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Options/Futures/Forex Trading

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4 years ago
Is anyone else a retail trader that works with options or futures?

What are your favorite things to trade?

My favorites are:

+1 / -0
i have lost fortunes because equities crash unexpectedly.

i have lost fortunes because equities crash suddenly. as shown in movie batman dark knight returns

many people,like me, run into the market when it goes up, and think themselves smart. they are proven fools when the markets fall to zero overnight, like me.

please, please, stay out of the stock market. thanks. in the future you will remember me, and all of you should have stayed out of the stock market
+1 / -0
4 years ago
a really weird error mentioning "s t o c k s" caused the forum to crash for me in this thread
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I liked to look at BTC when corona has hit, it was fun pestering my dad who hated cryptos that Bitcoin has risen from ashes once more. :P
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Get away from the stock market is my opinion, in any form.

It's my belief the entire market is filled with pump and dump schemes by colluding fortunate500 companies using free federal loans, private or smaller investors will always lose out. Wall street is not reflecting Main street, it's bs.

The stock market is more unrelated to reality than ever.

IMO there will be a monumental correction on the horizon.

Im no expert, just my 2c
+2 / -0

4 years ago
stock talk in zero K forums? time to sell!
+4 / -0
A huge shit storm is coming as many expected, but it probably won't hit for a couple more months... Hard to tell
Right now we're in a gigantic pump stage thx to all cash inflows by govs due to covid... but it won't last long...
just my 5 cents

global economic system is already dead as we used to know it...
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Wonder what people were saying after 2008 crash or the dotcom crash ...

I do agree though not to buy when market is going up.

But you can buy ETF-s when is going down and you should sell when is going up. And you must do this only if you are able to afford to hold a position until it goes back up - which can be months or years, not gamble your rent money.

Firepluk: the way I see it there are 2 options:
- it does not last too long, everything crashes and burns, you will not have much utility for your cash anyway (inflanation, nationalization, etc.).
- things continue with some adjustments, in which case if you invested (at the right time, now is a bit passed already) you might get some return.

I would select first scenario only if I am living in a cold country where I can use my cash for heat :-p.

USrankKshatriya: as I am not a trader, prefer ETF-s as they are "simpler" and I need to "follow" them less.

USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng: probably population got old enough to have savings :-p.
+0 / -0
I am going to go into cryptocurrency soon. After some research, I found out that 90% of cryptocurrencies get raised at least 50-100% in 3-4 years. You just need patience with them and to spot out which is the currency that will grow.

For example, 3-4 years ago I wanted to buy Monero for 50-100 cents and right now 1 Monero is 69 and went to 500(in 2018) at some point. They are extremely volatile but this is why I told you that you need patience with them.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
With the stock market increasingly dislocated from reality and currency quantitative easing dialed to turbo to deal with the shutdown costs... imo it is an excellent time to take out large loans (because inflation will devalue your debt) and use the money to buy physical assets which retain or gain value. Property, rare guitars, antiques, art, gold...
+3 / -0
I have also gone 100% cash for the time being. I also think a huge correction is around the corner.

The plan is to buy in again if Dow Jones hits 15k.

Then I will invest in a mixture of:

- VWRP (Accumulating version of Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF)
- VAGS (Accumulating Vanguard Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Income)

+0 / -0

4 years ago
I'd suggest having a good read of this persons blog https://jlcollinsnh.com/

Essentially, after you have an emergency safe cash fun start to build up an index tracker on the lowest possible fees.
Don't try to outsmart the market, you can't. there are too many insider traders and algorithms, you will eventually lose
+1 / -1

4 years ago
Thanks for the recommendations, I will invest in rare guitars now.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
+1 / -0