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History of RTS Games

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How many of these have you played?

The 90's and early 00's were kinda the Golden Age of RTS in some ways...
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Around seventy or so.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Only included games which I've done more than, say, a couple campaign missions in.

Herzog Zwei, SimAnt, Warcraft, C&C, Warcraft II, Red Alert, Total Annihilation, StarCraft, Tiberian Sun, Homeworld (the GOAT!), Red Alert 2, WarCraft III, C&C Generals, Homeworld 2, Empire at War, Balanced Annihilation, Tiberium Wars, SupCom, Red Alert 3, SupCom 2, Tiberian Twilight (ugh), StarCraft II, Zero-K, Planetary Annihilation, Grey Goo, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, 8 Bit Armies.

Some curious omissions on this list. No Homeworld: Cataclysm or Homeworld Remastered (the latter despite the presence of several other remasters). Zero-K and Balanced Annihilation but no Evolution RTS or other spring games. No Stratagus games either. None of the other 8-Bit RTS games. No Axis & Allies (2004 game). No AirMech (though it technically never left beta). No WARSHIFT.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Woah props for SimAnt, one of the first RTS I played :D
+2 / -0
same for me (SimAnt). always thought it was dune2 but...

edit: wait. there is Zero-K in it (2010, at timecode 24:00) !1!!
+2 / -0

4 years ago
+0 / -0
It's missing Dark Reign II, O.R.B. and Urban Assault all of which are dear to my heart, while including a bunch of things that aren't realy RTS such as Warlords.

Half of the games have abysmal framerate, so i guess it gets some points for not doing that to ZK.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Dark Reign 2 is shown at about 9:12.

Some of these are a bit off. Rise of Nations was definitely not released in 2014, as I'd been playing it for the better part of a decade before then.

I've played 45 by my reckoning. That is much more than I expected, given their general tendency towards historical or fantasy settings, which don't interest me as much.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Video is missing KKND: Krossfire. It was the first RTS I have played and it was on PlayStation. Yes.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Dune2 was first one that qualifies (and i will stick to this) *definition of RTS* - base building, resource gathering, producing units and direct control.
I had on SeGa mega drive2 - Dune2 (westwood), Mega lo Mania (sensible software) came out just some month later after dune, however this one was first rts to have tech tree, Bullfrog games (or more precisely Peter Molyneux's games) are like nothing else; i had Populous2: two tribes - technically not rts since no direct control over units, but damn, game is something, also theme park, but that one is definitely not rts.
Bullfrog made dungeon keeper - a game to remember for sure. Then there was KKnD krossfire - cnc clone by aussies Beam software (they also made stuff on sega md - platformer game 'Blades of Vengeance'). Also can remember 'Machines' (abysmal pathfinding), RA2 (doh), Emperor battle for dune (awesome soundtrack by David Arkenstone, even outdone Frank Klepacki on that one), GeneralsZH (EA) - good one, Sins of solar empire: rebellion (no idea, downloaded that one some years ago to check out, pretty decent, can't say much else), SupCom/FA (is good), SupCom2 is weird, World in conflict (from that video) - trash-y and not rts. Never played any of settlers series, but there is Widelands (that i discovered at the same time as zero-kelvin), can't say i got hooked, but game is sure worthy especially considering how much stuff is going on and how smoothly it runs even on +20 sim speed (also 'strategic zoom'(TM)) - that one caught my interest since i kinda like 'city building' games like Pharaoh and Caesar series (presumably by Sierra, but not sure, maybe they had different divisions) which are not exactly rts.
Probably RTS game that i played most is first Spellforce - RTS/RPG hybrid, i mean if they can fuse two genres and do it decent enough, why not (also after long time playing same game one inevitably might come to conclusion that some part is utterly broken, in this case RPG part is broken, but doesn't matter for single player). Looking at addons you can see quality decrease - flat maps and recolors all over the place, voice acting notoriously abysmal too. Second game is just blatant warcraft clone (firs one has vibes too, but still a very good game) and they got what they truly deserved for this - they gone bankrupt.
And i one of opinion that only good games from Blizzard are lost vikings and RRR, simply cannot digest their rts games; as well as those 'worldwar realisms simulators', you have virtual space where you can do literally anything you can imagine and what you do is try and port something representing 'real' stuff? That is definition of 'DULL'.
I would consider myself something of an 'rts enthusiast', however nowdays i don't follow any news, and there lot of stuff of category 'never played, never will, don't care in a slightest' (starcraft2 for example).
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Dark Reign 2 was special. Awesome soundtrack.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Played about 14 titles mostly appeared in first half.
+0 / -0
I played Warcraft II, C&C Red Alert and Total Annihilation. After the latter i knew i found a love for life. We married in 1998. 20 years later I found that there was a simply better version of my spouse hidden somewhere in the dephts of the internet... Sorry TA, but i simply don`t love you anymore :(


someone remembers this:

this would be an interesting title for springification....

(sry didn`t have the time to go through the vid and see if it`s included.

+1 / -0

4 years ago
Z - of course!

+2 / -0

this also old game but still good history story
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4 years ago
Generals: Zero Hour is my 2nd fave RTS, its fun to install and play through even now. I was gutted when the sequel was canned.
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