Wonder what people were saying after 2008 crash or the dotcom crash ...
I do agree though not to buy when market is going up.
But you can buy ETF-s when is going down and you should sell when is going up. And you must do this only if you are able to afford to hold a position until it goes back up - which can be months or years, not gamble your rent money.
Firepluk: the way I see it there are 2 options:
- it does not last too long, everything crashes and burns, you will not have much utility for your cash anyway (inflanation, nationalization, etc.).
- things continue with some adjustments, in which case if you invested (at the right time, now is a bit passed already) you might get some return.
I would select first scenario only if I am living in a cold country where I can use my cash for heat :-p.

Kshatriya: as I am not a trader, prefer ETF-s as they are "simpler" and I need to "follow" them less.

[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng: probably population got old enough to have savings :-p.