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Quagmire v0.1

By Klon

If you want to drain the swamp, don't ask the frogs. (Fog shader made by Anarchid, ambient sounds from freesound.org)
Size: 12 x 10


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10 years ago
a lot of frogs on this one.
+0 / -0
i would like to have some comments on this if you happen to play it:

- is the fog displaying correctly?
- do unit textures, markers, healthbars, etc render correctly (that is, lightly greyed, but not fully grey) under the fog?
- do you have shadows active in your graphics settings?
- do you use compressed textures? (compressTextures setting in springsettings.cfg)
- ati or nvidia?

- is the ambient sound too loud / too silent?
- do you like the ambient sound, is it credible?
- would you like to see ambient sounds like that on other maps too?
- do you like the fog, is it credible?

(if the fog displays with visible stripes/seams try disabling compressed textures)
+0 / -0

10 years ago

Fog is not rendered at all, healthbars are completely grey, I have shadows active, texture compression disabled, nvidia. I haven't tried debugging this.

The sound is nice, but perhaps too loud.
+1 / -0
Same problem with the fog altrough diffuse displays properly unlike on RUrankAdminikinz screenshots. Every GUI element is plain gray. I dont have shadows active in my graphical settings. I do use compressed textures (I think) and i have Nvidia GPU.
I am running on minimal graphic settings for ZK.

In addition to this i hear absolutly no sound! Nothing at all.

The ponds in the middle are too deep and it will simply render Amphs as the only factory to use on this map. Center ones should be shallow imo to avoid that.

Other than that i would like to point out that the diffuse is very repeating (at least the deflaut grass texture) In fact it is so repeating that you can even see it on the minimap displayed on this page (I hope that its not a final version of diffuse)

Edit: I have changed my settings into high bringing immidate impact to my fps (from 50 on idle com to 14, usually it is 30 for me on idle com on high). Both sounds and fog works now.

Fog is so thick that it obscures the view of my units. It would be great if it would be a bit lower. Other than that there are issues with the shader

Notice the vertical lines.

As @Ikinz said the ambient sounds are propably too loud but preatty great in my opinion.
+1 / -0
did you try disabling the compressed textures PLrankOrfelius? it should cause the stripes to go away.

@Ikinz if you want to test it again, try switching off/on shadows.
+0 / -0
DErankKlon: here's an updated version of the shader, which:
- allows (and requires) a minimum altitude parameter, so you can fix the water issue with less dirty hacks
- has an opacity setting
- allows you to fade out the upper border from arbitrary point (formerly fixed 20elm)

All in all that means it can look super fluffy:

Here are the settings i've used for Quag on the screenshot below:
clouds = {
speed = .1,
color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
height = "75%",
scale = 312, --// 384
opacity = 0.4,
fade_alt = "30%";

And the atmosphere settings to fix the grey units/UI issue:

atmosphere = {
minWind = 1.0,
maxWind = 4.0,

fogStart = 0.8,
fogEnd = 2.0,
fogColor = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},

sunColor = {0.9, 0.9, 0.9},
skyColor = {0.45, 0.1, 0.6},
skyDir = {0.0, 0.0, -1.0},
skyBox = "",

cloudDensity = 0.8,
cloudColor = {0.85, 0.6, 0.8},

The actual shot:
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Also: Could the people affected by the bugs post their infologs and springsettings?
+0 / -0
Sounds are awful. Map looks weird. Minimap is too dark compared to the actual map.
Screenshot LoS view OFF
LoS view ON
(ignore the repetitive textures, that's some non-default setting or so, can't find the cause)

Springsettings (fixed)
+0 / -0
Poor Skasi, you'll never be able to see the fog with disabled shaders.

That said, it should fail less disgracefully, without errors in log.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Using EErankAdminAnarchid's settings for clouds and atmosphere fixes all issues for me.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Played two games on it.
Did not notice any graphical bugs because it looked just like a regular map, as in Skasi's screenshots.
With LuaShaders=0: No fog, no graphical bugs and normal FPS.

With LuaShaders=1:
[f=0000000] [widgets.lua] Error: false
[f=0000000] [widgets.lua] Error: Error in DrawWorld(): [string "LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_volumetric_clouds.lua"]:407: attempt to call upvalue 'glUseShader' (a nil value)
[f=0000000] [widgets.lua] Error: Removed widget: Volumetric Clouds

(spring 98.0, ATI, shadows never worked for me on that card, LuaShaders only a few work)

From chat of other players while playing xta:
-FPS-wise it seemed playable for everyone, at least I think nobody left?
-many comments/jokes about how buggy everything is. think some bugs were same as the ones ikinz reported.
-/advmapshading 0 might fix grey map?

I like the sounds, but maybe just because they are something new and so over the top.
Volume is ok. (in xta mod)
Sound could play less often and with some pauses. (have silence, then 10sec frogs, then silence etc)
The bird sound always made me look at my window, it is too realistic.

....oho, now suddendly the fog randomly worked?

but only with 4 FPS...no time to look further.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
This could be a nice map.
+0 / -0
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