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Why does Cyclops exist?

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4 years ago
This question has been bothering me for a while...
What is Cyclops good for in the current balance?

I haven't seen a game where Cyclops actually seemed like a worthwhile thing to make. Particularly in a world where Grizzly exists.
Grizzly is just better than Cyclops for every use case I can think of.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
its a damage sink.. build 3 care takers or 4 if you hate 3.. and scout for targets your artillery can hit.. when you take 50% damage retreat and repair
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Grizzly is a kiting heavy, its vulnerable at close range. Cyclops in comparison is more of an immovable object with greater close-range firepower.

I think Cyclops is obsoleted more by Minotaur than any other unit. As tanks you already have the sturdy Minotaur, which can tank most things, has better handling, and a much more affordable cost, so Cyclops ends up feeling like overkill. However, if you already have a bunch of minotaurs around, building a cyclops will probably serve you better than just making more minotaurs.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
AUrankSmokeDragon: When would you make one as opposed to a Minotaur or Grizzly?
Those both do the "retreat to repair" thing as well or better (due to better speed and hp efficiency and more range respectively).

BRrankManored: The Cyclop's slightly better on-paper DPS is irrelevant as the Grizzly has much better DPS in practice due to the longer range (so getting an earlier shot), higher burst and undodgeable shot.
Due to their poor DPS neither are good close-range combatants and will lose if in a close ranged battle.

However, if you already have a bunch of minotaurs around, building a cyclops will probably serve you better than just making more minotaurs.

I've tested a range of unit mixes vs minotaurs+cyclops and have yet to find a matchup the Cyclops helps with. Doesn't even help much at catching a fleeing army as the Minotaurs are already pretty fast.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
the slow damage is nice =P and the health is very good.. they are very hard to loose.. you can get like 10 end game by just not loosing any
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I've compared the unit stats, and yes, on paper it does look better. But don't forget that Grizzly's laser is notoriously unreliable. It almost never deals full damage. And a squad of Grizzly is more vulnerable to Ulti then a squad of Cyclops.

And yeah, don't underestimate the slow damage.
+6 / -0
The Cyclop's slightly better on-paper DPS is irrelevant as the Grizzly has much better DPS in practice due to the longer range (so getting an earlier shot), higher burst and undodgeable shot.
Due to their poor DPS neither are good close-range combatants and will lose if in a close ranged battle.
Cyclops also has 50% more health for only 10% more cost, and about 20% more speed.

Cyclops is basically a huge brick of health that is harder to kill, while giving your enemy reasons to kill it. Grizzly is better at actually dealing damage, and I'd agree its more useful overall. Still think the comparison to minotaur is the more important one, though.

One situation in which Cyclops can be useful is when the enemy is throwing such big shots around, minotaurs can't be relied on to survive anymore, but you still want a tough frontline brick.

All that said, I don't oppose the idea of a rework. Cyclops could use having a clearer role, maybe. It seems to be designed to be an anti-heavy heavy but its too slow and short of range to do that well.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
One situation in which Cyclops can be useful is when the enemy is throwing such big shots around, minotaurs can't be relied on to survive anymore, but you still want a tough frontline brick.

This means that the enemy has the ability to zap you with quad lance at will, and does it.

The tank that you deploy in this situation is Funnelweb.
+2 / -0
I wasn't thinking of insta-death by giant lasers, more along the lines of slugfests happening frequently enough with big enough boys that your minotaurs keep dying due to your inability to watch them 24/7. Admittedly, now that I look at the Cyclops stats again and realize it only has 2x the health of minotaurs, its probably more cost efficient to just spam more minotaurs.

Like I said I don't think Cyclops is useless but it could use having more of an edge. ATM building a cyclops is a bit of a luxury for when you already have too many minotaurs. Maybe it could have significantly more speed so that it can chase big boys properly. It already has slow, so more speed could make it a dangerous big unit killer.
+0 / -0
Cyclops is the unit marching to finish off wounded heavy units.

It has the range/speed/slow combo make retreating heavy fears.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
In one of those big team games I had a big stack of them as well as some other stuff and it got nuked. The Cyclopes came out in good enough shape to still be useful even without healing them up first. I at least thought it was nice.
+2 / -0
The main selling point is the slow, excellent for catching units. The huge life allow it to tank damage while the slow take effect. While you can kite it, the moment your units within its range, you are pretty much dead.

For min max perspective, it is always nice to mix mino and cyclop.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I've compared the unit stats, and yes, on paper it does look better. But don't forget that Grizzly's laser is notoriously unreliable. It almost never deals full damage. And a squad of Grizzly is more vulnerable to Ulti then a squad of Cyclops.

And yeah, don't underestimate the slow damage.

Slow damage is OP, don't fly with ur lichos over a couple of cyclops - they will slow u to ur death and then a couple of jethros and llt finish u off :P
+3 / -0

4 years ago
In my experience the slow is targetted at things that are either already maximally slowed or are going to died in the next couple of seconds.
Sure, it means you catch a unit or maybe two that are trying to retreat, but a Grizzly would probably have oneshot that unit anyway.

Does anyone have any example situation/replay where a Cyclops is a better attritional unit than any of Grizzly, Emissary or Minotaurs?

And a squad of Grizzly is more vulnerable to Ulti then a squad of Cyclops.

How so CZrankpsaniac?
They both get oneshot by an Ulti. And the greater range of the Grizzly means that screening is a lot easier.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Does anyone have any example situation/replay where a Cyclops is a better attritional unit than any of Grizzly, Emissary or Minotaurs?

Maybe against revenats? I haven't tested it though.
+0 / -0
slow damage means 50%+ less damage taken so lets say you can only keep 1 unit to patrol a cliff vs lobster + a few scallops.. the slow may even prevent you taking any hits and the extra hp helps.. on paper hp/vs/cost matters but on the front alive or dead matters and grizzly can get trashed by air or light units faster then cyclopes.. many times a cyclopes will crawl back on 5%.. while an allies grizz all died
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Cyclops is good imo, it just isn't as generalist or good in clusterfuck unit density.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Cyclops exists to eat heavy riots.
+2 / -0
USrankOflameo : At the stage of the game where you can afford a Cyclops, are Ogres and Maces really a threat?
Dantes tend to get skirmed to death in my experience (if they aren't just ultid).

USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng : You say it's good, but not in lobsterpot, so are you saying it's good in 1v1? Because that really isn't my experience.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
4 heavy riots existed, they all hate Cyclop: Jugglenaut, Ogre, Crab, Dante
+1 / -0
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