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Problematic Zero-k Units

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3 years ago
The most problematic zero-k units in my opinion


  • Athene : Can resurrect wrecks.
  • Ultimatum : Anti-Heavy Artillery, discourages building of heavy units, does not encourage fun game play.
  • Widow : Very strong for cost, Anti-Heavy, discourages building of heavy units, does not encourage fun game play.
  • Tremor : Counters screening units, counters entire shield factory, very large range, does not encourage fun game play, changes height map, but does not change texture.
  • Lance : Anti-Heavy Artillery, discourages building of heavy units, does not encourage fun game play.
  • Big Bertha : Provides constant damage, encourages mindless game play, hard to counter.


  • Crab : Very strong for cost, to much HP, can counter entire army, very annoying to deal with. Visual design does not communicate this.
  • Lucifer : See lance.
  • Cerberus : See Tremor.
  • Gauss : Bullet sponge.
  • Faraday : Bullet sponge.
  • Fire Walker : Does not encourage fun game play.
  • Emissary : Very strong vs units, a lot of AOE, does not encourage fun game play.


  • Ship Factory : The only factory restrict to water, yet not the best choice for water.
  • Paladin : Lance with more HP, that comes with turrets.
  • Detriment : DRP / Starlight almost always a better choice.
  • Halberd : To much HP for cost, Visual design does not communicate this.
  • Recluse : Very strong mono spam, can be easily stacked.
  • Phantom : Anti-Heavy Artillery, discourages building of heavy units, prone to friendly fire, hard to use, does not encourage fun game play.
  • Racheteer : Anti-Heavy Artillery, discourages building of heavy units, does not encourage fun game play.


  • Lobster : Can have comically stupid physics, massive striders being launched liked toys
  • Outlaw : Infinite light raiders stand almost no chance
  • Thug : Very large amount of HP with free regeneration for the cost, can be very strong early game, and almost impossible to deal with
  • Sythe : On large spread out maps next to impossible to counter.
  • Sling : Very cheap Artillery, does not encourage fun game play, hard to counter due to relatively fast move speed and accuracy.
  • Fencer : Very Strong vs spider factory, very strong mono spam.


  • Zephyr : By far the worse unit in the game. Visual design does not communicate this.
  • Dominatrix : Haven’t recently seen use, but can be very hard to counter.
  • Dirtbag : Can ruin terrain, see Tremor
  • Placeholder : Kinda Anti-Heavy, can be very annoying.
  • Newton : Almost never used.
  • Skuttle : Almost never used.
  • Blastwing : Almost never used.
+5 / -0
3 years ago
It's somewhat unclear what your rankings mean.

Does S tier mean highly overpowered and F tier is highly underpowered? Or are you saying the S tier ones are the most important to be changed?

In any case, your descriptions make sense, and I think some unit tweaking could be very helpful.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
Add to the fact that screening itself is not fun. I dont like having to circle my dante with bandits that die from collatoral damage just to protect from widows(http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/914238) or ulti, and tank factory is very prone to ulti or troll com because they dont have a screening unit.
+2 / -0
With respect to Ultimatum, Widow and Racketeer I broadly disagree that the existence of anti-heavies is "problematic" or does not "encourage fun game play". I would not actually classify Phantom as anti-heavy.

I agree that Lance is strong but I think the game would be considerably more boring without it.

In general I think removing a lot of the things listed here as "problematic" would make the game more bland.

Ship Factory : The only factory restrict to water, yet not the best choice for water.

I don't think this is really Shipfac's fault (if indeed this statement is actually true; I would still be plopping Shipfac on a large open water map personally). Shipfac was clearly pretty strong before recent design changes to Amph and Hover whose balance ramifications are still shaking out.
+4 / -1

3 years ago
S tier are the problematic units that have the most impact, while F tier are still problematic but to a smaller degree.

The main reason why Ultimatum and Widow are so high up is because to counter them you need an army of screening units to protect your expensive Units. However having a screening army has two drawbacks

1. A lot of micro
2. A constent stream of new screening units

Micro is very difficult when you have a mixed army, draining your mental energy and the production needed to provide screening units is usually most of your metal income. So you will be constently spending most of your metal replenishing your screening units, allowing your opponent to build more artility to kill your screening units faster.

On the other hand Instead of building expensive units you can spam artility and chip your opponent to death. Artilty required next to no micro and does not drain your metal after they are built, so you will win in the long run.

Currently due to this I rarely see mixed armies fight, usually its artility doing the pushing with some units defending them. And in my opinion the main reason for this are the units in the S catagory.

While I agree that anti-heavy units should exists, you should still have a fair way to defend against them. Having to fight an invisible enemy that render you helpless or one shots you is also fairly bland. I would rather see massive armies clash then have them firing at each other from across the map or one projectile ending the game.
+4 / -0
Having to fight an invisible enemy that render you helpless or one shots you is also fairly bland.

I'm not equipped to comment on general balance, but I wanted to voice my agreement on this point. Cloaked units are frustrating to deal with since they have a high alpha strike and cannot easily be defended against, and it is difficult to know how much of a cloaked threat exists at all. Over defending against cloaked units is just as much a mistake as under defending, and the only reliable way to know how many cloaked units have been built and what kind is with vision of the enemy factories (successfully executing a defense is hard enough with any forewarning).

I think having omnisensor to defeat cloak altogether would be excessive, but one suggestion I'd make is to have a way to gain information regarding the presence of cloaked units. That could take the shape of displaying faint radar dots for cloaked units so map control is rewarded with information and some ability to disengage. Those dots don't need to be targetable by weapons, the information benefit should be enough, and this can be restricted to the intel specialist units to give them more of a role (e.g. advanced radar and Owl).
+0 / -0

3 years ago
I feel like the above posts are overstating the difficulty of screening heavy units against cloaked anti-heavies. I have mostly been playing 4v4-ish games of late and in games with that kind of density I have not found that artillery is oppressively dominant or that Minotaur/Cyclops-based compositions are nullified by the existence of antiheavies.
+2 / -0

very large range

Untrue. Tremor after dose nerfs feels absolutely castrated range-wise.

Athene : Can resurrect wrecks.

The insolence! Remove it from game AT ONCE!

I dont like having to circle my dante with bandits that die from collatoral damage just to protect from widows(http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/914238) or ulti,

That's why you always have badgers.

Does not encourage fun game play

I don't get what it means. Provide definition and example of fun gameplay.
+1 / -1

Boring units.

IMHO there is only two units which is unfun and i would like them be removed - tremor and badger. Every nub can spam them but counter them is hard. They are most boring units in game.
And in some cases funellweb with its shielding ability which can even block nuke in midair (however not its aoe). This shield is op in some cases even and in some cases funnelweb spamming lead to loss because shield eat much energy and team got less metal while they have big useless builder. Not even mentioning that one wub build funnel, comes to front, eat all your reclaim and build other one funnel. GG.
-Placeholder ability to hold striders is boring or even OP in some cases.

OP/strong units:

-Only true OP unit overall in this game at moment is cornea, iris and conjurer (cuz cloaking field). You can't see anything. Energy cost is average.
-Ultimatums is very strong, almost OP. Paladins is melted and detris too. One shoot and one kill most units. Deal even with raiders in many cases. Only thing i dislike is this large dmg vs paladins and detris. 4 shoots and paladin is ded. But overall cool unit because deleted problematic trollcoms with one shoot.
-Lance is OP but reasonable OP because hovers will be shit without it and its great counter for heavy unit. Maximums need small nerfs. Like larger metal cost. Lance OPness is only against limited units and it isn't spammer choice.
-Emissary is limited OP. Also hard counter. But problem is about that its very good vs other units even more then against porc.
-In some cases guardian trollcom is OP with its drones even in midgame but as not many spam them this isn't problem in many cases.
-Artemis still very strong even with metal drain. And in same case still too squishy. Hard to balance.
-Scythe is strong but no op. Maximum need larger energy requirement to operate cloak so enemy cant make 2 of them and just raze factory. That is most problematic thing about them that you can do it from start.
-BB is very powerfull in few cases but in many cases it can be easely countered.
-Welder. 2k hp and 7,5 bp for 200 euros? Very nice price. And plus it have even attack for dealing with pesky raiders.
-Widow is strong (not OP) but its balanced with no attack and high energy upkeep.
-Limpet. Only few player have discovered how OP is this unit. Maybe even second to cloaker units.
-Phantom is strong. Agree. But it must be in.
-Snitch. Very powerful unit. But only in right hands. I'm so glad that there is only few such hands in ZK. Best scythe counter in game.

Shit/bad units:

-Athena is problematic because low level player spam them and it tend to be just big metal invest without real use. As factory its alsmsot useless except cornea + djinn trolling. As rezzing unit it doesn't make cost in most cases. 95% games useless trolling.
-Lucifer is 95% lubtrap in games which can be destroyed by single skuttle or impaler spam. It doesn't give many contributions in team games. And you need 50 energy grid.
-Detriment useless shit. One of most fuking useless unit in ZK and entire RTS gaming history. Only some units like limpet drone from Tiberian sun and brute from RA2 is more useless. To use it you need equal cost in metal in supporting units. Better two paladins or supweapon or just merlins in cost terms. It detriment for own team not enemy.
-In most cases dante. On paper its uber unit but in practice become problematic. Lance deletes it, ultimatum one shoot - one kill, most arty punishes it, two spy stun it. There is many players who spam it but only few who have mastered this awesome grill machine. However dante is hard to be balanced. Most cases this unit is great metal delivery.
-Balstwing - almost useless unit.
-Reef. Maybe second most useless unit after detri. 3000 cost for big ship with glass drones, metal costing disarm missile and three worthless airpad which do more harm then benefit.
-Hacksaw. Too limited use.
-Paladin. More medicore then bad still. Its big gun doesn't give big advantages in pitched battles. Nor also its stun guns. This unit is easy countered by ultimatums and other heavy units or you need enormous cover for it. Two scorpions also cook it. As skirmisher its useless. Only usable as assault team leading tank and worthless vs dense porc but still way better the detriment.
-Thug. Slow meathield and nothing more. Can be blowed up by snitch, stunned by imps, cooked by raiders.
-Mason. Very medicore builder with low build power.
-Crane. We all know that crane air is OP. Almost everyone who have played with planes seriously.

I will not add skuttle in bad unit lists. It have shit decloak range but it high dmg and jump is still strong thing. In right hands it can mean gruesome death to enemy coms.
+3 / -1

3 years ago
I have seen these these units as frustrating as well, and I have used them to my advantage too. I would like to point out that these problematic units come from different factories and they all have a soft counter from different factories. this is a testament to the balanced imbalance of the game that I have come to love. These units feel powerful because of the way people are choosing the play. Right now the meta is to artillery crawl into the enemy base. but the practice of doing this is expensive and leaves them more open to an aggressive opponent. If someone lets a person build 3 tremors and lances with the unites to protect them from raids that is their fault.

I will agree that armor needs a rework. All the units with armor are on your list because of their armor. some potential solutions could be to add a timer (1-3 seconds) for the armor to engage or have the armor observe damage on a logarithmic scale so that raider weapons barely hurt them and anti heavy weapons can make significant progress, this could also be reverse to an exponential scale so that light weapons deal full damage but heavier ones don't. Just throwing it out there as ideas to think about.

+0 / -0

3 years ago



+2 / -3

3 years ago
I would strongly agree with all the pop up "artillery resistant" turrets listed - gauss, faraday, desolator. These are chief culprits of fronts bogging down, since they can't easily be removed by artillery and can rarely be safely assaulted in large teams. Also agree lucifer design is mega shit (its a high dps riot artillery unit).
+0 / -0




Once i saw how one ultis deleted three GBrankBLaNKMiND cyclops with two shoots and then humbly go away. If you play against GBrankBLaNKMiND just spam ultis. Ultimatums is best counter to GBrankBLaNKMiND. :D

I would strongly agree with all the pop up "artillery resistant" turrets listed - gauss, faraday, desolator. These are chief culprits of fronts bogging down, since they can't easily be removed by artillery and can rarely be safely assaulted in large teams. Also agree lucifer design is mega shit (its a high dps riot artillery unit).

Lance, impler, open it with assault unit and shoot. They are annoying but not OP. Lucifer cost 2,2k metal and need grid. Desolator as general defense perform better. Lucifer alone is shit. You need invest mass metal in supporting defense because once units got to close lucifer its ded. I however dislike its range 1200 however. Because only general arty is impaler which counter it.
+2 / -0
I have not found that artillery is oppressively dominant

Meanwhile, Multiplayer B914280 2 on FrostyCove v1.11

Ultimatum : Anti-Heavy Artillery, discourages building of heavy units, does not encourage fun game play.

I assume the "artillery" is a copypasta here. I also assume you also realise that heavies still being viable in a ZK where antiheavy exists means heavies have to be nerfed in a zk without them; or otherwise the game becomes some iteration of cyclops or grizzly wars again.

I get this vibe that cyclops wars of 2017 is what many posters in this thread actually mean by "fun".

Also agree lucifer design is mega shit (its a high dps riot artillery unit).

Lucifer shoots a pinpoint beam with high reload. Do you really have to stretch the epithets so madly? At least say 'Cerberus' then if you want riot arty; at least it has AoE.


I feel like artillery and skirmishers became significantly stronger "recently" due o superfluid reducing the ability of raiders to kill them in time. This is extra nasty in cases of arty and skirms that were capable of killing raiders before. I'm not sure what to do here.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Meanwhile, Multiplayer B914280 2 on FrostyCove v1.11

That isn't the first weird two-person 1v1 meta I've seen and it won't be the last. I do not feel any particular need to believe that Bertha is actually a regular part of the overall metagame outside large congested teams.
+1 / -1
3 years ago
Crab still weak, take the grizzly, the grizzly performs crab tasks many times better
+1 / -0
3 years ago
grizz seems more assault since it can move
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Units are boring when they are countering you
Its a rock paper scisor game, with a part of skill + Bluff

Imo, these units wich are boring require more attention ingame, but none of them require a nerf, or even a removal, since they are part of the Rock Paper Scisor Cycle
+1 / -0
That isn't the first weird two-person 1v1 meta I've seen and it won't be the last. I do not feel any particular need to believe that Bertha is actually a regular part of the overall metagame outside large congested teams.

I thought most of the commentary here so far was about team games, anyway. If you can roll with team game arty strats in a 1v1 though and win that could imply that it's a bit too easy.

If we were talking about problematic units for 1v1 Kodachi and Locust would surely be making entries, right...? Or Thunderbird, which can just win a game in one run if you get a good bombing in and costs less than a Crab.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
I'm reading the thread and honestly at first I thought it was a joke thread... But it appears like they be serious.

People are going "nerf this", "unbalanced that"... Frankly speaking I don't see 90% of issues brought up here. Game is VERY balanced. If something owns you answer is simple: GIT GUD.
+1 / -4
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