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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.6.3
Engine version: 105.1.1-1774-g5e966db
Battle ID: 1659044
Started: 21 months ago
Duration: 48 minutes
Players: 30
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Without named ping I would not have noticed having received the Det, Shout out to CArankNotung and CYrankMedlazer. Amazin!

Got it at ~7% hp. Did not expect jump to be available in that situation and did not check. Djinn was idle, panic mode to setup teleport bridge; my best clutch teleport yet.
Not sure if FRrankWilliam31 with guarding funnel made it possible or if enemy did not have enough units or coordination at that moment. Shield and repair definitely helped.

edit: Full invasion (west to east), DRP (west) down to 477 hp (from last Zen barrage iirc), Zen (east) collapsing and resign (east) in a very short time.
+3 / -0