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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.9.1
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 2050466
Started: 4 months ago
Duration: 51 minutes
Players: 16
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 41.4%
XP gained: 60
CNrankdiligentdolphin died in 51 minutes
AUrankStuff died in 51 minutes
TWrankfriend930209 died in 51 minutes
GBrankSoridian died in 51 minutes
USrankQuietMute died in 51 minutes
ATrankElite0398 died in 51 minutes
FRrankeldallion died in 51 minutes
PLrankHollyRave died in 51 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 58.6%
XP gained: 73
THrankPootis died in 17 minutes
PHrankPLT_Marcus died in 20 minutes

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Why is it that underwater units are the single most miserable experiance in all of zero-k
Why are they immune to about 98% of units in the game?
Why are the INVSIBLE to 95% of the units in the game?
Why, in a game all about units interacting with each other, do underwater units just refuse to be interacted with by 95% of the game?
Why is it that on a map that is 5% water that underwater units still continue to be god awful to play with?
Why do ravens not have sonar despite being UW-capable?

I think I should take this as a sign to just leave every game that gets started on a map with any water at all

(And No, it's not just an isolated instance, I've been having awful experiances with sea this entire month)
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3 months ago
pootis what did you do
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