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Why you should not take elo serious

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Superinteressting interblog post!

Look at this player:

1700 elo, thats above average right?

So how comes a 1700 elo player plays like that:

Ok, he was new back then.
He plays better now but still his base usually looks like this:

and he does not play very good. As in, if he makes units they are randomly selected and die in 5 seconds. (after standing around in base for minutes)
No personal offense to the dude, the point is he is not "1700 elo good."

Normally he has ~1300 elo but he likes to play the DOTA mode.
A dozen games of DOTA easily get him 400 elo, as one match can be "worth" 25+

Multiplayer B116812 2 on ShevaV2
Multiplayer B115660 2 on ShevaV2

So maybe keep that in mind the next time you complain about "bad team balance."
elo calculation is 50% nonsense so just because the elo-sums in two teams are equal, does not mean the players are similiar good.

"But I dont play DOTA or other lolgames! My elo is pure!"
Maybe you dont. But maybe you played vs someone who does.
So when you win vs such player with inflated elo, your elo is now inflated too.

All the elo is infected by nubgames and trololo.
A good thing to remember when you refuse to play a game because "other team has 200 more elo."
+0 / -0

12 years ago

I suppose DOTA, etc. should be coded to not affect Elo. Make issue report!
+0 / -0
we just had a big discussion about teambalancing:

It is not about dota but essentially the same problem. To summarize, Licho doesnt see a major need for it, so case pretty closed.
+0 / -0
CZrankAdminLicho Im not against adding it though there isnt much space to display it. It could be on user's page or separate ladder though.

From what I understand, people are free to implement 1v1 elo (maybe a special case for dota as well), if they do it properly. But Licho won't be the one doing that. So it's a question of whether you care enough to implement it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Elo inflation from lolgames and 1x1/teamgame separation are slightly different, no?
+0 / -0
The only problem I see with adding a 1v1 elo, and maybe a "silly maps"-elo and dota-elo too, is where to show them. But that's just semantics imo. (well, of course there's work in the implementation as well)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The only problem I see with adding a 1v1 elo, and maybe a "silly maps"-elo and dota-elo too, is where to show them. But that's just semantics imo.

Solution is obvious: hide elo once and for all.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
1v1 is to easy to farm elo in.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
the definition of lolgame is that outcome is pretty random... i'm pretty sure you can't inflate/deflate your elo by playing a large number of games on trololo, with large teams.

Its obviously not the same for DOTA. Now imagine some player with an unwarranted 1700 yelling at a good player that is 1600, telling him what to do because he has more ELO. (purely fictional situation...)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This is actually a good point.

Dota and silly maps shouldn't effect elo. (or at least the elo used for team balancing) This separation is even more important than that from 1v1 games. This is because the correlation between the skills (read randomness or module availability) needed to play those and team games is even smaller than between 1v1 and team.

But again, implementing the change is where it's at.
(still need to dust off my C# skillz)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
1v1 is to easy to farm elo in.

+0 / -0
Stomping newbies just stops giving you elo at some point. Agreed, with a bit of practise you'll be 1900 in no time. But the road to 2200+ takes significantly more games. Not to mention that the loses vs the more seasoned 1v1 players will start to hurt your elo more and more.

You are 1803 now, you are still gaining more than 2 elo for fighting newer players (<1600). At 2100, that border has shifted to <1900 :P And at 2200 you will hardly be getting anything from fighting players outside the top 10. At that point the TEAM games are the only way left to farm elo (or fight 2500+ players (Godde) 20 times in a row and hope for a win :P)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Biggest ELO inflator was planetwars and all these mentioned "issues" are so ZERO compared to PW elo inflation, usually good clan-stack players gets way bigger elo than they are worth and still gets good teammates.

I remember first or so PW season I played as "clanless", so it always "balanced" me to random nabs team - it was horrifying experience whole page was red of loses, and always same people would win...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There is never an inflation in elo system.
Elo is zero sum.

Average of all players is ALWAYS 1500

Average of active players can be different depending on what is the average elo of players who decided to stop playing.

This however has nothing to do with playing different game modes.

Also seeing this is not really incompatible with elo 1700 .. have you seen sfireman doing his singu rush?
People can play differently each game and even strategies which fail unsupported (like the screenshot) can give team good win chance if team supports such a player.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
At least we can remove Elo from the Dota mod.I many times lost like 100-200 elo because of that mod.But you get your elo verry fast up if you end up in good teams because of your low elo:D.So low elo for players who know what to do with it doesn;t stay long.I think is the same for Bigmaverik, only in contrary.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Don't remove it! My elo is too high anyway. =P
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I feel this is basically an oversight. DoTA is not the same game and should clearly not share elo.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I agree with Saktoth on that.Also big elo players don;t want to play dota because they lose lots of elo here.So this mod will be great and many high elo players will enjoy the time spending here.Please remove elo from this mod:D...we really need it
+0 / -0

12 years ago
FIranksprang Well, I dont care enough (besides the fact that I have zero coding skill). Now I actually think most people dont play dota mods and 1v1 or good 1v1'ers who dont play teamgames if it decreases their elo and e-peen. So while the problem is valid in theory, in practise it is minor.
I recently got my elo down in 1v1 and I like it. I can play every gamemode and unbalanced game without having to care about e-peen. So I am now in favor of keeping elo as it is.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Any mod that starts with "Zero-K" in name shares the elo.
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