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Why is scythe sound effect not localised?

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4 years ago
The sound effect for Scythe is not localised and played globally.
This means when you get attacked by them you have no clue where they are until you zoom all the way out and look over the whole map to find them.
By which time they have killed whatever it was they were attacking.
+7 / -0
4 years ago
I guess if the sound is localised, you might not get the blaring alarm of scythes and they will kill whatever they were attacking and other stuff
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Cuz air player can hear and react. If scythe sound will be localized he can't react and least ping where they are for other players. Otherwise one player get attacked by scythes and he rage at air who doesn't even hear them.. Another thing is about that its warning for other players in team to be ready. Many players is blind and never read chat or react on marks. Then they cry about that nobody warned them. Global scythe attack sound is punishment for them. If it will be removed then they benefit from it. Imagine when you focus on front and scythes silently kill your factory or back eco.
But it not global sound problem. Problem is that scythe attack sound is annoying...
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I play air most games and in 90% of cases when I hear the sound I spend a good 10s looking for them on the map. Unless the person being attacked by them actually pings. Then by the time I eventually see them and boost swifts over there, they have already done significant damage. Maybe a widget that autopings scythes might be a good idea.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Maybe a widget that autopings scythes might be a good idea.

Yeah, no shit.
+5 / -0

4 years ago
As far as I can understand the effect actually is localized but the effect of distance is reduced 10x or something like that. This may well be on purpose so that people become aware of Scythe presence.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Wait. That's actually in the game?
+0 / -0
Yes. If it's not there, probably just not enabled (through widget list menu). It can get pretty annoying though with all the cloaked units cloaking/decloaking all the timeā€”lots of markers to the point of being unable to see what's going on on the map, so I suggest trying it out before putting a check mark on every unit and building that's listed there.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
what 2nd guy said, if Scythe sound isn't heard everywhere it can be dangerous and you won't see them destroyin your base
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Also does anybody knows whether the pings are local (can only be seen by you) or global (can be seen by everybody)


anybody who played with me, do i ping stuff 10 times a second?

(pretty sure it's local as somebody pinged a trinity after i auto-ping'd it)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
you can erase markers by holding `\` and dragging RMB around the place you want to clean.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Markers from widgets are local. Only you can see them. If you use the mouse to place them, then they are visible to your teammates (and spectators, I think; need to check this to be sure).
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Ok so been playing now with the widget enabled to ping a whole bunch of stuff. WOW what a difference. Really helps even with spotting things while scouting with swifts.

How do I only learn of this now after playing for 8 years...
+0 / -0