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Zero-K metal measurements but they're americanUSrankCliver5912 days ago
Which air unit counters tanks best?USrankCliver5420 days ago
Silly update ideasUSrankCliver57426 days ago
Felon kinda OPunknownrankPLT_Chomolungma1940 days ago
How to juggle MerlinsUSrankCliver5645 days ago
When to reclaim and when to repairUSrankCliver5752 days ago
Logix and tactical pausingUSrankchaplol222 months ago
I am now reading: The Art Of WarUSrankCliver5292 months ago
quake doesnt seem very effectiveUSrankPLT_skigear72 months ago
Amph, Spider, and Shield factoryunknownrankPLT_Chomolungma122 months ago
[May 11] 3v3 FW TournamentunknownrankShaman112 months ago
athena vs. upgrading your comm to resurrectUSrankPLT_skigear72 months ago
Please disable TAW for some timeDErankmadez332 months ago
Anyone find long games mentally tiring?FRrankaccountio73 months ago
B1882713 7 on All That Glitters v1.2 (Bots)unknownrankPLT_Chomolungma43 months ago
Make split more balanced, can it be implemented?unknownrankTheFlyingFortress143 months ago
Complete Annihalation, what was it like?unknownrankTheFlyingFortress43 months ago
Campaign Feedback - Gunships, Skuttle, Firewalker and AthenaAUrankAdminAquanim783 months ago
B1871704 18 on Nuclear_Winter_v1 (Multiplayer)USrankPLT_skigear23 months ago
New building "Stronghold"GBrankGeoruku113 months ago
Game mode be freeAUrankSmokeDragon34 months ago