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sigh silly team colour

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12 years ago
is there a way to use the old version of team colour (which was by far superior)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There is button for that. First one on the left side, directly below minimap control.

I like idea of three colors only, but can we make ally color (dark blue) much lighter? Or lime green?

On my computer screen, dark blue is too dark :)

+0 / -0

12 years ago
yeah, thats what i meant
and i don't it makes things alot nicer looking, yes, but it also makes them much more difficult cause NOW I CANT TELL WHO OWNS THAT FOOKIN RED UNIT NEXT TO ME
unless i hover over it, which becomes problematic when i try use the minimap to assess which allies are succeeding and where and all i get is Blue crap moving around
and then picking out the 'pro' players on the enemy team, same problem, just a big red mass
+0 / -0

12 years ago
yeah bring old team colour style back as default!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It's another option that should have been left off by default but wasn't.

ZK Devs: can we go back to the thread discussing the standard UI and pay more attention to it? Simple Team Colors is an interesting option that can be useful in some cases, but in most cases detracts from the game. And it's still buggy as hell.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I can see why some people like Team colour. But why the FUCK is it on DEFAULT?!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
17 days ago Licho asked newbies what bothered them about the default interface. He got a lot of feedback from actual newbies (and some others). http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2180

13 days ago Licho released v1.0.4.9 with GUI improvements, including some that were clearly influenced by feedback from the previous thread, like changing the default scrolling mechanism. http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2205

The simplified color scheme was one of those changes. However, it beats the heck out of me why it was included, because nobody asked for anything like it in the previous thread. Shadark mentioned that you can't easily tell friendlies from enemies and suggested adding additional visual context, like an outline. Simplified team colors is not additional visual context, it's less visual context, and it seems like a very poor way to solve the problem.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it might be because of

+0 / -0
That's cool and all, but a couple new users asking for a feature doesn't mean that feature should become the default.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yeah thats like goin back to stone age, and set it each time you play just wtf. It never ever should be by default.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
well maybe it does not matter to noobs if its default, but it shuld at leas remember the setting once you disable it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Feel free to make it remember settings, we all want that!
+0 / -0
Maybe its not important to distinguish enemies... but its important to distinguish friends. When someone begs for help, good luck finding where he is...

My proposal is to have a 3rd mode where all enemies are red, but allies can be distinguished. This frees up colors that can be reused to have more distinct colors for friends...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Imo for advanced use you need to tell enemies apart too to predict what will move and where.

But for begginers clarity certainly trumps complexity. Even for veterans crowded 10v10 game can lead to errors in identification - having red scream at you certainly speeds recognition of threats.

I bound the switch to P myself and intend to use simplified colors in team games.
+0 / -0
mojjj: The people in the thread you posted weren't asking for simplified team colors, they were asking for global team colors - i.e. everyone sees the same color assignments instead of everyone seeing themselves as teal, allies as cool, and enemies as warm.

Antelope: I don't think anyone - new or not - was asking for simplified team colors. So what we now have is a setting that nobody wants, on by default, which doesn't remember that you turned it off.

Licho: Wouldn't it have been easier to include that feature when simplified colors was first implemented? Wouldn't it be easier for whoever wrote simplified colors to add that feature than for some arbitrary "someone" to dig into the code? Shouldn't "remember settings" be a basic feature included in any settable UI element before it gets released?

(obtw: this doesn't affect me, because I don't use the Chili minimap, because it doesn't work with my graphics card.)

Edit: Okay, "nobody wants" is an overstatement. Licho wants it.

Edit: Huh, I suppose I should try enabling the Chili minimap again, maybe it's fixed now. http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/detail?r=6245

Edit: ZKL didn't automatically disable minimap projectile rendering, so I guess it didn't detect my ATI graphics card (HP Pavilion G6 laptop w/ AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250). Or maybe the revision I pointed to above hasn't been released yet? Anyway, manually deselecting the "Minimap projectiles" checkbox under the ZKL Settings tab did fix the display issues that had forced me to disable the Chili minimap. .... HOWEVER, I'm still not going to use the Chili minimap, because it doesn't seem to offer any substantial improvement over the other minimap, and the other minimap lets me see projectiles without hosing up my display.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>they were asking for global team colors

Strange thing is, this can be EASILY implemented in Springie. As far as I know, it already is. The only reason we have local colors is so that you, as a player, will always be teal. It's a silly reason TBH.

It would free up a widget, allow everyone to see the same colors, and would prevent newbs from being confused. If people want it, they can still turn on by choice.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Antelope: its also to make sure people aren't confused by stupid colors, like Black and White, and it helps differentiate stuff better. Still, simplified shouldn't be defaults, teamcolors should. Not knowing who is who on your team does not work.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Antelope: its also to make sure people aren't confused by stupid colors, like Black and White, and it helps differentiate stuff better.

Read closer. I never said that we shouldn't have differentiated team colors (cool vs warm), just that it doesn't have to be done locally! Springie could easily make Team 1 cool colors, Team 2 warm colors.

The only thing that we would lose is that each player would not always seem themselves as teal. I don't think anyone except Licho even cares about seeing themselves as teal every game, and if the user does want that they can feel free to enable widget.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ah, I agree with you there, that would work, and even could be done with auto !teamcolors in lobbies I think. Course I do wonder at this point if it would confuse the heck out of the older players, having to check color IDs in the lobby agian, not that its stopped changes before.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That's cool and all, but a couple new users asking for a feature doesn't mean that feature should become the default.
That sounds like the only reason anything is on by default. New users see the default UI first, they do not know anyone and have reported being confused about ally teams. You can disable it in settings.
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