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2 sets of rules

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kicked from a battle https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/971442 irony is that lob was doing same ish stuff after couple of games kicked by moderator YES moderated cose nobody else is deserving that but me and my play style 2 SET OF RULLES not even trying to teach guide new players how to play but kick ppl that know how to play ish

countless detri donation from new player no moderation/ guide how to play this is ok?
is it ?


and at the end kicked from room by moderator while in spec mode...
+0 / -2
You were kicked by a kick vote after you basically threw a game on purpose - which you explicitly mentioned in team chat! - after losing another game with a suboptimal rush.

You got off really lightly.

Though now that you've made me think about it with this thread, i guess i'll suspend further lenience.

Consider this a warning.
+7 / -0
ahh 'yawn' good morning forum threats

i shal now call him 'Anarchid the angry'
+0 / -2
and again kicked from a game by lobs cose not there standards of carry :) why we r not kick lobs for lobbing this is not to make a fire but make a good game for all of us

love u

ps. quote You got off really lightly.
rly that how them play all the time u know and i do and all of us they can do better then this... what now ban for playing like others do ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
+0 / -0
4 years ago
One was for a drp rush that was meant to be silly, the other was for making nothing but storages. I was on your team in both games... We don't expect you to carry just not play like a moron.
+2 / -0
I think the consensus on playing silly is (or should be) the following:

1.) Don't do stuff that you know has absolutely no chance of success or provides the team with no utility. (EG: storage only, making fields of cons, etc)
2.) Don't gloat about being useless and winning.
3.) Don't claim you're playing suboptimally with explicit purpose to ruin your team's chances of winning. (EG: "I need to lose elo anyways", etc)
4.) Don't do it in small teams.

TL;DR: Keep your head down and do things that have some success rate or utility greater than 0.

The "double standard" comes from point 1. You're a top 10% player. You aught to know making nothing but storages is useless. Top 80% players don't understand what's wrong with storages so they get a free pass. This is before we get into the statement you made. There's an expectation of basic competence associated with being a top 10% player. The key point to all this here is noobs aren't doing this:

basically threw a game on purpose - which you explicitly mentioned in team chat

What you say tends to dictate people's opinions of your actions. Making a roach ramp after saying "time to lose again" tends to move it towards 'throwing the game on purpose' while just making it tends to lean towards 'I want to have some fun' -- you almost NEVER SEE NOOBS SAYING "TIME TO LOSE THIS DETRI". Making storages after explicitly saying you're throwing the game on purpose automatically lands you in "throwing the game on purpose" territory because you do not have the benefit of the doubt from being a top 80% player combined with the explicit statement you made.

Also note having a history of throwing or ruining games may diminish the good will garnered from the latter above and still land you in 'throwing the game on purpose' territory. A noob who does the same actions as you and says the same thing will end up in the same place.
+1 / -2
cant we just reason with people why even warn people like they are 'nobodys' these are our friends do we really need the iron fist?

next time someone trolls just try ask them if they are willing to talk.. i bet some of them are just overloaded with real life and vent because they come here seeking relaxation and people trigger them..

zk has many many ways to be a shit

some people are passive aggressive being just abrasive enough to get reactions then wondering why people snap and offering no leniency..

id understand it with new players but older players trolling might mean they are just on 1 end of a two sided dispute. and have been antagonized and trolled themselves ~ maybe even for years.. little mosquitoes in ear yelling "noob" over and over

..i think fear threatening a person like that "Consider this a warning" is unnecessary elevation

he just wants to feel understood.. if we understand at-least he got frustrated somehow im sure he might meet us half way admit he acted inconsiderately. he did the wrong thing but i bet he had been receiving some kind of trash talk. perhaps he felt trolled and reflected his emotions.. idk.. but i think showing a willingness to communicate and reason with people breeds better behaviors and harmony in the long run

i mean the hammer works but please next-time just appeal to the good nature of our bro czesio.. and he will do the right thing im sure .. perhaps punishments are important though.. without them there would be more then the occasional flip out
+1 / -0
cant we just reason with people why even warn people like they are 'nobodys' these are our friends do we really need the iron fist?

Majority of the people who played with this particular friend of ours agreed that the game, at that particular moment, would have been better without him.

No iron fist was required.

However, i don't see why we - or, to be honest you, both the plural of our player community and the singular AUrankSmokeDragon - should tolerate what is essentially griefing ("i will ruin the game on purpose for 20 people because i feel like it").
+1 / -0
yeah i think maybe you were reasonable.. ok.. sorry

i guess your Anarchid firm but fair

but know this.. some day.. some where.. an admin will be naughty

and when they do ill huff and ill puff and ill blow useless air onto there brick house

and nothing will happen.. and some innocent noobling will be crushed by a hammer

rip the fallen.. it was not a fair fight.. sometimes people with several hammer wounds can be heard pleading for mercy only to get muted and down-voted to the oblivion

while lesser men spam storage's and frontline singu inline with coc
+1 / -0
GBrankczesio i understand the reasons for your behaviour 100% (i have been there myself), but i can`t support it. you are not doing youself or your intentions a favour, and you are definitely not doing your actual teammates a favour.

Top 80% players don't understand what's wrong with storages so they get a free pass.

i mean, are you sure for every case? is this still true after they have been told multiple times?

However, i don't see why we - or, to be honest you, both the plural of our player community and the singular AUrankSmokeDragon - should tolerate what is essentially griefing ("i will ruin the game on purpose for 20 people because i feel like it").

Essentially some people don`t seem to aknowledge the difference between intentional and unintentional behaviour, or they see it but don`t care about it because the effects are what matters. "If it`s not GBrankczesio that spams storages or cons, it will be someone else." And clusterfuck without that seems to have become really rare.

1.) Don't do stuff that you know has absolutely no chance of success or provides the team with no utility. (EG: storage only, making fields of cons, etc)
2.) Don't gloat about being useless and winning.
3.) Don't claim you're playing suboptimally with explicit purpose to ruin your team's chances of winning. (EG: "I need to lose elo anyways", etc)
4.) Don't do it in small teams.

I totally support that and it`s my stand-point as well. (Although, a better version of "2" would be "Don`t taunt/trash-talk" in general, but i guess that is too restrictive for many people)
However it should be stressed that this is true for everyone fundamentally, just that you cannot know it beforehand when you are just new here, and thus new players are given the benefit of the doubt.

I think this is one of the games that lead to the outburst:


There is someone that builds 3 storages, pala (suicides it because send totally naked), then 3 detris. 1 nearly dies, gets pulled back (!) and repaired, then dies next time on front, second and third die the same way. THERE SHOULD BE NO MOD-ACTION imho, there is no reason to believe the behaviour has the intention of harming the team). Now the question is, at what point do you stop to give players the benefit of the doubt, e.G. when do they stop to be "new"?
- Maybe the person doesn`t speak english. That would be one thing.
- If not and the tags of their teammates are read and understood, is it fair to assume the player knows after this game that this strategy will put them into deep conflict with their team?
+2 / -0

4 years ago
A noob who does the same actions as you and says the same thing will end up in the same place.

do you have any real-life-example? I cannot think of one but because i cannot remember if there was any noob-player who deliberatley stated this. (Saying that, I have a friend that likes jump into multiplayer-games with the intent to troll people and uses the method of always being the new guy as disguise. This is an example of clearly malisicous behaviour. Maybe that has too much of an influence on me when i watch how new players in zk behave...)
+0 / -0

4 years ago
cant we just reason with people why even warn people like they are 'nobodys' these are our friends do we really need the iron fist?

Majority of the people who played with this particular friend of ours agreed that the game, at that particular moment, would have been better without him.

1. Well, we have been told in the basically same situation and with the same reasons that those kickvotes are not ok. Now i am confused how this goes together. What differences between this kick and the one thematised in this thread: https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/32188 are the important ones? The presence/absence of a moderator? The amount of people voting for it? Or is there none aka if your team is convinced you are sabotaging deliberately, it is okay for you to get kicked?
2. I don`t think it is healthy to brush-off SD`s pleads for more mediation. No, griefing shouldn`t be accepted at all. But more mediation is still a useful thing to do. You make it look like you find opting for less negative emotions in the community as something that is totally unnecessary. I know that`s not your belief, just saying you come over like that.
I would be suprised tho if there were no tries to calm down GBrankczesio beforehand.

+0 / -0
we need admin admins.. maybe a circle of admins and some kind of online stone table

and ten commandments

1: thou shalt not kick thy neighbor
2: judge not lobsters unless ye is without lobster
3: forgive storage spam for they know not what they do
4: the afk shalt inherit the lobby
5: they don't pay me enough to make ten of these
+0 / -0
2. I don`t think it is healthy to brush-off SD`s pleads for more mediation

It takes a lot of steelmanning to get anything coherent out of the stuff SD writes.

More mediation has the problem of requiring people doing the mediating. Do you volunteer?

What differences between this kick and the one thematised in this thread

In one of these cases the person doing the thing actually rather clearly explains what he is doing and why.
+1 / -0
More mediation has the problem of requiring people doing the mediating. Do you volunteer?

I am already trying to. I am not sure i am the right person for it tho. I have already been accused of having an underlying agenda (shift blame to the abused), so i doubt i am percieved as someone that is neutral.

It takes a lot of steelmanning to get anything coherent out of the stuff SD writes.

That is due to the format. If you actually read it, it`s pretty straight forward. Well, the post above yours at least.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
sorry. i will try to write things in a more concise manor. thanks for the advice.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Oh yes, nothing like a gulp of refreshing lobster drama in the morning...
+1 / -2

4 years ago
you like other people to suffer i know Firepluk
+0 / -0

4 years ago
you like other people to suffer i know Firepluk

There is no peoples for him. Only lobsters.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
This all discussion is like small ignorant child pointing with finger to another one and screaming - why he can but i can't!!!! You see reason why lower level players is not so hard judged is because they are no doing it intentionally for their team loss, they do not grief while you do it. Most of them is such players by nature while you fully understand what are you doing. And because of it many experienced players who know what capacity you have as player will gladly vote yes in such kick votes.
+2 / -0