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WSAD camera movement

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I've been playing enough games with WSAD camera controls (eg. Neuroslicers, Oxygen Not Included), which has given me the urge to try it out in ZK. Here is my current setup.

I know some other people have switched to WSAD. Did it work out?

Some notes:
  • By editing LuaUI/Configs/zk_keys.lua I am able to set the order that conflicting actions occur. The order of the actions is reflected on the image. For example, the first 'R' press activates the Reclaim command. Subsequent presses of 'R' alternate between Reclaim and Repair.
  • All changes, apart from setting activation order, were possible through the ingame UI.
  • Activating a construction tab overrides the camera controls, which is fine.
  • Stop is Ctrl+S. Area Attack is still Alt+A.
  • 'T' is Attack Move in Starcraft II grid keys, so I have some practice with it.
  • Most of the changes simply shuffle keys sideways to make room for the camera controls. The other thing I am trying is moving Jump from 'J' to the same button as Manual Fire.
+6 / -0
I'm confused as to how does having Force Fire Manual Fire and Jump work on the same button when you are using a Recon Commander / Pyro / Etc with a Disruptor Bomb?
+1 / -0
Not force fire but manual fire like dante's salvo? Force fire is shared with guard.

Regarding key binding: is there a widget that displays wirtual keyboard and amount of stuff that is bound to each key (which changes when you press modifiers like ctrl/shift). I really need to reorganize my controls, especially to include some custom commands.

Some of unpopular commands I'm using are deselect half, deselect above 60% health. I want to include toggling fire state.

How does reclaim and repair work on the same button?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I've played with WASD camera controls since I started playing Spring games basically. It is a lot of work to make it work out.

+4 / -0
6 years ago
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Good enough?
+1 / -0
How does reclaim and repair work on the same button?

The order of the actions is reflected on the image. For example, the first 'R' press activates the Reclaim command. Subsequent presses of 'R' alternate between Reclaim and Repair.

I'm confused as to how does having Manual Fire and Jump work on the same button when you are using a Recon Commander with a Disruptor Bomb?

Same mechanic as the above. Press F. Your mouse is now a targeting reticle for D-bomb. If you click somewhere, bomb's away. But don't click and press F again. Now your mouse is a targeting reticle for the jump. Click somewhere to jump, or press F again to cycle back to D-bomb targeting reticle.
+0 / -0
I also had to move the units tab hotkeys from WSD. I only really use the hotkeys for constructors and raiders, so this layout should work.

+1 / -0

6 years ago
Same mechanic as the above. Press F. Your mouse is now a targeting reticle for D-bomb. If you click somewhere, bomb's away. But don't click and press F again. Now your mouse is a targeting reticle for the jump. Click somewhere to jump, or press F again to cycle back to D-bomb targeting reticle.

Welp, i still sometimes do CX instead of XC; FF for jump with F and FFF for dgun would mean ded com.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Great, I wanted to do what Godde does for a long time
+1 / -0
6 years ago
+1 / -0
I wonder about one thing. To people who use keyboard based camera movement: how does it compare to middle-mouse drag based or "push-the-edge" kind of movement? In terms of speed, convenience etc.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
we need a rts controler
+0 / -0
personally I very like WASD camera movement it feels like much more comfortable. I asked Godde long time ago how he controls. Seems he still uses WASD. At some point I gave up, because WASD and using shortcuts for buildings and unit states just did not fit into my keyboard layout :D
For example I mapped b to firestate, it was just a agreement with not having factories on a hotkey, because I just do not need fastories so often........ I kept b. But other keys like WASD are all mapped to buildings somehow or units ( which is good ). Maybe there would be better layouts, but I think it would need a good time of work to figure it out also to fit US/DE keyboards ( z,y; y,z )
But it seems that the use of ctrl and shift is now valid. I will try that.
WASD is much smoother when you do in parallel unit movements with mouse.

btw. is it treated as cheat if someone copies Godde keymapping into LuaFolder? :-)
+1 / -0
is manual fire dante dgun and special is like krow dgun?

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog can you post your keys.lua ?
how do you access the third row of contruction hotkeys ?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
As a notebook user, WSAD camera movement is preferred in every game due to simple ergonomics. I use the arrows in Zero-K because I'm too lazy to stop and change it up.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I use the scroll wheel to move around. I have never felt limited by it enough to try to change.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
i use arrow key because my w key is semi-broken and im afraid if i press it that often i'd break it further. but the (up and down)arrow keys on this notebook are so tiny
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I did the same thing with my Camera controls. I set fight move to Q cause its the most importiant hotkey... perhaps the only importiant one.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I don't use it anymore, but I found a file called zk_key_wsad.lua which may well be it: https://pastebin.com/nJPcy3VN
+0 / -0
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