you know

RedEagle_P1When you target/focus me for months in FFA games.
Accuse me of abusing my admin powers.
And then start cheating in your FFA games with your clan.
Then yes, I have no problem what so ever to call you out in public.
Also basically all common FFA players know whats going on anyway.
Just check the spectator chat of that game. Then you will notice that I just pointed out common knowledge anyway.
I have multiple people come from your discord server telling me how you all chat together during ffa games.
Even calling spectators to join your chatroom.
I have a replay where you send a units on hold fire to Bbar so he can capture them.
And I am not dumb enough to not notice when I am being played.
Now the only reason why I haven't banned you for I don't know how long, would have to discuss this in the admin channel, is because I am not certain that I have enough hard evidence.
So if you want to continue this discussion, bring it!
I will wipe your face so hard that you won't recoignice it in your own mirror.
Ps. Yes he pisses me off, and no I don't care about my language towards him anymore.
So change this post if you think it needs to be edited.