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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome #1 (32p)
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.1.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-1485-g78f9a2c
Battle ID: 1581290
Started: 2 years ago
Duration: 20 minutes
Players: 25
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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2 years ago
Why does matchmaking have map rotations while StormSiege Fields_of_Isis LLTAComplex Mercurial Zed get to stay in the teams pool for years?

Very Cool, very Epic, no raiding, no expansion, no assaults, only artillery, porc, and support auras. What "variety" do these maps bring when they all play the same with their degenerative nonsense?
+4 / -0
2 years ago
99% sure you took that screenshot right after I raided, since none of my daggers are shown, which I raided with throughout the entire match.
+0 / -0
Your value lost exceeds your value killed before your first lance comes in at minute 4 (!) to skyrocket your value killed. It's hard to assess if those daggers ever made cost given you built ~8 lances before minute 10 (see: degenerative nonsense), with those lances being the majority of your impact.

From what I can tell the most value your daggers provided in this match was finishing off a desperation desolator and providing sight for your lances, which halberds would have been better suited for. Very likely you would have been better off building maces and halberds to support said lances.
+0 / -0
What a strange, overly aggressive response. Your analysis is... surface level, at best. I built at max six lances and everything else was dagger spam. I actually agree with your original point, but I'm regretting that now.

If you're going to critique me and my unit choice, then maybe first look in the mirror and ask yourself why you built a grizzly on a map where people play tons of lances.
+0 / -0
I interpreted your post as claiming raiding (anecdotally dagger) is effective on this map in argument to my post. I am going to critque your unit choice if you claim your unit choice is effective in argument to my post.

But I will say there's no way for me to know that for sure, so I apologize for making the assumption.
+0 / -0
You missed the part where my daggers killed four phantoms in a raid. And the merlin. I built what worked and we won as a result.

Is raiding hard on that map? Sure. Is it impossible and useless? Not sure I'd go that far. So much of the point of raiding is to prevent them from getting a stronghold, and we were able to do that within the first few minutes. Much of my gameplay at the beginning wasn't intended to win the metal gained/lost meta game, but only to push dunno backwards and distract him so that my team could push forward. And it worked.
+2 / -0
Sure, I'll concede to that. Smaller forms of pressure can be important.

Regardless, I find the impact raiding (or perhaps micro specifically) has in maps like these to be miniscule in comparison with spacier maps, which I think is sad. Why remove those options from the player? Why train players subconsciously away from the micro element?
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Fair! I'm not sure that removing this map entirely from the pool would be the best idea though. The map can be loads of fun.

One thought I had while in the shower is.. what about limiting the number of maps from four to three? That way the vote doesn't get diluted, which I'm pretty sure is what happened with this map.
+1 / -0
2 years ago

StormSiege sits at #39, which means it's going to come up quite frequently. Unfortunately, by restricting the choices to 3, that's more likely going to remove a lower ranked map, and keep this one there.
+0 / -0