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Other facs against jumpers

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There are talks going on here and there if Jumpers have OP units. And I want to bring it up. Having lost like 3rd or 4th game against jumpers in a row, not counting dozens before, I'd like to wonder if it's my skill (or lack of) or some Jumper units are OP for their cost.

Here are examples.

Shield fac: on the hilly areas Jacks do very well against typical shieldball participants: thugs, convicts, felons and outlaws. Basically they jump inside the ball, kill the felon. The rest of ball dies afterwards to Jacks or fast Pyros. In the same time Pyros can do zero-attrition raids to naked or semi naked exps. Puppy is also good to sneak and wait for naked cons to come to exp. Also the raids are paractically blocked as Pyro - Shields are too slow to react to such raids timely, so heavy porc is only option to defend distant sites. How shields are supposed to play against Jumpers? OP units here: Pyro for raider speed and riot damage, Jack for being ultimate counter to a shieldball - often the only mean shield fac player plays.

Cloaky fac: similar story here except that Glaive loses badly against OPuppy in the battlefield and thus cost-wise. Here warrior does well against Pyro in the direct combat, but ZK is not a boxing ring, so Pyro can always outrun/outjump warriors or if warriors are set in line then find a weak junction in the chain and break through. If Pyros break out, there is almost nothing can stop them. Glaives burn and die. Everything else is not fast enough. Again: either porc or crawling bombs set in advance. Should amount of warriors become excessive they can always be sniped by moderator. OP units here: Pyro for raider speed and riot damage, Puppy for killing glaives so easily.

HT. This is especially hillarios as one unit (Puppy) makes cost against almost whole fac. One exception may be Koda & Panther, if microed really well. I find it quite interesting that zero micro suicide unit makes cost against "tough" assaults like Reaper or Golly. Banisher may help but it's slowly overrun by puppies. OP units here: Puppy.

I'm sure similar story here except maybe Spiders. Basically, whole play of Jumps is centered around:
Pyro (speed + riot damage + fac/comm kill)
Puppy (neutral wreckages reclaim/multiplication + glaive and to some extent bandit instakill + swarm tactic).
Jack for being shields kryptonite.

I fully admit possibility that I miss something out, so feel free to suggest, argue and comment. Otherwise some adjustments should be made to OP units.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
This is something that I have been watching. It would be good to post replays.
+0 / -0
cloaky lab: still zeus and sniper... allways zeus and sniper... why do you build anything other then zeus and sniper vs jump? why would you even build anything other then zeus and sniper vs jump?

shield lab: have you tried the fast outlaw ball? its pwn, much pwn, infinite pwn...

some aditional notes from personal observations:
outlaw thug ball (3 outlaw 3 thug) can not be killed by jumpy lab without sumo(or similar level cost investment)

glaive are made of paper, thinking that they will beat enemy head on is where you went wrong... they are not really meant for fighting anything head on

jack is stronk, but im not sure this is a bad thing... jack fills the role of HP tank in a lab that on avarage has less then 1000hp in unit health

pyros are balanced now, llt pwn them, raiders pwn them, no complaints

puppies can not beat assult class units(taht repair), this is a fact of life... when enemy makes puppies, you make assults. no ifs, no buts, no misceleneous front parts...

replay of jumps vs fellon balls:


jacks need to be really lucky to kill a fellon ball, if fellon retreats sucsessfuly jack dies dealing no damage

firevalkers are more effective then jack vs shields imo

puppies are not the be all end all of raider game

pyro are expensive and die to llt

switch to air is much more effective then staying jumps
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Perhaps my response should be "Demonstrate this by shifting the meta at a high visibility event such as a tourney".
+2 / -0

10 years ago
CHrankivand I am no top 50 player in 1v1. But experienced enough to know some counters. I suggest lets test it. You can play Jumper and I will play whatever fac you want. Extra rule to compair factorys in the direkt way. No Defence building allowed except of 1 llt to protect factory from raiders.
That way you can maybe learn how to react or we have a lot of replays for AUrankAdminGoogleFrog for rebalance stuff.
What do you think CHrankivand? Lets do it?
+0 / -1
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, I have plenty of replays, but other party is against mentioning him in this context.


Cloaky lab:
Won't Zeus have troubles countering pure Pyro for same amount of metal?
Puppy is probably second best mean to find snipers, second to fleas.

Shield Lab:
Shielded Outlaw is a good combo for early game, however it's short lived, as the amount of Pyros becomes more than 3. I'd guess after killing Outlaw, the rest (thugs or cnvicts) will fall.

I admit, that 3 Outlaw + 3 Thug is tough combo to counter by Puppies, Pyros and Moders; however it's as slow as turtle. One could easily outrun/outjump this ball and raid distant expantions while "the ball" tries to catch up. The damaging power of Pyros can't be compared to the described combo, so the base or exps will go down much faster, than the ones attacked by ball. Quite a tricky explaination, but I hope I can be understood.

Regarding glaives, yeah, indeed, they are "attack only units", not for head on combat. When who I'm supposed to raid Jumper enemy then? Glaives die to both Puppies and Pyros. Evrything else can hardly be named raider.

Jack does surprisingly well against slow shieldball. One or two is enough to counter one Felon, the rest of the ball is peanuts and dies easily as per original message. I always retreat-attack (kite) Jack with Felon ball, still the ball dies.

Even if one or two LLTs counter one Pyro, it doesn't go in singular counts (at least in my games). They simply come in numbers against a single exp cluster and rape it. Don't you suggest I build 10 LLTs in every exp (especially since I have no raiding means as per two messages above)?

Regarding the Assault. Well, the ultimate assault - Goli - doesn't make cost against metal equal number of puppies. I agree that if the fat assault is repaired it's a good counter. However puppies on hold fire can simply evade the assault(s), and go straight to less durable units (like the ones who repair assaults). Assaults can't do anything to hold-fire puppies.

I'll take a look into the replay and comment later.

Opinions are interesting, however there are different ones here :)

DErankMagman. If I were a good player of Jumpers, would I ever have created this topic? Basically my experience is following: for my skill level I have negative score against Jumpers, and positive against everything else, played against the same player. If this player would like, he will call you out, and both of you will show what could be made different to my play.
+0 / -0

10 years ago

If this player would like, he will call you out, and both of you will show what could be made different to my play.

Ok but who is this player you talk about? If it is one of the top 20 that test make no sence at all, because he would beat me with every factory. Doesn't matter what fac he or me takes.
+0 / -0
Well, DErankMagman, he specifically denied mentioning him in this topic. I can ask if he can play you right now, not promising anything though.

Added later. So Magman you have played 3 times against my fellow. What is your feedback on that?
+0 / -0
Cloaky lab:
Won't Zeus have troubles countering pure Pyro for same amount of metal?
Puppy is probably second best mean to find snipers, second to fleas.

Shield Lab:
Shielded Outlaw is a good combo for early game, however it's short lived, as the amount of Pyros becomes more than 3. I'd guess after killing Outlaw, the rest (thugs or cnvicts) will fall.

I admit, that 3 Outlaw + 3 Thug is tough combo to counter by Puppies, Pyros and Moders; however it's as slow as turtle. One could easily outrun/outjump this ball and raid distant expantions while "the ball" tries to catch up. The damaging power of Pyros can't be compared to the described combo, so the base or exps will go down much faster, than the ones attacked by ball. Quite a tricky explaination, but I hope I can be understood.

on outlaw balls:
the minimum is 3 thug and 3 outlaw, anything below that is verry vulnerable to raiders... lower numbers can be used for defence, but to attack you need at least that many
once you reach that number tho, the ball becomes imposible to kill with any number of raiders when used well

also 2.0 speed is fast, really scarry fast... most units are alot slower

you misunderstand the use of assult/high damage resistance units

generaly speaking outlaw shield balls and zeus do not need to chase units, you can simply march them into the middle of the enemy base and kill evrything

the only option your enemy then has is to:
1 send their unit to fight your assult force (and die, both tactics make 4x cost vs pyro)
2 kill your base faster then you can kill theirs

agression can be your shield and your sword, if you attack hard enough your enemy has no option but to come meet your army and fight it head on
+0 / -0

10 years ago
@Ivand: for reference, every game you play is stored on the site, so it's pretty easy to run through you last battles and see who you are talking about. It's just as easy to see the replays and figure out exactly what was done. Trying to be secretive is rather pointless.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
CArankAdminShadowfury333, Thanks man, I'm not that stupid as It might have looked. I was denied mentioning nickname, but everyone who knows this little secret (every rpl is stored) could have guessed whom I was talking about :)
+0 / -0
@Googlefrog here are some replays.
Multiplayer B279263 2 on Small_Divide-Remake-v04 I tryed shield vs. Jump with light def
Multiplayer B279248 2 on Small_Divide-Remake-v04 I tryed cloaky vs. Jump with only 1 llt at fac
Multiplayer B279241 2 on Small_Divide-Remake-v04 I tryed shield vs. jump with only 1 llt at fac.
We got nearly the same elo and I lost every game.
Shield needs some anti pyro. Cloaky is doing well with zeus+ worrior + glaive push I think.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
:P @magman watch the replays and listen to the spectator trollmentary for those games ^.^

also you didnt use outlaw shield ball of doom even though you have nuf outlaws and nuf thugs
+0 / -0

10 years ago

the ball you have mentioned is ~1300 metal worth and it has limited damage range and still limited speed/reachability (compared to fast species of Jumpers). Damage potential is limited I insist, the ball is not a raider nor a true riot. How do you make sure again, you are not outflanked, as we saw several times with last couple of hours, when Magman was doing his tries?

Kill ur base option from your post seems to be the correct answer. Now the question from my side, who will kill base faster: bunch of Pyros or 3+3 ball you have mentioned.

BTW, this ball is also a subject to counter by jacks or a scuttle.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
DErankMagman, links you have provided don't seem to open correct games for me.

Proper ones are:


Also for the last game as far as I understood you had no limits on defence nor on facswitch.
+0 / -0
Kill ur base option from your post seems to be the correct answer. Now the question from my side, who will kill base faster: bunch of Pyros or 3+3 ball you have mentioned.

also thats a problem for you to solve, each player has their own answer to it
+0 / -0

10 years ago
GBrankKyubey, your reply is quite philosophic. I was wondering what to do here really in more practical sense :)

I will definitely try ur suggested units configuration, I'm pretyy sure, though, it's going to fail, the way I wrote. Most likely to jack(s).
+0 / -0

:D traning, determination, and russian ingenuity

with experiance you find more ways to do things, most of the top 10 have diffrent ways of solving the problem of "how do i kill my enemy without them killing me"
+0 / -0

10 years ago
:D traning, determination, and russian ingenuity

Best counter suggestion so far :)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
WRT Pyro: the afterburn effect only has a 10% chance to proc per projectile and its total damage is also random (150 - 225). It's somewhat frustrating to have a high-power low-chance random-based ability at low weight - getting a Glaive or a Bandit poked by a Pyro who then jumps away is a lottery whether it starts burning or not and then whether the total damage is enough to kill it or not.
+2 / -0
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