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1v1 Match with commentary

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Here's a video with a little bit of insight into my thinking where Multiplayer B1005398 2 on Mechadansonia v1.02 was concerned. The more I reflect upon the game, the less remarkable it looks... But the video is made now so you're getting this crap anyway ;). Hopefully the up and coming 1v1ers find a bit of value in it. Obligatory "it's my first time" making a commentary like that so if it's bad... Tough luck son.


Edit: Thanks DErankManu12 for answering just how badly I don't know silo vs anti-nuke. Just 1 missile is enough. Can you tell how rare this is in 1v1? =p
+15 / -0

4 years ago
I think my strategy to take out the antinuke there would have been to finish the strider hub and build 2 athenas(800+600*2000) swing them around the back of his base, build a 280m spider anti heavy for the EMP. Then time the nuke with a stun on the antinuke and building 10-ish bandits on the northeast metal plateau. Widow is another classic large teams solution to the antinuke problem, and learning the generality of Athena to be a factory behind the enemy(or a djinn behind the enemy) is a high micro solution to slipping a small number of raiders or a large army to the enemy's backline.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
you USrankDregs must like this transition in music
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Not bad thanks izi. A lot more into drum and bass than the dance/trance stuff though.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
This is great, really appreciate the commentary from an experienced player on their own gameplay. Super helpful as a new player trying to learn :)

Will be looking out for more!
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Was excellent commentary, btw.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This was great! Thanks for making and posting the video. We need more of this type of commented replay, where we can get insights into how top players view their matches and what they're thinking about when analyzing a game.

You could afford to increase your microphone volume just a bit. Otherwise, from a production standpoint I'd say it was all spot-on. Well done.

Loved to see a 1v1 game with berthas and nukes. :) Not very typical indeed! Wish there were more of them.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I really like this look into the mind of a purple star. I'd love more of these videos.

Why did you decide to make a nuke instead of a Bertha? Was it because you knew you'd be able to hit the antinuke with a missile? Or maybe because you knew you'd be able to defend for long enough?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I like the sort of laid back style that the game allowed.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Not bertha because on this map, the position I would place a bertha in would mean it would need to constantly rotate to get to the next set of targets. A nuke just gets the job done in a nice localized place. But it's so besides the point because thanks to tunnel vision, I made the least efficient moves numerous times. Learn from this game. Tac the Geo, nuke the cliff.

The "laid back" feel was probably a result of both us knowing that arty meant much unit fighting in the middle was futile. Although you can see some room for it, it never feels like doing it would be game deciding on this matchup.
+1 / -0
I really like how gnarlily you pronounce things like "shock attack".

You seem to be missing shadows. Is that an intended optimization, or a bug?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Raven's don't come home in this setting. Licho being the most masculine plane comes home with dinner.
+0 / -0
On silo use in this game:

Aside from targeting the geo, you launch 2 shockley, then 2 eos. I assume the shockleys are to go through the shields, but in this scenario you should have just stopped at 1 shockley to stun, and let Trinity clean up and finalize.

If going for the kill against a network of shields, what you really want is 3 eos - 1 to drain shields, 2 to go through and inflict lasting damage. You only need 2 shockley to go through a Funnelweb shield, and you had scouted none.

(And in the funnelweb scenario, the Eoses would have smashed against the Funnelweb's shields for nothing even after the second Shockley would have penetrated and stunned the anti).

You could have also tacnuked his Bertha with the Eoses you had instead of going for the anti. That Bertha placement was very vulnerable.

However, the real lesson about silo here is to flip the table and see what could be done by a silo to you.

Your whole hill base was just as vulnerable to the silo, and Randy had the comfort and riches to build his silo in safety, as evidenced as him being able to produce the Bertha and the Anti while simultaneously pushing you nearly into your heartland.

Targets abound: a silo built at approximately where he made the Bertha would have had 2/3 of your geos in range, as well as the Cerberus and the Trinity. Just the Cerberus worth of damage and strategic gain would have made it worthwhile; hitting Trinity would have been game. Cleaning up geos, the chainsaw, and then infernalizing your mexes or shockleying your defenses would have just been topping.

Raven's don't come home in this setting. Licho being the most masculine plane comes home with dinner.

Ah, yes, but what about that thing where an object placed between a light and another object occludes the light's shine for the other object?
+4 / -0
And that folks, is why it's good to watch your own replays, but better to have the community do it for you.

Top analysis EErankAdminAnarchid. I learned more from the feedback than watching the game numerous times in the replays.

Edit: In the previous response, I had took it you meant "raven" by shadow? Or did you literally mean graphics shadows?
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Edit: In the previous response, I had took it you meant "raven" by shadow? Or did you literally mean graphics shadows?

Yes, literal shadows!
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I can see them in the recording, is this not what ZK should look like... Maybe I messed them up during map making
+0 / -0

4 years ago
My bad, they're there, just faint.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
On the topic of feedback: Jugglenaut. You often said that rANDY had no AA when in fact he had a Jugglenaut, but I think he built Jugglenaut to counter Likho. Many Likhos were lost to Jugglenaut throughout the game.
+4 / -0