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When would you build a newton

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Other than cheese with ramps or cheese trapping likhos I don't think I know much uses to Newton. Now that I think about it it could be a good defense on the hill to counter hermits pushing them off the cliff as they climb. The problem is it's pretty expensive, has low hp and low range (jugglenaut has much higher as far as I recall).

Actually I've checked now and comparing to lotus it is:
90 vs 200 cost
460 vs 460 range
765 vs 2000 hp

Looks like my memories were biased with how uneffective it felt to use.

I think it would be much more effective if it came with its own spire like Lotus does, also it has the same proble mas Jugglenaut does: microing has much more potential than just idle state thanks to chaning push/pull. I wonder how AI with some simple rules like push when too close/pull when too far with hysteresis (say 25%/75% range triggers) would work.

Another idea is to let it have more range but make impulse fall off with range like heatray does... and like gravity does.

@edit: Also I had a thought... maybe newton is left alone because it would be cancerous to play against a good and functional Newton?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I think it would be much more effective if it came with its own spire like Lotus does

Would be better for pulling but worse for pushing (pushing units against the ground wastes the force).

maybe newton is left alone because it would be cancerous to play against a good and functional Newton?

Impulse and fall damage are quite unreliable and inconsistent. Even if they were made less janky, having a cheap turret that counters assaults would probably be worrisome.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Back when the server was located in Canada, I made a widget AI that automated newtons. The results were.. pretty silly. Newton towers were able to fend off assaults, and became a forest of cancer. I've since tried to repair the ai, but with the 600ms latency, I don't think I'll be able to do much. Commands simply take too much time to send.
+0 / -0
When I want to make some lobster FLY to the moon and beyond! or when I want to launch some roaches, err snitches :P
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Newtons are the #1 turret for games with zombie mode. They push away all manner of zombie units that hopefully go away to bother somebody else. They also help things like stinger kill zombies out of range so that you dont get a jack respawning right in base.

Other than that, dunno. I don't use them much. Maybe I ought to. As a porc-lover supreme I really should explore their use :D
+1 / -0
newtons in push-mode could protect your precious mohos on icy run when the enemy does not have too many of these flying things and you have not enough AA to instagib all but enough to kill over time.

on another note: use newtons to push your bombers offmap in a rectangular direction (relative to map border) and let them fly a long ass circle offmap to bypass any screamer-stuff and desingularize the back. zomg-moment on enemy team is guaranteed.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Would be better for pulling but worse for pushing (pushing units against the ground wastes the force).

We could have it transform! Tall when pulling, short when pushing!
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Hello to forum, thank you all for making this gem.
I once used them oftenly as fishing trap on small terraform tower.they're good to pick unprepared raiders and some skirms,as well as stopping chickens and assaulter.maybe that was replay of Firepluk, using jagglenaut on hill inspired me.

imo both jagglenaut and newton taking a lot of collision damage by pulling straight to it so they might need buff for regen/armor,or change point of traction start.maybe newton cost can be reduced to 180 as archer for now.
+0 / -0
on another note: use newtons to push your bombers offmap in a rectangular direction (relative to map border) and let them fly a long ass circle offmap to bypass any screamer-stuff and desingularize the back. zomg-moment on enemy team is guaranteed.
- did you mean perpendicular?

Whoa I didn't see anyone do it yet. This kinda adds to my point that Netwon is used only as a gimmick. I like gimmicks though :3

Also for some reason I wish to test Newton that's inside gauss model so it is tanky and has similar range.

Welcome to forums JPrankcellF11
+0 / -0
Newton would be better if it was a bit higher and it had pull/push AI.

If the cannon (?) was a bit higher than the ground, the newton would lift the unit off the ground, while pulling it, then it would switch to push when the unit is over it, giving it much more momentum and shooting it at an angle away from the ground and backwards compared to where the unit originally came from. I would be fun to use...

Unless you hit your own singu with an enemy skuttle....

Or as Anarchid said, gun could be lower to push and higher to pull.

Behold my epic drawing skills

The green is the base and the spire, blue is the gravity gun when pushing, orange when pulling, and violet is the rotation axis.

The gun would simply rotate on the rotation axis when switching modes.

We just need a fancy model do to this :E
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I've noticed that (like the old Archer) they work better on certain maps where you can push assault units into holes (titan dual) or water (obsidian?) or into deep trenches (trojan hills). Occasionally, if you have an aggressive Cbot player with hordes of Glaives, they can he helpful for defending a firebase ... until the missiles and napalm come out lol as shown in the video below...

+0 / -0

6 years ago
Newton is very good against some units and poor against others.
A Newton is the cheapest way to defend against a Minotaur for instance (and can happily push it away all day).
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Would be nice if having multiple Newton’s firing from different directions actually caused crushing/tearing damage
+0 / -0
5 years ago
i see newton jet used all the time in chicken defense since chicken are melee and newtons can push them back all day

as for pvp...

flex aa?
+0 / -0
Please don't remember me about newtons, I have lost too many strategies and tactics while using newtons. And now it's just a throwing weapon and nothing more...

No more space skuttles
No more space scout fleas
No more blastwing bullets
No more bullet krows
No more space valk that was dropping skuttles from the air

Let's just remove the newton because right now it doesn't have accuracy (intentional nerf) and it will never send units in the same spot even if you use widgets and even you make the perfect conditions. Giving it variability when aiming at units in the same location and throwing them in different areas will remain the worst decision in zero-k newton nerf.
+0 / -0
Let's just remove the newton because right now it doesn't have accuracy (intentional nerf)

You will have to link to the commit (or at least a release post) that did the intentional nerf, or i'll call you out on bullshit.

You can start looking for it here or here.

P.S. Orbital Jacks are still there and are a quite viable FFA superweapon.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
grrr if it just had more health omg whats its role
+0 / -0
EErankAdminAnarchid I will admit if it's what you said, that I told lies but I tested the newtons many times a few months ago and they still have the same behavior. They will always send the attacked unit in a different location even if the angle from where it attacks is the same (and not just angle...all the things, hight, degree, etc.)

Previously they were accurate meaning if you position a unit in the same way in a location and then attack it with the newton, it will throw it exactly in the same spot each time. Now we don't have that, and don't think only from the "newton changes" they can also be some engine changes that made this possible.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
i would build a newton:

as counter to jacks.
as counter to bombers.
if i want to be an annoyance.
if i want to use it to send allied units over cliffs to teamkill and get warned.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I don't usually even remember newton exists. Might be more inclined to give it a shot if I ever saw anyone using it.
+0 / -0
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