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here be strategy

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this will be an updated list to everything people call op and the cheapest most sure fire way to counter the op thing

1. massive shield ball

counter with:

cloaked roaches - roaches can be stopped quite cheaply

silo emp missile - might be too hard to do vs good players

Merlin and other arty are expensive solutions and bertha is a less micro option

air with good timing however thunderbird is weak and litcho is expensive

?Racketeers? , razor on hold fire

2. sniper swarms defended from raiders

counter with:


fire ground aoe arty

silo fire missile

pheonix - snipers are also aa

fire walker and merlin are risky and expensive

3. unexpected krow rush

all commanders in contact with the krow need to bait krow away from other critical targets like factories or power and hastily scatter all comanders should save themselves if they can
the team needs to react with mobile aa.. it can scare the krow away if its careful to kite correctly
an atrimus near middle would help to shut down multi krow
cons need to be saved too because the krow rush will dent eco expansion and the team must rely on rapid regrowth as soon as it can cover cons from raiders and krow

4. ungodly huge army of pure dirrbag spam

counter with:

some units excel at killing dirts but dirts block los so spiders are good at getting over the issue

jumpbots have some good anti dirts too

raised stardust will make many fold cost vs dirts

newtons to keep dirt away (does not work vs jumping huge numbers)

5. troll coms with supporting troops and statics

counter with:

dirtbag spam, snipers, air, cloaked armies, scyth, merlin, lance
beware using merlins and other expensives if enemy has dgun com

6. vast artillery balls with static castles

counter with:

napalm missile(if no shields), air, shielded or longer range artillery like merlin/bertha, cloaked units, advanced shield balls, tac nukes
+2 / -0
odds and ends:

ultimatum and widow have trouble killing krows

outlaws on 'off' mode will still attack if in range but can be cloaked

raised ogre is godly more effective vs raiders/chix as its projectile loves going downwards
giving it much better range and hit chances

merlins do almost double single target damage at close range due to no spread

combat teleport.. globe can be placed before transporting the djini (dejinn ~ teleporter) troops can be tasked to guard the globe..
and on transport death the teleporter will survive the fall and instantly re-link with globe.. the guarding units will teleport
and a factory can be set to guard the globe
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Cheers SmokeDragon, I think part of this post is due to that massive game we had last night (your morning probably). Just a couple of notes: the merlins were a pain in the ass. Every time I added a bunch of shields to the ball, you added a merlin to yours. While they didn't actually kill the ball, they got the shields into the red so that I couldn't attack.

EMP from silo was more effective - but a caveat. A really good player is freaking hard to nail with shockley, it will be a lot harder to do than against me. I was playing in a tourney on the side of Kingstad against Wesley and somebody else. He had a ball that I tried to stop with shockley but every time he heard the silo launch sound he dodged his ball off in a random direction. I wasted literally thousands in metal trying to freeze him up. In my case my attention was all over the place and it was much easier to freeze up the ball.

Roaches are indeed excellent against balls, but a smart player will begin to spam dirtbag the moment there's a hit of cloaked roaches.

Personally I find a good air player the hardest to deal with. A smart air player will wait for me to attack, let my shields deplete and then strike with likho. A good TB run is always great but TB is made of cardboard and if I retreat my ball 80% of the time Felon will shoot Thunderbird down.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
As VS shield ball, I'd say build up a bertha first over merlin, similar DPS and cost. But merlin needs more attention.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
here the HONKAHONK dirtbag spam make map bumpy wumpy bury com strategy still nerfy?
+1 / -0
if you think something is op also post how to counter it

and i will add it to the list

dirtbags can be countered by facswitch to spider

and halted with a raised stardust and a stinger

unless you mean dirtbags are the counter to troll coms =D

disagreements are welcomed
+0 / -0
5 years ago
newtons are great as well vs dirtbags, prevents them from dropping dirt at your base :) (unless they jump and self-d off course)
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Another problem that Smokey has not addressed is a raised Crab healed from behind.

A Crab in armoured form has an insane amount of hp and rising it greatly extends its range. If its then healed from behind by cons, you have in essence something much like a 'lite' Cerberus.

The problems as I see it are manyfold. It's virtually immune to riots and skirmishers because they can't reach it. It can match range with much more vulnerable artillery and out duel them. It's so tough that you can spend a fortune in Eos to try and get rid of it. The further problem is that even if you kill it, the cons supporting it are likely to scoop up the ~800 metal from its shell.

It's not that raised Crab can't be dealt with - it can - the problem is that there's no COST EFFECTIVE way of doing so.

Stuff I've found useful:

1) Tremor. Matching the Crab in cost, Tremor won't kill it, but it will get rid of the spire, which is what makes it so dangerous in the first place.

2) Kill the supporting cons. With the crazy regen out of the way, it becomes vulnerable to being chipped away at. I find a slamcom is pretty good at withstanding the Crab fire, and disintegrating the support cons. Cloaked riots will probably also do the trick.

3) Impaler, Raven spam. A whole bunch of these will kill it. But at 700 each for Impalers, you might be looking at 5-6000 in metal to counter what is a 1600 metal unit.

4) Freeze and destroy. Trepak recently tried this out on my Crab, widowing or emp'ing it and then rushing a mob of redbacks to kill the crab. This could work well, assuming that the Crab player doesn't have more units supporting it.

5) Another Crab. A higher Crab will dominate a lower one.

6) Lift and dump. This is pretty cool, using a Hercules to lift th enemy Crab and dump it somewhere its useless. If there's AA, however, its not going to work

and probably the best single method: 7) Krow bombardment from the top. But again, you're using a 3500 metal unit to counter a 1600 metal one.
+1 / -0
this is good stuff keep the lists going..
+0 / -0

5 years ago
ZArankAstran have you heared of sumo or two skittles? both cost-effective vs spiked crabe (if you add cost for terraform)
+3 / -0
3) Impaler, Raven spam. A whole bunch of these will kill it. But at 700 each for Impalers, you might be looking at 5-6000 in metal to counter what is a 1600 metal unit.

Before the last patch, 4 dominatrices for 1680m could capture a Crab. Alas, these days are gone in sadness.

+0 / -0
5 years ago
for Crabs i find the jugglenaut to be really powerful in countering them and they have the health to out last once it starts moving and loses its armor bouns.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
terraform lacks accessible counters, what's new
+0 / -0
5 years ago
[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng just build loads of builders to get rid of terra or go striders and get a scorpion to climb over and destroy any enimies then use norm builders to repair
+0 / -0
1) Tremor. Matching the Crab in cost, Tremor won't kill it, but it will get rid of the spire, which is what makes it so dangerous in the first place.

2) Kill the supporting cons. With the crazy regen out of the way, it becomes vulnerable to being chipped away at. I find a slamcom is pretty good at withstanding the Crab fire, and disintegrating the support cons. Cloaked riots will probably also do the trick.

3) Impaler, Raven spam. A whole bunch of these will kill it. But at 700 each for Impalers, you might be looking at 5-6000 in metal to counter what is a 1600 metal unit.

4) Freeze and destroy. Trepak recently tried this out on my Crab, widowing or emp'ing it and then rushing a mob of redbacks to kill the crab. This could work well, assuming that the Crab player doesn't have more units supporting it.

5) Another Crab. A higher Crab will dominate a lower one.

6) Lift and dump. This is pretty cool, using a Hercules to lift th enemy Crab and dump it somewhere its useless. If there's AA, however, its not going to work

and probably the best single method: 7) Krow bombardment from the top. But again, you're using a 3500 metal unit to counter a 1600 metal one.

Sumo can throw crab into allied territory where it will be summarily smashed to pieces and quickly absorbed. Bonus points: you don't even have to contest the reclaim! See: Multiplayer B737361 11 on Icy_Shell_v01
+2 / -1

5 years ago
my favourite counter to the crab is a jugglenaut set to pull, has hp to get in and pull in the crab making it unarmered where you can easily kill it, however, you still need to be careful since it can still destroy your army if it's clumped up due to the large aoe dmg
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Yeah I forgot about Jugglenaut, because I hardly ever use it. * Homer Simpson voice * DOH!
+0 / -0
A side note - razors, hold fire or not, are ineffective against felons (shieldballs) if shieldballer is using smart targeting widget (springfiles.com, luaui scripts category). Same apply for haldberds, or other things meant to waste felon charges.

+1 / -0
i advise all to use walls as the go to porc vs shields .. fast very short short walls and get some kind of counter after if walls is impossible due to wide front and no bottleneck then fall back with skirmishers calling help to team lol

the need for cloaked units vs shields is very great.. mass cloaked banisher can do ok if the ball is not enormous.. or units with insane burst splash dps behind walls

long range vs shields or many faraday in short line behind a wall forming a T shape .. as they pass the wall they get busrt emp'd and it does work

if shield ball is not uber yet you can use snipers still to good effect on fellons.. all crawling bombs have good effect vs shields

limpet is nice at reducing shield recharge rate

Jugglenaut can pull units off shield balls and eat them a bit but it baits the ball into attacking
+0 / -0
How to counter on a budget

(WIP:: this is not finished and is confusing.. expected completion date 2 weeks)

MAIN MENU ||||>> shows an enemy 'factory selector'.. enemy unit selector is shown under in Aqua color.. sub column's shows each factory's cheapest 'unit counter' able to defeat the enemies unit with only ai

MAIN MENU Cloakbot Factory Conjurer Shieldbots ~ Dirtbag

enemy Conjurer made from Cloakbot Factory: can be killed by Shieldbots factory with Dirtbags


MAIN MENU ||||>>[Spoiler]

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