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Volcanos and lava

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So picture this:
* an allterrain dirtbag but looking like stone, driven by ai downslope, slower as it flattens
* has a red, lava colored, opaque shield,
* shield turn to black lava rock if depleted
* when depleted unit dirtbags large mound with ground color change to black
* shield is charging through proximity to other lava units, when 2 neigbours or less, it depletes on its own.

* unit has spherical hitbox
* unit has damage by contact option similar to felon but on the range of its small shield, doing flamethrowing damage as which it depletes shield
* shield charges up when close to other lava units, like shields, shield can take hits depleting it
* volcano generator does massive shield charging from which all other are being charged.
* volcano can do massive erruption that makes a lot of those lava blobs at small timespace
* as lava go downhill they lose contact with the power source (like charged through bottleneck of 2 or less lava rocks) they dissipate on their own, kinda like shields but without auto charging, only charging shield from volcano generator so it behaves naturally.

* there is a generator unit that launches lava units in the air, its placed in centre of volcano
* the lava units can land on each other, like jacks sometimes lands on geo and kinda slides away from it, looking for its place, along with ai moving it
* water fast depletes shield

so long story short, this gives a functioning volcano, it spits lava bulbs that get hotter when clump but dry up when outside, lava units pile up when in volcao but when they reach a lot of them it overflows and flows down. when touched it burns in fire and looses its heat, it can be cooled by attacking it, it flows downhill, so it behaves like a lava :) would be cool to have one map with it

whatcha think? song relevant.

+0 / -0
you could make a mod or pay / ask another modder to make it for you =)

from a lore perspective.. most planets do have a molten core.. but the energy required to access or weaponize it could perhaps be better utilized to simply cut holes in the enemy rather then 10 miles into the ground

volcanoes are cool =P or hot depending on your point of view
+1 / -0
2 years ago
lowkey it looks as lot of work, but its just simple ctrl-c ctrl-v things for somoene who sits in it... besides ai that points it downhill all else is just out there in various shape of form, like fellon, just change it to flame attack and smaller shield. or dirtbox action when hit with coloring of ground texture. shields already change color so its there too.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
AUrankSmokeDragon also, the molten core theory does not match the expanding earth reality... many gravity guys figured out like halley, that just as there are rings around planets, the planets can be massive rings as well. the hollow earth theory matches nicely the expanding earth observation...

same thing applies to all planets, moons, and stars, including sun. the only question remains:
whom did the govt bought our planet from to make us pay for living on it...

+0 / -0
O.o you think the planet is a hollow ball sold to humans by aliens?

i suppose it could be true but how can you know this.. how can you jump in a boat like that without questioning if others know it...

its most likly that what your hearing on the internet is feeding a desire for sensationalism and much less likly these people have met aliens or journeyed to the center of the earth

perhaps there are things to discover and many secrets.. but im not convinced the internet is always honest
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I was a little interested in the Edmond Halley stuff because of the Ancient Aliens video, so I checked out the source material. It's linked in his section of Wikipedia, a small article in Philisophical Transations from 1692. Reading it myself, it seems Halley is well aware of how ridiculous the theory is, mentioning how a lot of parts are explained by "something we simply have no way of knowing" and the "Given our perfectly spherical increasingly dense arches which have been perfectly centered supporting cows and no friction in a vacuum" nature of descriptions of things. He understands that his data is incomplete, and urges a wide-scale scientific observation of physical measurements, which would be momentous for the times he was in, but with the internet, satellites, automation, and air travel of today is fairly trivial. To me, it reads like a lawyer arguing a case, because in the court of science no hypothesis that might explain an unexplained phenomenon should be left without a fair trial of peers.

These phaenomena, being well understood and duly considered, sufficiently evince, that the whole magnetical system has one, or perhaps more motions ; that the moving force is very great, as extending its effects from pole to pole ; and that its motion is not per saltum, but a gradual and regular motion.[Spoiler]

The modern theory of a high-heat molten mantle and layers of cores fits the original observed phenomena, a shifting mass of high-heat ferrous material. The modern theory also explains the echoing of seismic activity through different mediums of solid matter observed after huge earthquakes. The modern theory has a lot of supporting evidence, I'm saying.
The period of this motion being wonderfully great, and there being hardly a century since these variations have been duly observed, it will be very hard to bring this hypothesis to a calculus, especially since, though the variations in- crease and decrease regularly in the same place, yet in different places, at no great distance, there are found such casual changes of it, as can nowise be ac-counted for by a regular hypothesis;

This in reference to the moving of the magnetic poles. We knew then, and we know more now about how the earth's magnetic field manifests. It's still under debate with no scientifically exact cause and effect, but the leading theory holds true to data observed and experiments conducted. Here's a nice video that talks about magnetic poles.
all that we can hope to do, is to leave behind us observations that may be confided in, and to propose hypotheses, which after ages may examine, amend, or refute. Only here I must take leave to recommend to all masters of ships and all others, lovers of natural truths, that they use their utmost diligence to make, or pro- cure to be made, observations of these variations in all parts of the world, as well in the north as south latitude, after the laudable custom of our East India Commanders, and that they please to communicate them to the Royal Society, in order to leave as complete a history as may be, to those who are hereafter to compare all together, and to complete and perfect this abstruse theory.[Spoiler]

> I need replays and benchmarks.
But still it may be said, that without light there can be no living, and there- fore all this apparatus of our inward globes must be useless: to this I answer, that there are many ways of producing light, which we are wholly ignorant of;

Yes, light! how? unknown! must start !!!SCIENCE!!!
Do you have the results?
+0 / -0
AUrankSmokeDragon being a vegan cyclist i identify myself as a dolphin.


For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.

given the bullshit situation the land locked humans live in lives of desperation, i aim for a fuckn ocean grade sailboat to live on it earthyandy style https://earthyandy.com or like those vegan guys:

checked swedish laws, they say sub 12m and 4m wide and speed below 55kmh is bueno and nonlicenced from their man, and im cool with that... similar laws are in poland, couple of osb panels laced with styrofoam on bottom, hoophouse on top, plenty of space for veggie garden, place to crash, some solar, satdish for directional interwebs, one for me, one for charter... seen some pish-posh houseboat on polish airbnb go around 300€/2nights, booked month in advance... more than enough of cash to have...

with osb panels and pvc foil this shit is like 1k€ in materials for one 12m puppy. if you put some extra shit like engine and stuff it goes for sub 3k€ project boat, that is super light, and super fast going in hydroglide over waves instead of through them.

USrankAdminSteel_Blue yea. however. assuming newtonian model of gravity, if you take 2 rocks, put it in space, the gravity between them in centre of mass is 0. if you take grains of sand or atoms and take a spherical cloud of those, lets call that cloud earth for example, they will also have gravity of 0 in centre, and moving towards shell... occams razor in da haus biotch!!!1!!111eleven #murica #sayenc #erh
+0 / -0

2 years ago
occams razor's argument for god?
+1 / -0
not presuming more then is neccicary is inextricably linked to the begining.. but why will only become clear in the end

are you sure being a dolphin is your Porpoise? =)
+0 / -0
USrankAdminSteel_Blue assuming god exist, and most likely he is i dont wanna go to his haven, given track record of
* kill chickens and put their blood over our house or i will yeet thy
* "show me your loyalty by killing your son" - "lol, jk. youre cool, you dont have to kill your son"
* lets fuckup firstborns in egypt because some pharoh went emo
* give a man fishing rod instead of fish, that leads to trawlers instead of like chickpea plantantions...
* nuking sodoma-gomora instead of pulling it out of rut throug veganism like todmorden or california project newstart

i bow my head to only one true god. couples holding hands and preagnent/nursing females. all else can go to heaven-o-hell of their own choosing.

when you take a look about story of god vs satan, it kinda looks like story of rambo1 when satan is rambo and god is colonel. god made promises he wouldnt keep, and satan was yea. you do your own nuking of sodoma-gomora, heres the button to nuke them, you press it, im starting a party, and thrid of gods crew were like, yea, were done as well... cant blame the guy.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
"i bow my head to only one true god. couples holding hands and preagnent/nursing females. all else can go to heaven-o-hell of their own choosing."

That's a lot of assumptions there buddy, all about couples and heaven/hell and nursing and free ability to choose. Fewer suppositions is better, so instead:

God exists.

2 words is very good.
+2 / -0
rook.. i hope it all works out
+0 / -0
USrankAdminSteel_Blue im doing reality. im not doing woo woo bullshit like wars and other "supremacy". bluehairs are right to certain extent about patriarchy... and youre just "thought stomping" with propaganda slogans "god is good" instead using own eyes and heart to see what is what. i did some advertising work, i see how it goes... and where it leads to, i wouldnt do it to anyone else.
+0 / -0
AUrankSmokeDragon oh, it does, for good shepherds who say "go away from me i never knew you" after life of servitude to them.. the story of shepard is cool, once you understands that by shepherding you direct them to your own needs and wants, and all shepherding ends in this:

i wanna do vegan artificial volcanos instead.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
+0 / -0

occams razor's argument for god?

there you go:

"ghost hacked humans are pathetic".

im not saying god is not real, he might be, but hes a foreign etitiy to you and entity of gaia that is a peer to you which he forgot, that wants to hijack you to do things his way not yours. case in point, the whole mob-aliegeince ritual of "kill own kid for me" presented in bible of christians. some things in bible describe gaia perfectly, not god. as Daniel 1:12... he wants to pass as gaia, hes not. at least by works of his followers. he might have powers to thought arange lighingns and so on to express himself, but so do you to express yourself by manipulation of soul the things around you.

you also have power of telekinesis. with thoughts alone you can move atoms of your hand to move atoms foreign to your hand, such as lifiting a spoon. or even making a spoon, that does not grow on tree. would pure telekinesis exist, probably, but would you go there instead of snuggling with someone...

also this.

+0 / -0
rook.. i hope it all works out

well quite obviously not. Note how the thread got derailed by it`s owners second post already.

being a vegan cyclist i identify myself as a dolphin.

I guess you are aware that you usually come across as an alt-right that is trying to discredit vegans by performing as a caricature of one...

many gravity guys figured out like halley, that just as there are rings around planets, the planets can be massive rings as well. the hollow earth theory matches nicely the expanding earth observation

1. Bibliography?
2. Why do those opinions have more weight than all the other ones that think this hypothesis is wrong?
3. But "the hollow earth theory matches nicely the expanding earth observation" does not match the planetary orbits. That would bring up the question why the current understanding of gravity is so accurate that we can almost perfectly describe the spatial aspects of the observable universe if it was wrong.

Just to be clear: It would be definitely unscientific to say that the hypothesis of an expanding earth is wrong, as it would be to say it is correct. BUT: a HOLLOW earth is very very unlikely, because that would mean all our very well working models of gravity, electromagnetism and the behaviour of waves would be completely wrong. Yes, there are still some things we don`t understand (Quantum-gravity), but we are so far that we can simulate the whole observable universe with our models with very high accuracy.

So, my question would be why an (for now) hypothetical expansion of our planet is a motivation to throw very accurately working models out of the window.

+0 / -0
23 months ago
DErankkatastrophe thanks for invitation, but im not going there. im going there...
+0 / -0

23 months ago
actually, why do you invest so much time in an enviroment that is hostile to you?
+0 / -0