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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome #2
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.4.1
Engine version: 105.1.1-1696-g311f4e2
Battle ID: 1622689
Started: 23 months ago
Duration: 39 minutes
Players: 29
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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23 months ago
fencer can fire even when moving
+4 / -0

23 months ago

+1 / -0
Yet another example of a match which wasn't at all stalemated yet being cancelled by Starlight. Sad that we can't play out high-metal maps with units because Starlight is so ridiculously underpriced. (I find it unfun even when it's our SL.)

(It's well possible that west could have won with units if it wasn't for starlight, but that would have been more interesting.)

Rough proposal: SL cost should be equal to the metal hypothetically produced in 10 min by a team having half the mexes, a fully connected grid, and an overdrive E/M ratio of 15 (orange-red grid). (This would make the cost of SL dependent on the map and on player count, which is justifiable by the fact that SL can kill any amount of units, which makes its utility scale with map richness.)
+1 / -0

23 months ago
can someone give me the definition of a "game-ender" unit ?
+1 / -0
I understand SL is a game-ender* by design. What I'm saying is that the cost of a game-ender should scale with map richness and (slightly) player count in the above way. The reference point of a game-ender is not a particular combat unit (since it defeats any amount of combat units), but the game as a whole in some sense.

* On maps large enough to build it well out of silo range (which many players think should be used more often for large teams instead of the 12x12 maps).
+0 / -0
Perhaps SL and other SWs could have an overdrivable range - the more energy linked to the superweapon, the higher range it would have? That way, if you rush it, it's area of effect would be quite limited, but once you support it with enough eco, it would be able to reach even backline? This would be similar to the GAMR cannon from Future Wars, which is a nice structure.
+1 / -0

23 months ago
SL is not always game-ender. In this battle: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1621242 west had 3 SLs and east killed them one by one - the first with 5 krows, two others with sneaky detris.

Generally, if a losing team managed to get SL, they will often lose nevertheless, because it is hard to prevent multiple attack directions - silos, cloaked units, nukes etc.

So basically it is more or less the same thing as with other SWs, incl. nuke and detri: it can be game-ender in right circumstances, but quite often it is not.
+1 / -0

23 months ago
Ice Scream is a bit of a special case because it's 30 wide (SL range is about 20 map size units IIRC). But fair, if the collapse is already in progress by the time SL is done, it sometimes isn't enough.
+0 / -0
23 months ago
Maybe the bigger issue here is the fencers glitching?
+1 / -0