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Strider Neon

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Specifically, a place for all Neon of Stider niches currently not filled but nice to have!

My 2c

> Assault strider: somthing relatively slow, and hugely resilient, that has a slow firing, no AoE weapon that is inaccurate vs moving targets.
Useful for: striding into clusterporc with DDMs where all other units are too flimsy and slaying porc.
Not useful for: fighting units that move.

> Nuclear Bomb strider: A heavy, resilient, slow unarmed suicide unit with a full nuke explosion IF self destructed. Has a dramatic 10 second self destruct. No decent explosion if killed by damage. Makes air transports move exceedingly slowly.
Useful for: slowly delivering a nuke underneath a shieldball or area cloak or Djinn.
Not useful for: most situations.. but potentially hilarious

> Doom Zepplin A big, slow and exceeding resilient bomber, which flies high and drops a bomb that falls exceedingly slowly. The bomb does exactly enough damage to 1-shot a Singu.
useful for: flying through everything to blow up a singu
Not useful for: hitting anything that can move, low weight targets.
+1 / -0
Like all those ideas. Current striders are somewhat generalist, other than the Ultimatum and Catapult. Some hyper-specialized late-game striders would be good.

I'd also like to see a "unified support strider" that duct-tapes together a variety of useful support tools and no substantial weapons - nanolathes, a cloakgen, an antinuke, some kind of decloaking tool (outlaw-waves?), etc. but just weak-enough to represent a nice single-point-of-failure for your forces.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
How about making 5 striders with around 5k cost each with different weapons, like sniper, gunner, swordsman, rocketeer and flamer? Also give them all a d-gun which only usable when you have all 5 in one place. Upon using it they combine into 1 giant detri-level strider which shoots lazorz all over the place, kicks over enemy detriments and banthas and stomps other striders!
+5 / -0
Don't make striders

"go 1 vs 1 instead and spam glaves/scorcers/bandits and other raiders" and tell people 1 vs 1 is fun.

CLick and drag here and there games are so ...I hope you guys understand the irony
+0 / -0
sniper, gunner, swordsman, rocketeer and flamer?

sniper = Catapult/Penetrator
flamer = Dante
rocketeer = Catapult

Giant sword wielding robot? That would be cool! I guess?

Nuclear Bomb Suicide Bomber would be the ultimate teamfire weapon. Hilarious indeed, up until everybody would flip their skins inside out once one would have been built.

Assault Strider sounds like something golly should aspire to be imo (and kind of is already besides of a fact that it has high velocity plasma cannon and slow beam).

Doom Zepplin - look up Eclipse in the game files.

Imo striders need a rework since most of them are somewhat not interesting to play with. But that is perhaps just a veteran talking out of me. Wanting to get some new toys into my war chest etc.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Eclipse has slightly below firepower to 1-shot a singu, isn't that expensive, huge, or armored. Screamer still makes short work of it.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Eclipse also suffers from not being named Doom Zepplin
+0 / -0

9 years ago
> Nuclear Bomb strider: A heavy, resilient, slow unarmed suicide unit with a full nuke explosion IF self destructed. Has a dramatic 10 second self destruct. No decent explosion if killed by damage. Makes air transports move exceedingly slowly.
Useful for: slowly delivering a nuke underneath a shieldball or area cloak or Djinn.
Not useful for: most situations.. but potentially hilarious

Gimme. Add it to stable nao plox. Just make it uncloakable or have massive decloak radius for balance reasonings. Also add a nice dramatic countdown sound to it. Make it cost about 3/4 or 1/2 of a nuke.

The ultimate troll unit. Would be lots of fun :D
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The assault strider actually would fill a big niche by countering DDMs without having more range (see, slowing the game right the fuck down). I'd give it 20k HP (or more), a 2500-3000 metal pricetag, and a high ROF but extremely slow projectile speed assault cannon. It'd be like a goli that can actually take down a DDM and return home, that can't ever hit units ever at all ever at all.

Not that imaginative, but I think the hole it fills justifies its creation.

Make sure it has cylindrical range or something cost otherwise DDMs will just get built higher and higher.
+0 / -0
That Uber-Skittle sounds like fun, but be prepared for Newton-accelerated drops.

CZrankNeon: What I'm kinda missing are amphib/water striders comparable to their land counterparts. Even ships seem to be rather lightweight in some games.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I want a raider with a D-gun.
+1 / -0
9 years ago

Scorpion - 0,1813 DPS/cost (excluding stun)
Dante - 0.096 DPS/cost excluding heatray
Dante - 0.376 DPS/cost including max heatray
Catapult - 0.084 DPS/cost
Funnelweb - 0.133 DPS/cost
Bantha - 0.059 DPS/cost (excluding stun)
Detriment - 0.061 DPS/cost (including AA laser)

Leviathan - Don't know missile cost, but estimated to be pretty low
Reef - Don't know number or DPS of drones, but pretty high i'm guessing
Warlord - 0.118 DPS/cost

Seems like warlord at least is pretty middle-of-the-pack in terms of DPS/cost. Long range, too.
+1 / -0
"Warranty" Battlefield RMA Fulfillment Big Box Hover Strider:

The "Warranty" has a caretaker-range nano-weapon with 40 build-power
The "Warranty" has built-in auto-resurrect-nearby-wrecks unit-behavior.
The "Warranty" cannot be cloaked.
The "Warranty" uses hover pathing.
The "Warranty" has the nanoturret weapon mounted on the top, and one limited-arc faraday turret on each wall.
The "Warranty" death explosion is shockley+fusion plant; the "Warranty" will always leave a reviveable/reclaimable wreck.
The "Warranty" speed is 50; health is 20,000; cost is 3000 metal; combat regen is 20 hp/s; idle regen is 100 hp/s after 120 seconds.
The "Warranty" D-gun is 1000 elmo teleportation with 120 second cooldown and 5 second teleport charge
The "Warranty" cannot be transported, but can use djinn teleport after 20 second teleport charge

Offensively, a Warranty can teleport on top of an enemy strider or shieldball and self-D.
Defensively, a Warranty can provide moderate AA+Riot with the coverage of it's non-overlapping faraday turrets, while the nanoturret can insure 10 energy's of combat repair to any unit.
Supporting-ly, a Warranty works best with a guardian cloud of cheap units that can be revived as quickly as they fall.
+0 / -0
My religion forbids me using or endorsing any units associated with boxes or bricks.
Thus I find these have being mentioned in these forums quite offensive USrankAutowar.
Please cease these blasphemies immediately.
+0 / -0
The "Assault Strider" reminds me more the amphi-Grizzly than Goliath.

Nuclear Bomb strider: A heavy, resilient, slow unarmed suicide unit with a full nuke explosion IF self destructed. Has a dramatic 10 second self destruct. No decent explosion if killed by damage. (...)
This sounds fun. Somehow in spring mods (zK too, except singu) kamikaze units are always the smallest and most fragile units. Often hard to see, too. Imo that takes away from their excitment and makes it bit luck based, too.
It does not always have to be "instant explosion" either. Maybe it activates and spits fire around it until it is 'burnt out' or destroyed.

That would also give nice use to grav-beams (Newton turret & Sumo) because they could be used to defend against that, by kicking it away from your precious porc.

Weaponized Chickens
a) Armored rolling cage with chickens inside. Release the chickens to turn simcity into Jurassic Park.
b) biomass slime is delivered by projectiles or sprayed, it causes chickens & chicken structures to form.

Giant Saw Thing
Slow tank with saw as melee weapon.
Basically like the Jack but even more specialized towards cutting down heavy turrets like DDM.

When spinning the saw is obviously on fire like:

Why: Imo there are already enough super-units that are good at killing light stuff or doing area damage.
(except the D-Gun Sneaker)
But I think it should be other way around: Needs units that kill the heavy porc (like DDM) while still allowing gameplay of light mobiles.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Dante - 0.376 DPS/cost including max heatray

Does that include afterburn or the flamer multiplier?

Funnelweb - 0.133 DPS/cost
Reef - Don't know

Where'd you get the data for Funnel? It has two 100 DPS drones and six 40 DPS drones for a total of 440, which with its cost of 4500 gives 0.097 DPS/cost.

Reef has eight 80 DPS drones, 150 DPS from the impalation spikes and 3500 cost.
Total DPS/cost 0.225 (of which 0.183 from drones).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
"> Assault strider: somthing relatively slow, and hugely resilient, that has a slow firing, no AoE weapon that is inaccurate vs moving targets.
Useful for: striding into clusterporc with DDMs where all other units are too flimsy and slaying porc.
Not useful for: fighting units that move."

yeah bring back Jugglenaut plss!
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Not useful for: fighting units that move."

yeah bring back Jugglenaut plss!

Jugglenaut was ONLY useful for fighting units that move. Also it had a Three Decades Old model.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Jugglenaut fishing abilyties were awesome, they could be useful in these funnel and reef spam days.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
I'll combine the assault strider idea with Knorke's saw tank to suggest a Dozer with revolving flaming saws on its blade (this will look spectacular).
Funny options:
1) A gadget to ignore all damage coming from the front.
2) Huge turning radius, so you have to micro back and forth like parking if you want to avoid friendly run-over.
3) ???
+1 / -0
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