When playing jumpbots I have difficulty dealing with defenses, especially the stinger + stardust combo.
- Puppy cant do much against stardusts.

Dregs idea of cloaked puppies dosent work well against screening units like fleas.
- Similiarly pyro dosent do well.
- A huge group of moderators can take out a stinger but cant make cost. Also, moderators have mediocre range, so the stardust also does a lot of damage to them, if not killing them.
- Jack would be the standard response of going assaults vs defenses. But jack has poor speed and range; A group of bandits and/or skirmishers is just plain bad news for a jack. You can't use pyros against raiders because pyros are expensive and dont have a lot of hp and will easily get killed. The fire created on their deaths will only burn the jacks.
- Jugglenaut + jack is very expensive.
- Firewalker is the artillery unit, but unfortunately it takes a lot of time for firewalkers to kill a defence. If there are caretakers which can constantly repair the defence and/or if there is an aegis then the firewalker cant do much.
- Iris-cloaked skuttle also wont work against screening units like flea.
If anyone has any helpful strategies please post it.