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Beyond All Reason Alpha Championship Cup #1

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Beyond All Reason Alpha Championship Cup #1

Format: 1v1 - 32 Players*- Single Stage - Double Elimination
Date: Sat 10th April - 15:00 UTC

Games per Round: Round 1 is Bo1, Middle rounds is Bo3, Grand finals is Bo5
Start Positions: Default startboxes (not fixed positions)

Round 1 (Bo1): Quicksilver
Round 2 (Bo3): Altair Crossing, Avalanche, Paradise Lost
Round 3 (Bo3): Barren, Ravaged, Red Comet
Winners & Losers finals (Bo3): Fallendell, Flooded Valley, Titan Duel
Grand Finals (Bo5): Tundra, Seth's Ravine, Cervino, Comet Catcher, Nuclear Winter
Grand Finals Rematch (Bo5) (if loser bracket player wins): First map = Quicksilver, then loser picks
3rd Place Decider (Bo3): First map = Sertaleina, then loser picks

Prize Pool: €220, courtesy of GBrankJazcash (200$) and Badosu (20$)
1st Place: 60% (€132)
2nd Place: 30% (€66)
3rd Place: 10% (€22)

Some ground rules:
- No spec / stream cheating
- No custom widgets
- Try to be timely and don't keep people waiting

Signup: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/Q3uHJAKUer#/signup/5fqraa2y7uf (or DM Jazcash)
Provisional Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Beyond%20All%20Reason (may change, tune in!)

Feel free to direct any questions to Jazcash on discord
Maps and 32 player limit may be subject to change

Not ZK related but since the skillset is basically the same thought some might want to try winning some money
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Good to know! BAR is a great game.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Guess LR will be delayed for one more week than expected.

Round 1 is Bo1, Middle rounds is Bo3, Grand finals is Bo5

If you plan on allowing GF resets, you might be there for awhile. I'm not sure how fast BAR works, but for ZK tourneys we only allow GFs to be Bo3 and everything else is Bo1. I'm also fairly sure that the recent BA tourney ran into a second day due to a similar issue.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
This will be starting in an hour for anyone who wants to watch.
+0 / -0
Prize Pool: €220, courtesy of GBrankJazcash (200$) and Badosu (20$)

€1 ~= $1
$1 == €0.84 so this amount should say ~€184.80
+0 / -0
why cant I downvote this thread

fk dis game
+1 / -0
3 years ago
why don't we ever have tournaments with cash prizes : (
+2 / -0
3 years ago
USrankforcegod is forcing my hand right now
+0 / -0
3 years ago
We need a billionaire zero-k player that can sponsor a tournament. Maybe instead of buying a diamond encrusted back scratcher they could instead instead use a previous diamond encrusted back scratcher that they purchased last week hidden away in one of their drawers and use that to scratch their back. That way they can use the money they saved and spend .001% of that and sponsor a tournament.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
I'd put up one USD if there was a way for me to anonymously transact it to the winner
+0 / -0
VOD for anyone who cares

results: https://challonge.com/barcup1

drone got rekt kek
+1 / -0

3 years ago
drone got rekt kek

did he try to downvote his opponent?
+0 / -0