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Hacksaw is wasting shots

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13 years ago
Hacksaw should be more like defender - only shot the second missle if it is needed.

Please give me some feedback.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Why not? :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
select hacksaw and aim at something else after the first shot or put on holdfire.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think that is an intended feature. What you're basicly saying is
"Buff Hacksaw so that it splits it's shots in two shot of half DPS" Which makes it a better versus small units, while the intended AA for small units is the Razor's Kiss.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
A simple option that lets it fire only at bigger stuff would be nice and some anti swarm ai so it doesnt waste all shots on a single avenger. Units acting dumb isnt a good way to balance stuff i guess. Just lower stats if it turns out to be op after.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Pinguinpanic, it already can split its shots against two smaller units, for example kill two fighters. The silly thing is, that if it has fired its first shot, and there's no planes in sight, it still fires the second shot as well.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
After first shot is fired it should consider that 'unit' dead if it has less hp than the missile does dmg.
+0 / -0
13 years ago

AA micro widget/gadget. Cooperative attacks, maximize casualties targeting algorithm.

Anti-bait algorithm for hacksaws (doesn't fire on low hp enemies or vamps if 300dps of ally non-hacksaw AA within half range).
Won't prevent 2nd shot from firing, but will retarget 2nd shot (IIRC anyway) if suitable target in range.

Gadget works a whole lot better than widget. But you can't use gadget for obvious reasons.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Actually, I'm not sure about the cooperative attacks part, but I do know the towers will prefer to split their fire if possible.

Forest of towers vs swarm of units displays roughly 20-30% increase in efficiency.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Make projectile faster or buff range a small bit (about 50 or 100) and let it behave like a defender against fleas and Bandits.

Don't fire the second shot if it is not needed.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
There was a requested feature to screamer set targets of cost at which they dont shot this applies to hacksaw too I guess, because it is so popular to send some crap plane to eat hacskaw shots and bomb target. Maybe jseah (if want) could do that since it looks like you already did (sorta).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
To have a sliding range would be too difficult. Need to make GUI elements =(

Making the equivalent anti-bait algorithm (ignore <700hp + vamp) for screamer is a simple addition of two lines. I could do that.
What would be a good hp (and other exceptions like vamp) to ignore things if there are other AA nearby?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
jseah do you have svn access to add gadgets? I don't have the time to test and add stuff at the moment.

As for Haxzor there are 2 separate issues here:
  • It shoots at targets that are basically dead, they're just waiting the missiles to hit.
  • It always shoots it's second shot even if there is nothing to shoot at.

The first one is purely a unit AI issue so is unintentional. It is often not a problem because the weapon was designed with this in mind. They fly fast enough to hit their target before the second missile is fired so a single turret will not overkill.

The second one is intentional to reduce it's antiswarm power. There is no AI workaround that prevents the second missile firing.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
^I don't have svn access no. What would I need to do to get one?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Uh... you may want to remove those addresses. Data miners will find a list of addresses like that and spam the hell out of them. Google Codes lists all the addresses in the googl...@gmail.com format so you can't see the whole thing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Uh oh, we have no edit button!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah, "edit" button: priority critical -> mayhem
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Fine, post insert 3 spots back:

This page has some useful information. http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/wiki/Developing

"Using subversion" and "Tweaking game using subversion walkthrough" parts are the most relevant. I'll give a quick rundown:
* Make a copy of 85.0 from Spring/Engine, put it outside the spring my documents place.
* Add this path to the copy; "games/zk.sdd"
* Get am SVN program. Tortise SVN link is on that wiki page.
* Do most of the other stuff under "Using subversion"
* Through spring.exe you should now be able to run "Zero-k $VERSION", this version is the sdd. You can change the sdd while spring is running to reload things like widgets and gadgets.
* Get a google account for google code.
* When you've done that ask someone for commit rights for your google account. According to the admin area these accounts are capable of doing that:

+0 / -0

13 years ago
The only problem with this is deliberately wasting the hacksaw shots with a fighter, then bombing a com etc beneath the hacksaw.

Is this a problem or a good strategy? If you have to sacrifice 2 fighters instead of 1, would that be enough to make it from 'exploit' into 'strategy'?

Anyway congrats neon on a good, concise post about a relevant issue. More posts this short and relevant please.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah applause

level up!
+0 / -0
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