Zero-K lobby prioritizes the section with the start button, so using it at small resolutions is much easier than with Weblobby.

As for something for game start, a single big button on the start page (not the home page, we'll need another in-lobby section for this) labeled "Play" or one labeled "Play Singleplayer" or "Play Multiplayer", where the singleplayer one jumps you into the campaign (yeah, we'll need this) and the multiplayer one starts up juggler. Possibly also have simplified juggler settings in there as well. Checkboxes for each game type rather than drop down menus would work. Also, automating game start might not be a bad idea, at least when going from the start page.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Evo Rts go live was a train wreck. please lets not do this unless we have a couple of months to get ready.

Evo took over a year to get greenlit. We have the lead start.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
CArankAdminShadowfury333, USrankAdminCarRepairer

How does EvoRTS show the WebLobby? Does it launch use some kind of Evo-themed web-browser or does it just launch in the user's existing web-browser? Because I could see the latter causing some confusion.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It uses QT wrapper around the webview that hosts the weblobby.

It also has some slight thematic modifications (more yellow) and has evo filter on default.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Some suggestions for improvements:

A box that appear the first time the lobby is opened showing some basic labeled pictures of the lobby.

Make the lobby look more game-like. It might stop the people whining about the lobby complaining so much.

Remove the planetwars tab until/unless PW is remade.

Single player/bots:
Have an obvious menu above or below the player list to add bots and do other stuff, similar to the current "extras" button in the top left. Once added have a dropdown menu next to the bot's name to set which team it is on.

Extensively test and fix any bugs found in the single player missions.

Local single player?


Kickbankillburn the raging trolls. If we get a flood of new players it is imperative that they are not driven off by said trolls.

There is probably a lot more, but that is all I can think of now.
+4 / -0
I think that [up]Knorke is right, Zero-K is not ready for greenlight yet. Well but it already has been submited so there is not much we can do abaut it now.
In terms of ZK's issues i would like to point out that the worst barrier for any spring game is the lobby wich accualy is not bad for ZK but is not great either and imo rquires the most attencion because it is the first thing that the new player will face. Therefore i would deleate planet wars tab (because it would be too confusing) and give the buttons some tooltips perhaps.

Second most important thing imo as other said are singleplayer missions wich the new players will in doubd try (almost every new player to any game tries the SP before MP). However i must tell that all official SP missions are not that bad and indeed teach you a lot. I might add that i call that from experience because its how did i started playing ZK - from those missions.
So i wouldnt be that scared abaut missions's qualitiy.

Coming to very last importqant fix - sea warfare needs to be fixed. Badly. It can put people off in the long run as does snake balance in evo.

Also there is one more thing worth mentioning. Will the server be able to resist the great influx of players. We have seen (and we are still seeing) the conqesences of the Evo's release on Steam. People were unable to create new rooms and most players were labeled as lvl 0 newbs. And that was maby a quater of new players playing because the rest couldnt figure out how to play. Imagine if Zero K gets popular enough to attract 400 players wich would play at once on Srping server. I dont think that server would handle it since it already had issues with 20 more ppl playing at the same time.

So to the point - I dont think that ZK is ready for the Steam release both gameplay wise and logiscticly wise and also we do need to ask ourselves (mostly devs) "do we really need this".

Ps. TheSponge is right admins need to find a good reason to put Sfireman to sleep in time of release :F
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Current ZK community size is about 100 people.

Assuming it's a generally normal population, approximately 1 in 100 people is an empirical sfireman.

Assuming Steam gives the same amount of growth it gave to Evo, we're likely to have 3 more sfiremen.

Eliminating the neosfiremen before they mature has 3 times more value than eliminating paleosfireman.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
To add to newbie frustration avoidance, a large influx of players would be a good time to reduce the team room size to 10 or 12, possibly limiting specs as well (Evo has been doing this). If juggler is on the front page it might be moot, but the last thing we want is an eternal September where all the newbies learned the ZK culture from being yelled at in large teams. Every previous call to reduce the player limit was met with "we don't have enough players", which would be a moot point.
+3 / -1
10 years ago
Kickbankillburn the raging trolls.


Also, what about asking some completely green people for feedback while they try to get a game going in ZK so you can see what's wrong from a new player perspective and then fix it.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
Springies requiring a restart every few hours should probably be fixed before the Greenlight launch too.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
One thing I've been doing lately is the helptext translations; newbies whose primary language is not English might find them useful. Those who would like to contribute, but have little experience with other forms of development could have ZK translated into their mother tongue.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
"A box that appear the first time the lobby "

this is probably a good idea anyways. make a small welcome screen with some basic advice & links to tutorials and rules and other stuff like that.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Although I agree with everybody saying zk is not ready to be "released", just being there (and hopefully accepted at some point) I think it is good.

Quote from http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/about/?appid=765§ion=faq

"What happens after my game gets Greenlit?
Once your game is Greenlit,... You can take as much time as you need to complete the paperwork and/or to work on your product before releasing...."
+6 / -0
10 years ago
Yeah the only problem with ZK being on greenlight now is that it might not be accepted if people don't like it enough, but if EVO made it i think ZK also should.
+0 / -0
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