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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome #1 (32p)
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.10.12.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-1393-gfffa38b
Battle ID: 1518169
Started: 2 years ago
Duration: 11 minutes
Players: 30
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 38.9%
XP gained: 43
CNrankFumica died in 11 minutes
GBrankTR1 died in 11 minutes
CZrankSilent_AI died in 11 minutes
IErankThePixelPirate died in 11 minutes
DErankSHIFTHOLDER died in 11 minutes
FRrankJizzleDog died in 11 minutes
RUrankPrototypestill died in 11 minutes
USrankRandomX died in 11 minutes
USrankcnote68 died in 11 minutes
RUrankHyperKnight died in 11 minutes
ESrankhbhagen died in 11 minutes
NLrankHomered died in 11 minutes
DErankDivineOverlord died in 11 minutes
DErankbekonsmudo died in 11 minutes
GBrankKanosh died in 11 minutes

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2 years ago
Does Ultimatum have a use-case in the pot?

An entire Paladin's worth of Ulti can't reach a Paladin, while 10 Lances would have one-shot it.

Seems like it might have a use in 1v1 or small teams for killing individual dantes or small tank blobs, but other than that...

Killing a Grizzly or Cyclops doesn't matter if the escorts then kill the - more expensive - ulti. The 2000->2500 cost change makes a surprisingly large difference to its viability.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I suggest we add arty with d gun and bombers with d gun :D. Complexity should always be available in a game like this.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Does Ultimatum have a use-case in the pot?

Not all pots are equal. I have seen people get good value out of Ultimatum in quite large team games on, say, Inculta. This is a 15v15 on Fields of Isis.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Honestly when ulti was viable games were more degenerate. You'd never get pushes with assaults because there'd be 2-3 ulti's lurking around somewhere eager to feast on the tanks or striders. Games were a lot porcier then. It's a good thing being able to break a porc stalemate with pala or even simple mino or cyclops pushes.
+0 / -0