I think scuttle bomb makes gameplay much worse. Maybe its fun for sometime to scuttle ur enemy com or fac, but it takes too much micro both from attacker and from defender. All the gameplay is now about scuttling. So i suppose to remake scuttle from the bomb (we have flying bombs and roaches) to parazite, which a-la dominatrix can take control of enemy unit. But doing so it will attach itself to a unit and after some time morph with unit permanently. So it can be destroyed when hanging on a unit few seconds until morphing, but unit is under control immediately.
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What I'd like would be that it would decloak when it jumps. Because right now, it can just jump over screening units.
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Defending from a scuttle doesn't seem much micro, it's just that your high-value targets need to be surrounded by LLTs and crowds of small units. LLTs pick them off well, and small units spot them well. When my comm is taking up a point at the front or I'm building an agressively-positioned building, getting this set up is a priority. I've had games where there were multiple failed scuttle attempts against my comm.
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Just have some patroling fleas or dirtbags. But if you use your com as a front unit you are asking for skuttle.
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>All the gameplay is now about scuttling. I don't know what games you've been playing, but I definitely haven't noticed this. I don't think they get built any more or less than similarly-priced units. SKuttles, as Pxtl mentioned, are incredible easy to protect against. If your com is the only unit you've got on the front line, of course it's gonna get Skuttled (or bombed, or sniped, or...) A handful of scouts, raiders, or missile towers in front of your com are more than enough to prevent them being Skuttled.
+0 / -0
gameplay now is most definitely NOT alll about the skuttles Kzz it would only appear to be so if you were ignoring the major precepts of the game and only spamming the super heavies or com morphing every game. The micro required by the attacker is justified in that its a 550m bomb that can kill a major investment unit to make it more difficult to use is the only way to rationalize it. to defend from skuttles is abominably easy all that is required is that you keep some form of screen for your units which could be any type of unit as long as the skuttle decloaks its dead thanks to its low health.
+0 / -0
Still gameplay is not about spamming small roaches, it should be balanced, allowing both ways. We have another bombs, ground and air. Why the scuttle is more powerful then tacnuke?
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skuttle is more powerful then tacnuke because skuttle is specialised anti heavy whereas tacnuke is about taking down enemy porc or in range high priority buildings like fusions, reason it doesn't do as much damage is also the fact that it can hit from such long range with no micro barring the locating of your target by whatever means you deem to do. roach is more anti swarm or counter for large number of assaults as they cannot hit such fast moving units with its large aoe a roach would likely not get anywhere near a target that the skuttle is aimed at taking out
+0 / -0
I think the problem is the heavy units. You have a lack of role definition, it used to be that reapers were THE heavy unit to make, but they were quite vulnerable to raiders. Now you have the goliath, 2 reapers with a pyro on board, which totally negates its weakness. There is also the Sumo, with assault HP, jump mobility, and weaponry that works well as riot as well as anti-heavy (the massive damage if it gets to close range). Every heavy unit need a class of units they're weak against -other- than 'Anti-heavy', we're depending too much on these tiny suite of units to keep the heavy units in check- it works, but is bad for gameplay.
+0 / -0
Try roaches with a mobile cloaker it can be seriously op against pretty much everything on the ground.
+0 / -0
Too much micro, but it is best bubbles counter, but failures are damn expensive.
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That's one of those things that is probably massively OP but nobody uses so we've never fixed it.
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Before we talk OP UP lets put Kzz into context: every single game - without regard to the situation - kzz morphs his com to level 4 and repeat builds the heaviest glass-canon unit from his lab - snipers, penetrators, banishers etc. From the perspective of one whose cheapest unit costs over 800 metal, yes, it might seem like the skuttle is the antichrist.
+0 / -0
Well it is not that OP. If enemy is not total retard he will send and spread light units to front and your cloaked bombs might chain explode with whole cloaker.
+0 / -0
who said tacnuke is weaker than skuttle? skuttle has more damage, thats right. the rest the tacnuke is superior. it needs no micromanagement, has a incredible range, can be build in safe range and then deployed IMMEDIATLE without warning, and it has a accuracy that is amazing... however, skuttling makes more fun.  kzz, there are units which are cheaper than reapers and sumos...
+0 / -0
is tacnuke seeking? I assumed it would miss a moving target
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I want a seeking tacnuke to blast krows.
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