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Wolverine and Area Attack

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9 years ago
I tried to spray an area with mines by setting an attack area using the Wolverine but it appears to be waiting for enemies to do so. This seems a bit silly since mines are usually laid in advance, not in the middle of a skirmish. Should the Wolverine be an exception in regards to this command or is it just me?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
a/t, alt + right click drag to line attack.
Alternatively with low density just a, right click on the place you want to bombard.
+0 / -0
Area-attack only causes random shots into the area if the unit is a plane (apparently).
For all other units that just translates into a series of attack orders onto all targets.

It would probably be good if things like Wolverines, or eg. Berthas had the "bombard area" style area-attack but that needs engine to extend that command to other units.

Like Orf said, you can currently hold Alt instead.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
mine laying with customized lines is better than mine laying with a randomized circle

it doesnt have to be a straight line, you can always spaz out with mouse and throw mines everywhere, basically the same effect as area attack
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Isn't alt+a just for spreading the attack orders for multiple wolverines? Or does it have an effect for a single wolverine?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
The alt+right click did nothing regardless of whether I selected the attack command or not first.

On a more hilarious note my Athena which had a repair command in effect for the area vacuumed up all the mines :-/
+0 / -0

9 years ago
its press a
press alt
drag a line

BErankFlipstip you are confusing it will press a, drag press alt, release. This makes a circle and splits targets in it.
+0 / -0
PLrankOrfelius, CArankPOLAX, you draw the line with the left mouse button while holding Alt.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Skasi, I don't think Wolverine has the Alt+A option. It appears as a button in the UI for Airplanes but not for Wolverine. When I try to draw with Alt+Left Mouse it leaves the cursor where I started dragging until I release and then it does nothing but returns the cursor to the pointer location.

Looks like only way to pre-mine an area in the current version is just low-density mining as suggested by PLrankOrfelius - force-attacking one spot on the ground after another. This is definitely forced micromanagement as it would take a significant amount of my time/attention to mine a significant amount of surface area.
+0 / -0
I didn't even mention "Alt+A". Geez, I really didn't figure that this could be so hard to understand. Luckily AUrankAdminGoogleFrog added a key and mouse button display widget two days ago.

1) Select multiple Wolverines.
2) Press either A (Attack) or T (Set Target). Make sure to release the key.
3) Hold ALT and draw a line while holding down the left mouse button.

Note that Set Target will not order units to move into range.
+2 / -0
OK I did those actions EXACTLY and what's in that video SOOOO didn't happen for me. I'm running spring v100.0 w/ Zero-K v1.3.8.5 so unless your version is different this is some kind of bug on the Linux version?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Oh I should have mentioned that the red dots might not be drawn for others, I had to enable them locally. Also the red attack lines might not be drawn. Finally hotkeys and UI may differ slightly.

Could you describe how your version differs? Like, at what points are you unable to follow the steps mentioned? What looks different? More information might help.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
If i recall i used to have that problem, some key modifiers were having effect outside the game but not inside (messing with windows in KDE)
i think there was some way to make the game capture all the key presses, but don't remember which
+0 / -0
I found multiple forum threads on people having issues with Alt when using Linux. In this particular thread ESrankElTorero suggested the following ingame command:

+0 / -0
9 years ago
ESrankElTorero Of course! Alt+Left Click is captured by the X server at top-level for ensuring the ability to drag windows, even a Desktop Environment like KDE doesn't get to see it.

Skasi that /grabinput did the trick but I was under the impression this couldn't be overidden in X so how does the game do it? Bypass X completely and access the HID devices in /dev directly?

Either way that's awesome, I get exactly what you do now. Huge thanks man!
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I don't really know much about linux and such, so I can't provide an answer to your question. Pretty sure Spring devs would know. Searching the engine code for grabinput might give you a hint as well. Glad it works though, the search function (top right) is a powerful - if sometimes confusing - tool.
+0 / -0

I was under the impression this couldn't be overidden in X so how does the game do it? Bypass X completely and access the HID devices in /dev directly?



X11 Docs

Just a plain ol' X call. Generally "nice" programs don't grab by default because it can break alt+tab or other WM combos (or, conversely, prevent them from clobbering ZK's own keybinds).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
So that's why it doesn't grab by default. That should probably get adjusted for Windows, where grabbing doesn't interfere with alt+tab, since multi-monitor setups are annoying to use unless you have "/grabinput" bound to a key (I use '\').
+0 / -0
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for sharing this Alt+Drag option. It's actually insanely useful for slicing through groups of units or buildings. I tried it with a bunch of tactical nukes from missile silos and well ... holy crap it started to remind me of Scorched Earth!
+0 / -0