Last battles
640 played, 131 watched, 91 missionsB1598884 22 on Fields_Of_Isis
B1598877 21 on Nuclear_Winter_v1
B1598862 20 on Delta Siege Dry Reloaded vBETA4
B1598857 15 on IncultaV2
B1598850 14 on Akilon Wastelands ZK v1
B1598842 14 on Aetherian Void 1.7
B1598834 15 on Delta Siege Dry Reloaded vBETA4
B1598820 13 on Akilon Wastelands ZK v1
B1593672 6 on ZeroWars v2.1.6
B1593659 5 on ZeroWars v2.1.6
Posted threads
24 posts in 2 threadsZK 2v2 Tournament 28 June 2014
ZK 2v2 tournament on 19 april 2014
Clan Thunderstrike
Steam Greenlight
Heavy shield
Clan HAL9000
Looking for clan
Clan leadership
Poll votes
- The Nuke Bomber is going to be renamed, Eagle is to be dropped and we would like something dragony. Pick your favourite: : Drake
- Player Juggler (the matchmaking system that can move you from game to game) suffers from incomplete SpringLobby support. What to do now? : Improve the system to proper matchmaking "click to find a battle" and after few minutes battle starts. (Breaks SpringLobby support - loses 20% people)
- How did you learn about Zero-K? : From a friend
First Login: 14 years ago, Last Login: 21 months agoForum karma: +7 / -0
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