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Re-class the Reaper tank

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As of right now, the Reaper from the Heavy Tank Factory is classed as an Assault Tank: http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Reaper

I suggest it be re-classed as a Main Battle Tank. A good ol' MBT just sounds a hell of a lot smoother, more intimidating, and all around badass.

The moniker 'Assault Tank' is just forgettable. It's already obvious that the Reaper is an Assault-class unit to begin with!

Thus, a much clearer definition of its role would be Main Battle Tank, as that is precisely what it is -- a unit designed for the frontline, that can both take large amounts of punishment and give plenty of it back with its deadly cannons. MBT's have been the mainstay of player armies in almost every RTS to date. Why not call the Reaper what it is, rather than something boring and unremarkable?
+1 / -2

9 years ago
Consistency with http://zero-k.info/Wiki/UnitClasses. "Main Battle" is not a unit role consistent with any other factory's definitions.
+6 / -0
9 years ago
Assault is a term used across all factories to describe a generally slow, high health unit that is effective vs buildings. The whole point of having the same class names across facs is to highlight that they share certain traits. If the class for reapers was renamed to MBT, it wouldn't provide as much information about it's function in comabat.
+2 / -0
Wrong, AUrankAdminAquanim. The Zeus is classed as an Assault/Battle walker: http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Zeus

Then explain, USrankKshatriya, why the Goliath is classed as a "Very Heavy Tank Buster", not an Assault? Tank Buster could refer to a dedicated tank destroyer, like a Penetrator, but not necessarily an Assault-class unit: http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Goliath
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Why not call the Reaper what it is, rather than something boring and unremarkable?

Because we use "assault" to describe stuff that is tanky, might have problems hitting mobiles in low density but dishes loads of damage against the things it does hit (and that is what Reaper is).

Adding new terms for the same role just makes it harder for people to learn the roles.

Also, "boring and unremarkable" is subjective; I wouldn't consider MBT less boring because nowadays pretty much any tank is MBT.
+2 / -0
Adding new terms for the same role just makes it harder for people to learn the roles.

PLrankAdminSprung. Give me one person in this entire game who understands English, who does not understand what "Main Battle Tank" refers to, role-wise. It's pretty clear-cut.
+0 / -0
Give me one person in this entire game, who understands English or not, who does not understand what "Assault Tank" refers to, role-wise.

I have no idea what the "battle" part of Zeus' designation refers to (as distinct from its assault role), or why it's even there.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
It's not about not understanding it (but maybe someone with very basic English would struggle?), it's about the implication of difference between MBT and Assault. If they are the same, call them the same.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
tl;dr: most every attacking unit in the game "battles" but not all of them "assault".
+1 / -0
I have no idea what the "battle" part of Zeus' designation refers to (as distinct from its assault role), or why it's even there.

it's about the implication of difference between MBT and Assault.

To be fair, the Reaper is one of the faster Assaults in the game, clocking in at an impressive 2.45 speed. I assume the Zeus got the addition of 'Battle' to its class because it was more versatile than a usual Assault-class unit due to the nature of its instant-hit, EMP-based lightning gun. I figured the Reaper could qualify for 'Battle' as well due to its speed advantage.
If they are the same, call them the same.

Ok, then maybe the Goliath is the one that needs re-classing? It's not classed as an Assault at all. Should it be "Ultimate Assault Tank" or "Super-Heavy Tank" or something?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
why the Goliath is classed as a "Very Heavy Tank Buster", not an Assault?

Because it's also an anti-heavy skirm. It could use a better description but "assault anti-heavy skirmisher" doesn't really say what it excatly is, either.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Goliath is everything.
Riot (AoE fast projectile)
Anti-Raider (high ROF Slow beam)
Assault (high alpha, high health, high weight)
Anti-Heavy (high ROF slow beam, high DPS)
Skirmisher (main gun range of 450, independant turret)
Anti-Skirmisher (main gun range of 450, fast enough to catch any skirmisher)
Anti-Bomber/Gunship (high health, slow beam range of 350, high-speed high-alpha AoE projectile)

It's only missing sniper/artillery and sea/sub role traits!
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Does anyone actually use or care about the specific unit titles? I mean, if you're new then it's useful to have them, but at that point 'assault' is probably a better descriptor.

"Main battle tank" well... you know it fights stuff. So does everything else. A glaive could be a 'main battle raider'. You're not actually implying anything specific about the loadout of the unit. It sounds like it has at least decent health and weaponry of some kind, which is true, but assault tell you it has amazing health and no better than average damage (for cost). You're arguing for a less informative term.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Main battle tank is an all purpose self operating machine. As said it doesn't really suit Reaper since it does not have the means to defend against light units.

Solution: give it a leverer sidearm and call it a MTB.
+1 / -0
Riot (AoE fast projectile)
Anti-Raider (high ROF Slow beam)


OT: If the Zeus precedent says anything, it's that Zeus should be called a (Medium) Assault Walker.

The role descriptions are very important for newbies: there are hundreds of unit names to memorize, so sometimes role/movetype is simply easier.

This is also why bullshit skirmishers are very very bad. Newbie looks up description -> reads "skirmisher" -> thinks that raiders will counter it -> gets face fisted with scissors / firewalkers / wolverines.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
Main Battle Tank is universal tank. Reaper isn't universal tank. It's key component of all modern army and can be used with multiple ammunition. So far we have moderate speed tank with slow plasma canon.. That is Main Battle Tank?
So if this is Main Battle Tank then it must replace all light, medium, heavy and super heavy tank because in principle MBT should be able replace them in all roles. Then panthers, golly, ravager must be removed. Oh but reaper have only slow assault gun who is useless vs light units..
+1 / -0
9 years ago
So to summarize this thread:

Zeus and Goliath need new class names?
+4 / -0
The only reason I gave Zeus the "battle" designation is because it's good against raiders (particularly for an assault unit), making it more suitable than the norm as a frontline monoculture unit. Reaper most definitely does not have such an outside-nominal-role-capability; and as for speed, Ravager is considerably faster.

Given that the term is used nowhere else (not counting unused units) that I can remember, one could well make a case for giving it the axe on Zeus anyway.
+2 / -0
Zeus isn't that good against raiders since being afflicted with unconditional physical weapon inaccuracy.

(my preferred solution to the "how did i assault instahit weapon" conundrum would have been different, but also much harder to code)
+0 / -0
While we are at it we should also rename the Panther tank to its correct name: 'PzKpfw V Panther' :D
+1 / -0
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