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An idea for amphibious unit's shapes and properties :D

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I propose amphibious unit has domed top, high armor/hp, and good at flat terrain (example: sea surface). This domed shape is so strong it can withstand high underwater pressure and provide high armor/hp, and since its habitat is undersea then it is good at flat terrain (because sea floor is flat). -This is more unique than the traditional humanoid bots, or chicken leg bots which we always see on dry ground.

Imagine this with guns:

I propose it has massive guns, artilleri, rockets, and can create submarine drones just like its sea-units (ships) counterpart. This make it usable on ground and also has formidable power to do any assault on ground defences. A torpedo-ship counterpart (torpedo amphibious) can protect amphibious convoy at sea, also carrier-ship counterpart (a submarine-carrier amphibious) can dispatch submarine drones that can attack ships and submarine alike.

This is open to balance I believe. Because, although it has massive ship's guns and armor, it is vulnerable to ground units if it move too slow. Ground units could overwhelm it with numbers and agility & terrain.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
ZK has always intended that amphibious units be robots because they need to be able to climb robot-level slopes. Although since the spiders have externally-extended legs, having the Amphibs have insectoid legs underneath some kind of shell/skirt, differentiating them from the externally-exposed spider legs.

So your idea is that the amphib lab be some big Tank-scale lab? Or are you suggesting a Strider?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
dowload mission editor there is some ambhious units
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I would like to see morphable units.
( land-sea )

They should only be morphable at the shoreline and it's morph should cost nothing but a very small amount of time ( like 3 or 5 seconds ).

The amphibous counterpart can be a bit faster/slower or have a different turn rate/radius.

Fins can enhance the movement. The high density of water makes units less heavy and allow them to use more mass for the engine instead of spacers and shock absorbers.
If they are morphable, we can use 2 different movement categories.
+0 / -0
I imagine a big Tank-scale lab with this shelled-sea-arachnoid defending the beaches, shoting arty cannon on ships and tanking up massive damages, and can also march into the sea and invade enemy shore (it also has dedicate torpedo units to defend against ships). It will fell like a goliath but do stuff that goliath can't: eg: fight sea. I imagine it be like in SupCom where Ships can walk on land, but in this case it isn't ships but an amphibious specialist (which mirror the ships)...

And it doesn't shot underwater except the torpedo and (mini) submarine carrier...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I imagine a unit which has a beam weapon like mace.

There should be 2 virtual weapons - one common laser and one which replaces the other one if the unit is submersed.
The common laser is something like the LLT one ( or a weaker HLT ).
The replacement is a short ranged version with a heat-ray-like fall-off-rate.

It should be able to either fire land-[w1]->land, sub-[w2]->sub, land-[w2]->sub or sub-[w2]->land. w1 and w2 are the both weapons.
+0 / -0
I imagine a new weapon which shoot REAL BULLETS! not plasma, not laser, and not tachyon, but a real hardcore bullets. What a "bullets" does is to deal massive impulse, sending unit flying to the edge of supersonic, and throwing allies to a rock face.

This bullet require hi-tech coding not yet invented.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
amphious units in mission editor:
grebe ambhibious raider bot
-cost 300
-max hp 900
-speed 2.4

gnadade launcher
-damage 480 'note can shoot only in land
-reload time 3.0
-damage/second 160
-range 360

no help text avaible to this unit

duck amphibious skrimisher
-cost 250
-max hp 620
-speed 1.6

-damage 50
-reloadtime 0.8
-damage/second 67
-range 440

no help text avaible to this unit

clam amphibious con/rez
-cost 200
-max hp 1500
-speed 1.8
-energy +0.2
-builpower 9
clam is sturdy constructor that works in deep sea aswell it does in land

angler amphibious torbedo/AA bot
-cost 350
-max hp 1200
-speed 1.6

torbedo *only in water
-damage 180
-reloadtime 2.5
-damage/second 7.2
-range 450

flak cannon *omly in land
-damage 100
-reloadtime 0.8
-damage/second 133
-range 900

no help text avaibled to this unit

grizly amphibious assault walker
-cost 2200
-max hp 10000
-speed 1.6

fletchette *i dont know what this weapom looks like
-damage 384
-reloadtime 2.0
-damage/second 192
-range 200

the grizly is a classic assault unit - realtivy slow,clumsy and next to ünstoppadle. its weapon is slow but powerful fletchette cannon

Amphibious operaitons plant
-cost 550
-max hp 4000
-energy +0.2
-builpower 9

can buil all amhibious units and all subs:lancelet(new),snake,serpent
if on land it cant buil subs(my text)

ambhibious operations plant buils bots and submarines(when underwater),provoiving an alternative approach to land/sea warfare(games help text)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Your point?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think he's just informing us of what's there right now.

There are some things I worry about the amphib plant - like how most of the planned amphib units all seem to be "underwater" units or "land" units, unlike hovers that function just fine in both scenarios.

That and I worry about balancing the amph raider. Having strong raids comign from the water really changes things. I'd split it up - have a torpedo raider that functions as AA on land, have a fast-ish assault unit with the planned underwater regen, and have a light crawling bomb.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
lancelet is small suicide minisub but weak alone but powerful in groups
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The shelled-spiders and bullets are just ideas... and no one is going to make it anyway. Existing amphibious is more likely to be used IMO. eg: I did saw recent updates with existing amphi units...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Sucks that there will be even more unit mess.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Meh, the naval game needs something anyways... although I don't know if amphibs are it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
how much HP/cost does Mason have in comparision to other cons?
900/140 = 6.41 HP/metal

1'900/250 = 7.4 HP/metal
Also can beat banshees 2v2 if you have at least 2 welders.
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