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Slow Missile

13 posts, 1629 views
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13 years ago
considering there is not much slow weapons in the game what about adding a slow missile to the missile silo like emp rocket only with bigger aoe
what do u think?
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13 years ago
Sounds interesting though it sort of fills exactly same role, I would rather see unique terraform missile (useful)
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13 years ago
Get with the times Licho there is a useful terraform missile. Slow missile sounds good, maybe to be different to EMP it could have a constant slow effect like napalm missile. So it would be a kind of marshy land missile.
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13 years ago
How about a slow blast crawling bomb
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13 years ago
I agree slow damage over area over time
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13 years ago
It could be combinied with stun Arti from shield lab.

It would be a good idea, but should be a arti
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13 years ago
OK, the shieldbot EMP arty became slow bomb arty
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13 years ago
I think slow and EMP should merge, you will leave the units more slowly until it completely stop.
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13 years ago
I dont think merging would be good, it's the same unique mechanic as solar vs fusion (more effective but 100% needed and less effective but starts working almost asap).
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13 years ago
Sprung do not think you get the idea, Slow still going to work ASAP, but instead of a percentage of the EMP will be amount of Slow till it reach 100%, then the unit becomes EMP for "x" seconds.

But of course it would be a major shift in the balance of the game, and EMP and slow damage should be changed.
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13 years ago
I.E. Slow would not be stoped at 66%, going all the away to 100% and then will be changed into EMP.
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13 years ago
This means either slow and EMP would be basically merged (see 3 posts earlier) or EMP would be slow without the insta-work mechanic which would make it worse since all you would be able to do with EMP would be able to be done with slow, albeit with better results (starts working instantly even below 100%). At the moment if you want full stun you need to use EMP and wait till the bar gets to 100%, since slow doesn't go to 100%, and if you want to do something ASAP you need to use slow so you don't need to wait.
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13 years ago
i think u guys are getting off course
slow missile for missile silo with slow damage over area over time
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