Skuttle is increbibly UP right now.
It's expensive
its HP are ridicolous (dies to a defender)
its decloack range is huge
its mainetance cost in E is enourmus. like, you need a fusion just to move 2 of them
its explosion decreases with distance with no explanation of values, so jou can't really know how much damage will it do.
and beside from their stats, here are sone things tham make difficult to use, they are correct, but do not justify the stats above:
they require careful micro for use, making you negletting al the
their main targets, comms, with their numeros level can survive a skuttle explosion
it's a bomb, so anyway you lose your metal. and someone also added a wreck to it that your enemy can reclaim.
And now the good:
it still jumps! (WHAT? NERF IT! :D)