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need a better way to alert players when a game has ended

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need a better way to alert players when a game has ended

i just played a game where someone didn't notice the last game ended

shouldn't happen ever again

make many many many many different ways of notifying a player that the game has ended


play loud sounds repeatedly
play not so loud sounds repeatedly
multiple popups and flashing taskbar
open a webpage saying the game has ended

make them optional but set to default on...
+0 / -0

7 years ago
!notify ?
+0 / -0
Is the problem afk players?


Generally I'd suggest moving to MatchMaker for a better system. IMO battles should always be initiated by the players themselves, not them having somebody else to vote start for them.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
need sms notifications when clusterfcuk party is about to end and when it's about to start :P
+0 / -0

7 years ago
can we have a !notify button for those who are too lazy to type it? and playing a loud sound for the event?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Need such sound for all afk players after game. Who will play auto until player spectate or play.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
Triggering a segfault which causes windows to crash and reboot?

Mining Zzzz-k Coin so their computer grinds to a halt? If they didn't notice game ended, why would they notice CPU cycles being consumed?
+0 / -1

7 years ago
In the old Lobby notifications were loud enough,
it was ths windows ping.

But now it is too quiet.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog we could make it ping again.. the function is there..
+0 / -0
... and the old lobby had a "notification-bubble-overlay". I hope you understand what I meant.
Like a message-bubble coming from the right bottom of the taskbar.
+0 / -0