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Likho dominates air play

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I don't play air myself, but I have noticed that airplanes that aren't Likho seem to be an early game thing, and past a certain point all you ever see are Likhos. I find that rather boring.

Its possible that their attack is too good or too flexible. Its a massive guided punch with a large AoE. Likhos are used to take out anything and everything, even raider swarms trying to penetrate enemy territory.

I would say that Likho should be more specialized, but I guess airfac as a whole would need an overhaul to support that. Thoughts?
+3 / -0
4 years ago
yeah thats very true. Another reason is that Licho has a much larger health compared to other planes so can tank more AA fire
+2 / -1
4 years ago
I have to partially agree, and disagree at the same time.

Most beginners/inexperienced air players just go for swifts into full likho spam all game. Thats true.

The reason for this are simple:
Likho admits mistakes: it does not die so fast
Likho deals great damage: 2000 dmg is enough to kill all basic units, and even some more tanky units
Likho does have aoe: unit clusters are no problem for likho

As you can see likho does provide an easy gameplay.

But to truely use the full potential of the air factory you need to use the other planes too.

Lets look at the other 3 main planes used offensively:
Phoenix, Thunderbird and Raven

Raven costs 300 metal and deals 800 hp dmg, but only to a single target
Thunderbird costs, i think 650? and does stun basically everything for +-17 seconds.
Phoenix has napalm that does deal 500 dmg including the burn dmg, and the aoe ability is considerable

All 3 planes have the same weakness or relatively low hp. With Thunderbird being the best and Phoenix the worst in that aspect.

The best way to understand how they can be bether then Likho is to go with examples:

1st: One of the main jobs of the airplayer should always be to snipe retreating big units that are nearly dead, but your team is unable to finish them off. Yes likho can deal 2000 dmg, but thats often not enough. Raven is king in this area.

2nd: Sniping commanders, especially early game. You can get 5 Raven way earlier then the likho at the beginning of the game. 5 Raven deal 4000 dmg, Most coms have less or only slightly more hp, so snipe them and if they survive finish them off with swifts.

3rd: Wide spread out units. Shure Likho has Aoe, but honestly the Aoe is very small. And good air players are aware of that weakness. The only reason why Likho is so good against balls is because people tend to cluster units, but if you have good players that spread out their units, then they are quite useless and overexpensive. Therefor Phoenix is the way to go here.

4th: Sometimes you dont have alot of metal, and your team just needs an opening. Then its thunderbird time: If you can stun an army for 15 seconds while your teammate runs 20 glaives into that army the army is dead for a cost of 0 metal. And that is the true power of air gameplay.

5th: Spread out single units, and no teammate can stop them. Use area-attack-command and Ravens will punish the fool that has no aa. Raven has such a fast reload time, and such high dps, with 5 ravens you can kill at least 20 units in a minute. (if you have enough spots for the reloard)

There are certainly more examples, but i think this clearly proves that there are just so many situations where the oither planes are bether suited to do the job then likho that they definetly have earned their spot in the factory.

Just my personal opinion but there are about 10 active players in Zero-k that truly know how to play air. I think that is because of the very hard learning curve, and the lack of understanding what air gameplay is all about.
Air is not only about dealing most dmg.
Air can do so much more:

Air has the fastest units in all of Zero-K, so the airplayer can help everyone at anytime!
Air has the best scouting abilities. Owl is key here, and we all know the Swiftburst for the basescout.
Air is the factory that allows for some of the best teamwork there can possibly be. (Stun, bomb defenses, kill that 1 annoying unit etc)
The airplayer is also the eyes of the whole team! Most players focus to much on "their" front. But the airplayer normaly watches the whole map. So they should be the most actively communicating player in their team, because they see everything first.

Air is an amazing factory, but it takes time to rly understand it.
And experience! Air is not a beginner friendly factory!
Which is partially a reason why there are only very few good airplayers.

If i were to suggest something to people that want to try out air, then it would be to start in a small teamgame, like 4v4 or 5v5. Then there isnt so much anti air, and you wont loose your planes so fast.
Also keep in mind, that there is 1 important thing that you need to do: Make cost overall! Most people play air and wait to make that 1 big hit. Thats why you often see the airplayers charts look like stairs.
But often they do less dmg then they could have done if then just went for the small stuff too.
If a Raven bombs 2 mexes and 3 solars it also made cost! Shure, it takes 5 shtos, but bether do those then fly around the backyard ;)

Ok that post became way longer then expected.
If someone wants any advice towards airplay, dont hesitate to contact me.
+12 / -0
4 years ago
That's an interesting perspective.

However, if that is why we see so much Likho spam, maybe airfac needs to be a little easier to play or a little more intuitive.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I don't play air that much in big team games but I use it in small games frequently as a facswitch, and I rarely make likhos then unless I am against dense shield balls or some other things.

I think that in the big team games people like likhos for their hp.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
However, if that is why we see so much Likho spam, maybe airfac needs to be a little easier to play or a little more intuitive.
In the games I played/specced my impression is that Likho spam is a sign of one of two things: uninterested (or beginner) air player that does not punish Likho building or larger economy than the enemy (otherwise map gets covered with Artemis).

Air has a lot of advantages and uses (Anir listed a lot of them) but you can't apply them not considering what the opponent does. Which means air play is sometimes fun (pay attention when you boost your swifts to scare enemy Likho or find clocked or reclaiming Athena-s) but can be also boring (many Artemis-s in enemy base but you still need to occasionally scout or catch some unit that sneaks in the back)

For me the most important is the base scout - due partially to the troll strategies in team games - is there a nuke? is there a 50% starlight? where are the antis to disable?

One unit that I don't get is the Phoenix. Maybe should try to use it more, but previously did not have good experiences with it...
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Licho is super generalist and robust. Raven + Phoenix are both situational and fragile.

A top player can get the most from situational and fragile units, but most players won't (and so quite sensibly stick to Licho).

Imo the most boring factory.
+1 / -0
In the past when Raven was dominant and Thunderbird was outright insane, the Plane factory may have been more interesting but its effect on the game as a whole was not super healthy. In that respect it seems to be in a better spot now.

(I still think Thunderbird is very good but between worse stats, better player awareness, and possibly Superfluid making raider followups less explosive, it is no longer as ridiculous as it once was.)
+1 / -0

4 years ago
IMO air just needs Raven splitting into two different units so there is actual meaningful choices in plane composition.


+3 / -0
4 years ago
A precision anti-unit bomber with weight similar to current raven (but with a forward firing projectile so we can wave goodbye to the ugly and bad dive mechanic), and a strategic anti-static bomber that is higher weight, slower and can't hit moving targets.

Such a split could give us the additional mechanic of making the strategic bomber resistant to swifts (pewpew tailguns) & better countered by Raptor, so there is an actual reason to make Raptor. More importantly, it'd give air players a granular mid-weight unit costed between the 300m Raven and 2000m Licho.

Both of those units already exist, they just are not buildable by air fac.

Eclipse - big zeppelin, anti static, 1000m, 4000hp, 2500d bomb.
Kestrel - strike bomber, anti unit, 240m, 780hp, 2x 270d tracking missiles

If these units were buildable in normal games it would mean a lot less Likho spam. Eclipse would also help sort out the stalemate porcfests we seem to get every game in big teams. Where nothing but likho is usually viable due to extreme amounts of AA. Usually when it reaches that point I either build a silo and tacnuke all the AA on the map so I can keep bombing with Likho. Or I build a nuke.

Likho makes cost back much easier than other bombers because it doesn't have to be directly above the target to attack. Its large HP pool, especially in large numbers allows you to easily tank moderate AA and its high damage + aoe, means it actually tends to kill stuff. Normally makes cost in 1 or 2 well placed bombs. (If enemy has a shield ball I am a happy man)
Also the missile bomb is not tracking and for most damage you need to predict where it will land.
You can use attack on balls of gunships / raptors, which makes it a crude form of AA as well.

Raven dives into range of everything on the ground and dies almost every time. Used to be good for bombing superweapons and large defences. Now it gets owned by faraday + stardust / flak.

Thunderbird dies from a tiny amount of AA. If it does stun stuff most players in large games are too slow to capitalise on it.

Phoenix feels a bit meh. Unless you have a huge amount of them there is no hope of killing anything in big games. They get too close, do very little damage and die very quickly.

Cranes have stupidly low HP to the point where a ball of them will die from a single AA missile. Their acceleration is so low that even if you see the threat coming and try to move away, they still get hit.

Swift landing micro is currently very effective, probably more so than other bombers. BUT only if there is no AA, once AA appears they get vaporised quickly and landing is no longer a viable strategy. Giant swarms of swifts make for pretty boring air play.

Owl is most OP bs in the game. The thing gives radar. sonar, vision AND radar jamming. The radar jamming being particularly annoying. Once you have a line of them across the frontline the enemy is screwed, you can't see anything at the front with radar anymore so artillery is useless. It's like having cloaking fields over the whole map. Oh and it costs 0 energy to keep it going???

+3 / -0

4 years ago
In heavy team games, range effects become more powerful, because its easier and easier to deal crippling damage to shorter range units before they engage.

You see this with less raiders, more skirmishers and artillery, and the like.

This extends to anti-air as well, which has much more range than air. Eventually it hits a threshold that you cannot efficiently engage in its domain, this threshold is higher for licho, and smallest for phoenix.

If we want lower weight air to be able to engage in these areas, we need something akin to the armored mode of halberd, or perhaps even the inverse, aircraft that lose the ability to attack below a certain percentage of damage, without dying. Then you can naturally create attack forces that will suffer lower attrition but still interact with AA sensibly.

These sorts of units are somewhat unintuitive, but this is what I feel needs to be done if air is to be 'noob friendly' or more versatile in large games.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I think it would help if losing airplanes was less painful, so that people could use them more expendably and still make cost.

I mean Likho only has 2x more health than raven actually. Ravens being less likely to return alive should in thesis not matter that much since Likho's cost in ravens has 7x health. But apparently it does.

One idea that came to me would be having airplanes leave no wrecks behind, or reduced wrecks. They almost always die over enemy territory, so that would reduce feeding concerns.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I suspect one of the reasons less-experienced air players avoid Thunderbird (and to a lesser extent Phoenix) is that setting up a bombing line is fairly jank/unintuitive and micro-intensive.
One of the first things I tried was drawing a smooth approach curve with line move - which resulted in it flying straight to the first point at the wrong angle, overshooting terribly and then doing crazy S patterns along the rest of the waypoints on the line. Until you get a proper feel for the handling of line bombers you can't accurately waypoint them and your only option is to babysit them and make constant corrections to get them to go where you want.

I suspect if a nice widget were implemented that allowed players to draw a target line and have the pathing work out how to approach that, Thunderbirds (and maybe Phoenices) might see a lot more use.

Ravens don't have this problem, though the (lack of) retreat pathing does give them a level of babysitting that makes small numbers of Likhos more attractive than large numbers of Ravens.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
If we are talking about wrecked planes, if they die, you should still be able to control them, but they will be falling down, so it is possible to guide the wreck out...
+0 / -1

4 years ago
I don't have time to comment now, but I am thinking this way too and previously pushed this: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/10ccc5be01f7eb63f0bf9289b54da7bd6f84f320
+0 / -0

4 years ago

>Likho can attack enemy raptor. Raven can't. One likho can decimate entire ball of hawks what is awfull thing..
>Both likho and raven can attack gunships and rules are same with ground units. Also phoenix can but it 99.9% cases useless vs gunships.
>Raven is best option against submerged units in most cases. Only ravens can kill hiding leviathan in deep water or deal with other submarines. Except very shallow water.
>Likho is only safe option to go against felon/felon ball. Ravens, phoenix and thunderbird will die if felon have shields.
>With early raven spam there is problem about reload as aircraft factory have only one reload/repair pad. With 5 ravens and no repair pad you will have longer reload/repair time then likho.
>As you can build raven/phoenix/tb faster then likho they also come in action faster so you can use them faster and decide game outcome even in first minutes (in small teams specially) whole your enemy still building his likho.
>One of most biggest raven bombing flaw is that that ravens cluster when diving and one faraday can stun entire raven bombing party which will be shred by flak. Likho can take two hits from farady and they have less prone for stucking because they don't need to dive. Same problem even if there is no faraday and are just as aa defence flaks.
>Two likhos can kill one chainsaw with no losses while ravens will suffer looses.
>Likho can tank also one artemis shoot. if artemis is up it can blow up entire raven stack with one shoot.
>Raven weakness is also slow from ground units. If raven is slowed then it can't catch up unit and can die.
>Likho so far is only effective option to deal with lobster midair ball.
>Likho is faster flying speed then raven so they can react faster.
>Do not underestimate crane. Its still fastest con in game and in some large maps if enemy have no air player they can build mexes very fast.
>While raptor mostly is bad as air superiority fighter in some cases they are better then swift. Especially vs krow and in small maps where swifts have less room where fly.

At game start other planes can outperform likho easy (if not rushed but two or more players). Likho is far more suited to late game when more anti air is at field.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Is that a phoenix nerf in the commit? Wiki mentions reload of 1s for phoenix, did that become 5s?
+0 / -1

4 years ago
Phoenix never had been in real game 1s reload time. Seems wrong value in wiki.
+0 / -0
ZK Midgame (and endgame really) is about trying to trade damage efficiently. Land game revolves heavily around skirm/arty wars, trying to hit enemy units without getting hit in return; with the losing player then trying to find a way to deal with opponent's arty superiority.
So it is only natural that a unit with best ability to trade favorably is the one to dominate the air play. The ability to deal with clumped and individual units is a nice plus, but the real advanage of Licho is its ability to safely return home after a bombing run. Licho has a better chance to pay back its value thanks to its survivability, while with other bombers you need to kill a lot of value within first run or two because their chances of survival beyond that are near zero.
Shadow is especially prone to catastrophic losses with its dive mechanics, which suddenly make it weak to flex-aa and also to any form of AOE. So you need to constantly manage it to make sure it hits the target and survives, while with Licho you can keep "set target and forget" attitude for a very long time until the opponent finally gets enough AA to make you worried.

In my opinion, shadow (and probably phoeniz too) would really benefit from heavier weight and a buff to speed or HP to boost its survivability. Also perhaps the dive mode should be disabled by default? Missing a target sucks, but losing all your bombers to a mismicroed/misjudged dive sucks much worse in my opinion.
If the devs are concerned with earliygame viability of the fac, they should consider that it's not viable anyway due rearm times and repair costs not being affordable in earlygame. I'd really love to see some sort of A10 Warthog-style assault fighter to better fill the earlygame anti-ground role. Perhaps give it very low hp so it dies even against even light AA so it doesnt scale beyond earlygame.

Also, while we are on the topic of Air units, does anyone actually like the way Raptor slows down to absolute crawl (and also clips into other raptors) when chasing enemy air units? It looks so incredibly dumb holy shit. If it can go so slow, why not just let it stop midair and call it a fucking gunship?
The funniest thing is that Air used to have really cool combat (In extremely ancient CA times), but then some dumb fuck decided to make air vs air combat ugly as shit with some dumb excuse no one cares about, like streamlining raptor behavior or something. I will NEVER stop being mad about this
+1 / -0

4 years ago
why nobody talks about raptor? or air superiority dodgefights? these are fun. especially when you dodgefight with raptors.
+1 / -1
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