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How do I beat Kirdipan?

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7 years ago
I've spent over 5 hours trying. Help.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
make a whole bunch of constructor
- send some constructor to spam every metal extractor human possible
- send some constructor to spam solar energy
- send some constructor to spam defence turret

then after maybe 5 minutes of this, have a unit spam nano turret next to your lab and make some OP unit on repeat till you win, something like an assault tank maybe
+1 / -3
+0 / -0

7 years ago
There are several ways to go about doing this but your main mobile threat will be tanks, and dirtbags counter tanks by making the terrain bumpy, you can make walls of dirt using them. At this point your com should be able to atleast take on stardusts on his own. To take the top singularity reactor theres only a stinger and a stardust in your way. Jump on the stardust and either flood it in dirt or destroy it. Dirtbags can take this singu on their own.
South singu: Either terraform a long ass safe path to it or escort your com along the coast and make a short bridge there. It's a choice between time or danger. Finish building the nearby stardust and push along the coast towards the realm of massive tanks of doom, flood the bastards in dirt and make it impassable for them and terraform a bridge as close as you dare to the island. Simplest thing is to terraform all the way but that might be tricky if you want the bonus time objective.
I realize terraforming is unfamiliar and odd to new players but there are a number of keys, like holding ALT, that makes it easier.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
+0 / -0

7 years ago
make legit post get downvoted i see how it is
+0 / -2

7 years ago
legit nothing, try playing the mission before comment.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Well, I can at least respect the intention to be helpful.
+0 / -0
Well if this was a coding forum, you'd hope for down votes if its a bs solution to the problem. I wouldn't dare comment on a mission i haven't played

edit: let alone a game one hasn't played for 6months
+0 / -0
7 years ago
I did it, bless you all! :D
+4 / -0

7 years ago
what the heck is a mission
+1 / -0

7 years ago
See the single player Campaign button of chobby for details
+0 / -0
this is the first time I have lost multiple times in the SP campaighn.

first off, I really don't see how you are supposed to get both sings and escape in the time allotted.

second, using the dirts to make bumpy terrain against the tanks o doom is one thing, how do you fight all the ducks in the pond?

finally, it takes time to terraform, I just don't get the idea of terraforming, while sending dbags to kill sings as well as then sending them to make up the bumby roads, just do you can do it all over again for final bridge.

I am seriously thinking of either cheating or skipping this mission, I even have the hand nuke device and still get blasted.

I really wish you at least let us build some lotuses and have it as a big payout bonus if we don't use em or something.


ok finally made it through this mission. it took me 1 hour and 48 minutes. So far I Really enjoy your single player campaign, was a very well laid out and thought of campaign, that rivals I would say a lot of vetran or "pro" companies. I would had giving it an A+ but now it only gets an A because of this map :D

keep up the Great work Guys, it's Appreciated!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spoilers follows, read at your own risk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So first off, you have 2 desolators on the end island. as well as 2 caretakers and some flak cannons? how was that supposed to be handled? if it wasn't for my personal cloak and hand nuke, I would had been tore up by them. and yes they were active even though I destroyed the one singularity, the other in the lower part of the map must be feeding them. on top of, I thought you said that dirtbags can attack(jump) the under water pylons(the energy pylons conduit thing) the dirtbags don't do jack in water nor will they jump into it.

+0 / -0

7 years ago
Was the layout of the Pylons and Desolators too unclear? Should the Ducks instead be Seawolfs so they are harder to aggro? Should there only be one Singularity reactor, to make things more straightfoward. Anything else?
+0 / -0
look m8, I am gonna take that you are being sincere, but from the reply I feel that you are being condescending. BUT, I am an advocate that you should never try to judge emotion or inflection just from text.

I don't think you should change anything, Except the option of not being allowed to use any offensive units. If it were up to me, allow your commander to go in with full capabilities, but make all bonuses null and void if he Chooses to use said units. Also increase the bonus like 3 fold, for added incentive.

I would Really like to see a YouTube vid on this where you get all the bonuses. it would greatly help me understand the dirt bag unit better as well as terraforming.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
look m8, I am gonna take that you are being sincere, but from the reply I feel that you are being condescending. BUT, I am an advocate that you should never try to judge emotion or inflection just from text.
Excellent advocacy. I sincerely want a lot of questions answered. I ask because there are many annoying ways to fail the mission. I like the idea of allowing all standard build options and adding a bonus objective which is achieved if you do the mission without building any units or structures. A similar thing is done in the Athena mission.

I made a Kirdipan video.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
Dang nice work ya did there. after watching the vid, I see that the jumping line formations and whatnot are Very effective.

@ 11:20 in the vid, you had the dirtbags jump into the water in a semi horse shoe kinda fashion, what button combo do I need to do in order to achieve that? When I was using em, they wouldn't jump into the water, and the ones that fell in, they never moved

Thank you GoogleFrog for the info and for taking the time to do the Vid.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I'm able to tell them to jump into the water with no special keys. The underwater terrain needs to not be a cliff. They cannot move or jump out of water.
+0 / -0