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Please deprive ikinz administrator for violations of the rules

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8 years ago
Rafal[ZK] administrator gave me 7 days ban for the offense, and I was serving a sentence.
When stayed 1 day prior to the end of the punishment, the ikinz administrator gave me a ban for 10 days.
When I met the administrator of ikinz in the game SpringLobby, and asked what he increased the punishment to me, if I was not playing, he said that during a relapse.
After half an hour ikinz wrote with another nickname that will constantly increase my punishment for the fact that I am from Ukraine and insulted me.

Question Authority,
1. How can we increase the penalty to the player which is already serving a sentence?
2. How can we give a 15 days ban, for what I blew up their houses, when our team and so lost.
3. You do someone supervises the work of administrators?
+0 / -2
8 years ago
Note that I lack any information on the actual situation. Nevertheless here's what this sounds like:

When you steal something and end up in prison, but the police finds out you also killed someone, then your punishment will be increased.
+4 / -0
8 years ago
PENALTY: Selfding whole base in teamgame (with repeat offender bonus)
why no replay link included?

3. You do someone supervises the work of administrators?

ikinz wrote with another nickname
ban he
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Gib logs and/or screenshots or it never happened.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
After half an hour ikinz wrote with another nickname that will constantly increase my punishment for the fact that I am from Ukraine and insulted me.

So he made a new user, and actually told you who he was?
Am I the only person who thinks that's extremely fishy?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
It's probably misleading that the ban message shows only the single admin who added it. There's a policy that in most except the really obvious or egregious cases a ban needs vetting by at least 2 admins. In this case it was 3.

We did have a short "conversation", if you will, on spring server when I went to play a bit of evo. Here it is in entirety:

The rest is either someone unrelated trolling you or more likely a clumsy attempt at slander.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
когда бан на форуме кончится..я напишу с принтскринами о твоих дегенративных перлах

де принтскрины
+0 / -0
3. You do someone supervises the work of administrators?

There's a policy that in most except the really obvious or egregious cases a ban needs vetting by at least 2 admins. In this case it was 3.

This just in - Knorke does not speak for, nor does he know anything about, moderating procedure.

More at 11.

(The point being maybe you should stop answering questions you do not know the answer to...)
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I think knorke's point was about supervising administrators as a class. So in this example an admin has to ask other equal admins but doesn't have to ask any super-admin or such.

That said: some admins do have more power than the others. These supervise the regular admins (case in point: @Rafal[ZK] deadminned recently for calling people lobsters). The levels are somewhat fluid because the system is still consensus-based but supervision exists.
+1 / -0
The actual point is that admins do not generally act unilaterally and without review/
+1 / -0

8 years ago
UArankDIVO looking at your very long report list, heavy insults, teamkilling and not only one time selfding buildings or units 15 days is way too low imo. It seems like you do not improve in any direction. Only improvement I see is that you do not insult RUrankAdminikinz in this post while asking one question...
Next ban will be even longer. Self destructing buildings is a no go and you already knew that...
+2 / -0

8 years ago
'After half an hour ikinz wrote with another nickname that will constantly increase my punishment for the fact that I am from Ukraine and insulted me.'
I want see more bit about this. RUrankAdminikinz didnt say any word about this sentence in his answer. Why UArankDIVO makes thread but withouth copied proof? How we know that you don't lie?
+0 / -0
Nothing like a good zk drama in the morning, works better than a cup of coffee
* grabs popcorn *
+5 / -2
I recently selfded a factory(from resigned guy) while it was about to destroyed with scythes :D
Does it mean I should reclaim my ban too? :P

P.S. if done properly selfd may make price and may be viable tactic in some context
+1 / -1

8 years ago

The rest is either someone unrelated trolling you or more likely a clumsy attempt at slander.
+0 / -0
some admins do have more power than the others. These supervise the regular admins (case in point: PLrankNapoleonRafal[ZK] deadminned recently for calling people lobsters).
Admins 'calling people lobsters' or similiar has been going on since forevever and I doubt anyone "supervised" that.
That "case" seems more like reaction to reports because it happend within hours of:
http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/22393?postID=156966#156966 and http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/22393?postID=156981#156981 and https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/1029

"Supervision" would be when admins check each others behaviour - without reports by players.
There are/were many similiar/worse incidents and posts about it, admins always ignored it.
When it replays are involved my impression is that admins often do not watch them, which would be required of a real review.

There's a policy that in most except the really obvious or egregious cases a ban needs vetting by at least 2 admins. In this case it was 3.
A case of "teamkill" is really obvious. What does that need 3 admins for?
Put the replay-links in description of ban and there should be no doubt.

A bit chatting about how to act in supermegaobvious cases (like teamkill) is not "superversion" either.
Maybe instead discuss muting the "widget spammer" or banning the ""teamkiller"" in chickenmatch.

Or discuss behaviour of admins during their actions:

19.02.2016 [10:47] Springiee [Chesti]hey DIVO how are you
19.02.2016 [10:48] Springiee [Chesti]DIVO not nice I try to talk nice to you and you just ignore it

"Moderator arbitration is intended to resolve disputes, not prolong them" : Seems it does not apply to mapfeaturers making fun of muted player.
About http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/393785 was already a thread.
[23:34] Springiee [Chesti] yes DIVO reclaim your lab and be useles
Did the admins discuss that? Or any of the other cases of admins trolling?

This just in - Knorke does not speak for, nor does he know anything about, moderating procedure.
I interpolate from what I see.
Since long time to me has become clear no admin-forum exists: A sign that coordination can not be good.
If you should be one of those people who believe in a mythical admin-forum ->https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/1026
Meaning at best they have the #zkadmin chat with its quirks https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/775#issuecomment-153908443
No adminforum, bad forum search, chat only, inprecise descriptions for penalaties = Unable to observe longtermn trolling.
Other tasks like mapfeaturing or forum-moderation are done by conflicting randomness or not at all, why should it be different in this areas?
Is any admin "policy" written down? Or are they different variants of policies and they only exist in the heads, as with mapfeaturing?
+2 / -0
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand

Administrator must be respected for honesty, and adequate attitude to the players.
You no respect, 90% of the players want, what would you have deprived the rights of the administrator.
If you were brave and respect yourself, you'd have relinquished administrator.
PLEASE Shut your filthy mouth and do not bother me in the game or in my posts on the forum.
+0 / -6
well, this thread has gone to the dogs

"Supervision" would be when admins check each others behaviour - without reports by players.

this seems like make-work

There are/were many similiar/worse incidents and posts about it, admins always ignored it.

...or debated it privately and come to a decision, which you don't know about

why exactly you feel the need to refer to moderators as "mapfeaturers" I don't understand either
+2 / -0
UArankDIVO you shall learn to behave like a civilized citizen and not crying out insults when things do not go the way you want them to
Administrators are here to help you in this difficult process by issuing some necessary punishments, training your neural network to behave appropriately
They did some great progress on me after all :P
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Enough is enough.
+1 / -0
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