Predator   coming soon
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looks cool, but don't think we need another gunship...yet
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"looks cool, but don't think we need another gunship...yet" How not? Gunships cost change from 900 - 5.000, that a very big jump, a new one that cost 2.500, to be in mid of it would be good.
+0 / -0
MUCH too detailed. Units need to be recognizable at a high zoom level. They need features that stand out. That's what makes a good model! See Hammer's or Rocko's big guns, Felon's/Aspis' purple or Venom's yellow. I think Rapier and Valk are good examples of too much detail and lack of a big feature.
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maybe use this model to replace the current brawler. It seems to fit if you just remove those nose mounted machine guns and replace those missle pods with EMGs. The current brawler model seems to boring to me.
+0 / -0
Or remove the machine guns and use this as Blackdawn. :)
+0 / -0
Obviously this is a WIP and it still needs more texture, teamcolour, etc, but it's a VERY Cool model. So we will find a place for it, even as a new 'mech'.
+0 / -0
there is definitely room for more gunships! Atm brawler & blackdawn are basically the same unit, rapier is close to useless and banshee is only useful in the early game. what that comes down to is a single unit being mass produced: brawlers.
+0 / -0
Add legs, remove tail, move wings lower and replace that heat-ray mech with it or add a new mech.
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If the missles where air-only and the big gun a D-gun tipe weapon with only the nose gun for ground+air this could be an interesting air unit, prhaps the long avaited AA strider/krow counter? Or at least so the voices tell me... i`m no specialist in these things.
+0 / -0
Maybe instead differentiate the gunships. They all have an idea of their role but are either not extreme enough or not powerful enough.
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Well, to some extend Gunships are FAR more extreme than other units. BD is more hit and run than any skirmisher, raider, assault unit or anything else. And Brawler is more about outranging enemies than any skirmisher or artillery unit simply 'cause some units can't fly. I totally agree with Frog though that it needs more differences instead of even more units.
+0 / -0
increase weight of rapier and turn it into a slow moving dedicated AA killing machine, with long range ala ground based AA decrease weight of brawler increase weight but decrease HP of black dawn, and give it much a bigger, longer ranged salvo. woop woop!
+0 / -0
"increase weight but decrease HP of black dawn, and give it much a bigger, longer ranged salvo." You mean transforming BD in some type of gunship artillery? i like the idea... could increase it cost and damage too so its work even more different. "increase weight of rapier and turn it into a slow moving dedicated AA killing machine, with long range ala ground based AA" Problem with Rapier it that its not fast enough to kill Bombers (so you can not use it was a team AA for all map like Vamps or Avengers), so you can only use it do defend your gunship vs enemy Vamps, Avengers or Rapiers.
+0 / -0
>Units need to be recognizable at a high zoom level. Textures can do much of this. Giving it big blocks of monotone colors (maybe teamcolors? Maybe solid white?) can separate it from other units. Goli, for example, stands out because it's got two giant white stripes running down each side. If it weren't for those, it could be confused with Reaper, which has a solid white stripe running down the middle. Lastly, the Camo pattern is TOO good. It blurs the edges and makes it hard to focus on: exactly what camo is DESIGNED to do. We need to replace camo with solid pieces. It will make the unit more recognizable and less of a big blurry mess. Quick mockup from my work computer. I had to use a trackpad to do it, so don't make fun:
+0 / -0
It looks very fast - if it is a replacement for any white unit, I would guess Banshee or Rapier. Minute 3:20 - 3:30 (EDIT: sry for 2:20 - 2:30 - that was wrong) If we could resize this big ship and recolor it it to black/red or black/teamcolor would look unique - it could emitt sparking plasma bolts for even more uniqueness. A new superweapon:  Maybe the new Starlight?  Yay - A lot of Banshees: EDIT: Link got broken! 4th dimension mod from supreme commander ( 2 years idle? ) we look at Supreme Commander we will see what we are missing... * unique designs for factions ( this would be sea/ground/at/air/vehicles/towers ) * how to use colors on big epic units * how to balance big epic units such as the UFO from Aeon ( could be Krow - or not? ) and how to make it better.
+0 / -0
Do you know anything about intellectual property law? Also "how to balance big epic units such as the UFO from Aeon". Do you have any reason to believe the UFO is balanced? There isn't any reason to believe a random RTS is balanced and good reason to suspect high cost units aren't balanced. I think we have done a pretty good job with Krow.
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neon theres no big ships on 2:20-2:30 but if u mean spirit it would be good
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