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Blackdawn sometimes dont fire

8 posts, 1392 views
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13 years ago
It happens quite often on some hilly areas when enemy is moving and you have it on holdfire and want to kill that specific target, so increasing its shooting arc so it could shoot a little bit more below it would be nice.
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13 years ago
I don't think this is fixable. Gunship jamming on hold fire seems to be an engine bug.
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13 years ago
Sometimes gunships refuse to fire at all. I saw this happen on any terrain. It doesnt seem to be related to los. After retreating them and attacking again it usualy gets fixed. Still this bug can decide battles (like missing a com kill).
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13 years ago
Apparently noone cares.

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13 years ago
yeah this sucks mojourly
to loose or fail when rushing a BD is a pretty massive hit
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13 years ago
Confirmed for brawlers on hilly maps. On one game I was like LOL I"LL COUNTER HIS PORC ON THE HILLS WITH BRAWLERS. And then they didn't fire : (

I can post a link if someone requires it.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Apparently this was fixed.
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13 years ago
I had this a few days ago when was it fixed in new spring?
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