Superinteressting interblog post!
Look at this player:

1700 elo, thats above average right?
So how comes a 1700 elo player plays like that:
Ok, he was new back then.
He plays better now but still his base usually looks like this:

and he does not play very good. As in, if he makes units they are randomly selected and die in 5 seconds. (after standing around in base for minutes)
No personal offense to the dude, the point is he is not "1700 elo good."
Normally he has ~1300 elo but he likes to play the DOTA mode.
A dozen games of DOTA easily get him 400 elo, as one match can be "worth" 25+
B116812 2 on ShevaV2
B115660 2 on ShevaV2
So maybe keep that in mind the next time you complain about "bad team balance."
elo calculation is 50% nonsense so just because the elo-sums in two teams are equal, does not mean the players are similiar good.
"But I dont play DOTA or other lolgames! My elo is pure!"Maybe you dont. But maybe you played vs someone who does.
So when you win vs such player with inflated elo, your elo is now inflated too.
All the elo is infected by nubgames and trololo.
A good thing to remember when you refuse to play a game because "other team has 200 more elo."