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Title: Sigero's Battle
Host: ROrankSigero
Game version: Zero-K v1.7.9.5
Engine version: 104.0.1-1398-g7442945
Battle ID: 782508
Started: 5 years ago
Duration: 50 minutes
Players: 6
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 69%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 31%


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5 years ago
Games like this make me want to quit ZK
+2 / -0

5 years ago
this is something for arty-threads again.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Emissary Faraday good unit composition
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Apparently humans need a version of ai-resign.
+0 / -0

This stardust range is wrong, it can't decide between 2 circles. In this case, the actual range is the inner circle. This was as seen from my view as a replay spectator.

On the note of the game, zenfur may have been able to make a lobster saving play by geting some storages then reclaiming 2.5K metal in the bank, and using a silo from mid to kill west antinuke into a base nuke. Hovever, by the first nuke was ready to launch, south had already fallen, basically committing the game to a loss.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
we complain because even 3v3 on a relatively big map degenerates to porc-arty/ pure arty-spam.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
The outer circle isn't for the stardust ._.
+2 / -0
I mean... East was suppressed at top by a Bandit/Vandal/Racketeer spam in a 2v1 situation. What was the thought process behind PLrankZenfur going tanks after gunships? Blitz spam might break through, but even then there are more efficient choices. Cyclops is just straight up wasted metal against a ton of Racketeers from how I see it?

FIrankterve886 played very efficient trench warfare on the left side. Thing is, his side and back were completely open the entire time. Not a single time did west try to raid these areas; ROrankSigero came once fairly late into the game, but had unfortunate timing and ran head first into a Jugglenaut.

If you stubbornly refuse to try and go around the porc, the game will obviously turn into porc/arty spam. Unless you play some stupidly small map like Icy Run, there'll never be a completely waterproof porc line in small teams, not even if you're playing against NOrankAdminKingstad whose control over that line is tighter than the goddamn White House security.

You just gotta find or create that opportunity.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
USrankaeonios, let me point it out for you.
+0 / -0
If a game goes long and unit density increases, longer-range options inherently become better. This is a 50 minute long 3v3. I don't think artillery spam coming into play at some stage in this game is inherently bad.

That being said the Emissary spam does feel pretty oppressive.

Faraday is effective in protecting high-value targets like Antinuke/Singu from bombers but I don't think its existence as a unit makes bombers significantly less viable in general. One could debate its effectiveness against land units but I don't think it was used that much in that capacity this game.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Ok that is weird. I've seen circles get smaller around terrain before, but not bigger. Not that it ever handled ballistic ranges correctly anyway.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
i am reluctant to spend a significant amount of metal into raiders when i have someone pushing into our base already and i need to spend all my ressources to prevent them from doing so. a nice raid is of no help if i let all those moderators shoot at our base. + there were gunships around and i was pretty sure juggle was coming.

it´s less the arty-spam itself, it is specifically tremor and emissary. i have absolutely no problem with range-escalation, as you see noone complains about things like sling or impaler being too good (more the contrary with sling). what i find more annoying is long-range + AoE. the moment tremor and emissary are out, it renders the rest of our armies useless. terve can just go back, and has 4 options:
1 wait for likho (and hope there are no faradays)
2 build tremor yourself
3 build merlin
4 use cloak to go around

(last option is clearly best, was taken)

if this game had just 1 player more per team, it is pretty likely that even option 4 wouldn´t have existed and @Radavvadra shuts the cloak-option down with fleas afterwards anyway.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
DErankkatastrophe But you didn't raid a single time even early game? It's like the left side battlefield had an unspoken agreement of not using raiders from start to finish.
+1 / -0
1) harpys
2) pyro
3) moderators later

makes raids pretty likely to just die and feed.

i actually play cloakies because they have glaives and i love to raid. most fun-part of the game. just not really viable without radar-coverage. by the time i got that, there was already a bunch of moderators that needed to be dealt with.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I went for tanks while I should have went for striders. I went tanks because I wanted the artillery to kill racketeers as otherwise I felt powerless do to anything. In the end I ended up making cyclops as we needed any kind of frontline to push with - I ended up sending them to FIrankterve886 who lost them in single catapult shot.

I know I made many bad decisions there but it was mostly due to feeling of being powerless to do anything against the bullshit. I couldn't do anything because of enemy Air superiority. Gunships fall off very quickly after enemy has any anti-air, while Airplanes have Wyvern and Radarplane to remain useful for the whole long game.

I knew I could bomb the antis but honestly I've lost the will to fight long before the nuke was made.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
DErankkatastrophe I have to disagree with radar coverage being a requirement for efficient raiding. ZK isn't particularly unique in terms of having to blindly rush/raid early on against an opponent that can somehow see what you're doing. It's like a game of unfair speed chess where you must think three steps ahead to outplay your opponent.

While not mandatory, not doing so means you're already not doing everything you can to win.

PLrankZenfur Fair. I have to agree that the complete aerial shutdown from early on was pretty sad. Worse yet, Lynx was obviously outmatched on ground against ROrankSigero. Former had to also had to play AA while the latter felt comparatively little pressure from your gunships.

I don't think there were any good options to switch to from gunships; tanks just were one of the worst.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
i didn`t say radar is a requirement for raiding in general. but it somehow is against pyros. pyros are fast and glaives and bandits easily burn to death if they have been touched by the fire even for a small amount of time.
you can also see that i go to help north with some of my glaives.
but south is too small to leave good openings vs pyros while mid has the river that would slow me down and make me an easy target for the harpys.
+0 / -0