Since at least Rafalpluk and Dave seem to feel similar, I thought Id open this to see if consensus can be reached as to the current state of SW and how the situation might be improved. I certainly dont know the right way to fix this but in my mind discussion can only help. The points i would make... As it is right now i think there is pretty much consensus that Zenith is just worthless. Personally I cant see the point for Detri or (except in rare cases) DRP. Neither eveer becomes desirable in a either a Potgame or FFA. In Teams, if you have time to build a detri and walk (or even transport part of the way) you would have had the time to build SL and since that beats any enemy detris, DRPs or SLs why would you go for something less? Same is even more true in FFA. As it is I NEVER build Detri, DRP or Zenith, and while I have seen succesfull detris, they usually come up if there is massive eco advantage, or the enemy has wasted his metal instead of building army or SL. Like I said I dont know the answers to this problem, it just seems obvious to me that there is one...
+8 / -0
drp cost 9000 less and its very much enough to kill your opponents (in teams). and yes i think we all know detri and zenith is trash, they require the same situation as drp/starlight (opponent not pushing/already losing) but dont end the game as fast, and/or as safely --all above is in teams
+3 / -0
Starlight is the only way to go in FFA. does it get killed rezz end repeat. Detri is just metal donation. In teamgames the mere sight of a starlight or DRP is just autoresign. I really would like if superweapon buildings need energygrid like Cerberus. That way funnelwebs shielded superweapons are vulnerable. Also make them not rezzable. I really think StarLight needs less aiming speed and might need a slight metalcost increase.
+3 / -0
whenever i see superweapons being used people almost always opt for a DRP, it's probably the only superweapon that's worth it
+1 / -0
I almost never play ranked matches or teamgames so I have no idea what the meta is like there and hence no idea if this is a good suggestion, but would increasing energy requirements on certain superweapons alleviate the problems at all? And by increasing I mean adding requirements for the sps that don't have them?
+0 / -0
quote: Also make them non-resurrectable. |
Learn to gib.
+0 / -0
I like FFAs up until the point they reach lategame. You've porced your territories and if all you want is to win you are likely spamming funnels and getting a super weapon, which isnt that expensive in a FFA. The enemy has to jump through a lot of hoops to have a shot at killing it and even if they do (perhaps donating metal in the process) now you can and will rezz it for free safely, yay. The rez mechanic alone discourages making units and encourages sitting around making super weapons. Current funnel design made this situation a bit worse, it is a cool unit though.
+7 / -0
If you have two "superpowers" in FFA, the game may devolve into two Starlights out of range of each other, creating massive no build, no go zones. Even when one SL has been destroyed, it is not too time consuming the ressurect it, and in the meantime, inevitably much of value has already been lost to the enemy SL. Starlight is not fun to use, but an exercise in constantly forcefiring in the correct spots in order to keep up with the amount of damage the enemy starlight is doing. It also seems to cause huge amounts of lag, making it very difficult to issue orders to any other units. Starlight trivializes all other superweapons and the detriment. As bloa said, Zenith just sucks. DRP seems to be the better game ender in the lob-pot, but this doesn't transfer to FFA, as it does not defend itself as well against threats as the SL does. DRP seems fairly balanced in FFA, but rarely gets played because it is so inferior to Starlight. Super weapons need changes. The game would be a bit more enjoyable if Star light was just removed. In lieu of this, give it unlimited range so you don't end up with these laggy 2 hour games of who-gets-exhausted-first. Maybe buff Zenith instead, including giving it unlimited range, so that it can exist as a bit of a counter to other Super weapons, but at the same time is the most vulnerable to units.
+5 / -0
There are several problems with current superweapons, especially visible in FFA endgame. 1. Starlight has limited range, and at the same time creates a no-go zone for any expensive units, which means that if 2 players build Starlight out of range of each other, then game comes to stall, and becomes contest of who loses patience to rebuild stuff faster. Example games: (and Zenith) should have unlimited range if they are meant to be game-ending weapon and not game-stalling weapon. 2. Starlight counters all other endgame units, especially Striders. There were examples of Starlight killing 5 incoming Detris before they could get close enough. Which means that presence of Starlight makes Striders obsolete for attack, which again promotes game stall. It also promotes a gameplay of rushing Starlight instead of amassing armies, so the endgame comes down to economy contest instead of a combat contest. I would much rather have endgame decided by huge armies clashing together, rather then contest to build big laser in the safe corner. 3. Starlight is actually unpleasant to use. It requires you to hold-fire and keep manually assigning target or it will wander off, possibly damaging your own stuff. It is also buggy near its max range, as shown in first of the linked battles, it refuses to fire near its max range and instead wanders to attack random spot, despite being on hold-fire. 4. Zenith is never built in FFA. With Starlight being so good at mere 5k more cost, it is always a better way to go. DRP is also a better choice, because on top of being cheaper, it also has a large advantage of not being visible to everyone while firing. It is sad that we don't see the Zenith, because imho it has a very interesing mechanic of collecting meteors. 5. DRP is imho at the perfect spot as a superweapon. It is interesting and fun. It is very dangerous and destructive but at the same time doesn't make other units obsolete.
+7 / -0
My opinion: * Zenith is bad. Takes a while to build up so it can start dealing the damage, is slow at killing spread singus and other high value targets, being stunned drops all the built up meteorites and it costs more than DRP. * Starlight is powerful but annoying to use. Scouting is generally hard, if the enemy has a larger airforce then there will often be a lot of blind firing doing little damage. It also destroys makes a ditch which wrecks pathing (non-obvious roundabout routes, tanks thinking they can go through a place when they can't, etc.). It requires very annoying micro as by default its targetting is stupid and it won't move on to the next thing when the boom appears (unless you have radar coverage in the area, which is very unlikely given owls and area cloaking). * DRP is about what you'd want in a superweapon from a fun perspective. It's reasonably priced, kills things in a reasonable pace, doesn't need direct LoS, doesn't completely obsolete striders (massed scorp, detri, pala) and is pretty. The shortish range is a bit of an issue. All three have most of the damage and destruction out of sight and struggle to end high end FFA games on big maps. The range issue is particularly egregious for starlight, in that for the other superweapons you still have a chance at getting an area cloaker and smuggling in a detri or two to do the murdering, but the starlight trench blocks Iris on many maps (e.g. Violet Rampart Generator)! In theory this can result in endless stalemates. For this reason, I'd actually like a proper expensive (60k+) game-ending unit. For when you have a huge eco lead but don't want to spend 20 more minutes digging people out of their foxholes. It should be satisfying to use, have the destruction take place in LoS and should not be annoyed by terrain (or the insane area denial weapon that is Artemis). It should be able to snipe enemy superweapons as part of breaking stalemates. It should be possible to kill it if used it's poorly or if the enemy has a great deal of skill and uses comparably large amounts of resources. A Detri that has Desolator guns and can manoeuvrer around quickly would probably be a good choice. Probably with a slow AoE to block the cheap counters like glaive swarms or ultimatums. *hint hint* ;)
+3 / -0
I am dubious that any possible change to superweapons/Detriment will make late-stage FFA on huge maps fun and healthy. That being said, Zenith does seem like a joke compared to DRP and Starlight. DRP seems fine. It is significantly cheaper than Starlight, and if it is better placed and defended has a fighting chance to stunlock and defeat a Starlight. Not sure what I think about Detriment. Being cloakable and moveable is a pretty big deal in FFA sometimes.
+1 / -0
I had this crackpot idea for the Zenith that I'm gonna spitball here: what if, instead of collecting and firing a bunch of individual meteors, the Zenith condenses meteors into fewer projectiles of increasing damage and blast radius? As the blast radius increases, the Zenith's wobbly becomes less impactful; and as the damage increases, shields become less effective at blocking the meteors. At full capacity, the Zenith would basically be launching a giant, unblockable nuke. It could be worth swapping the Zenith and Starlight's positions in the superweapon chain--make Starlight the cheap superweapon and Zenith the big game-ender--and tailoring their stats to suit. I always thought that dropping dinosaur-killing friggin' meteors on the planet's surface would be more devastating than pink lasers. The Zenith also has a built-in stockpile mechanic, which is something that's come up regarding the Starlight before.Take that idea for a spin, I guess.
+5 / -0
a 'bandaid fix' to zenith could be to allow players to shoot some but not all of the stockpiled meteors at a target. If you want to hold enough meteors to kill a paladin, but you don't see the paladin, you will end up holding and wasting projectiles and time on a burst that's way overkill.
+4 / -0
   Steel_Blue, nice idea with the partial discharge of the Zenith. It would make it more versatile. For example, it would gather meteorites faster at the beginning, but slower as the number of increases. In current state, I think it should be cheaper. Once activated, it is immediately visible to anyone and become THE target, until it's ready to fire. Therefore, in balanced battles with massive forces, its life span is very low. In more dispersed battles across the map, its return on investment is way too low. For myself, I just hate the DRP. Let's be honest. Its only purpose is to counter people, who like to build big bases. It is more limited against mobile units. You can counter Trinity, nearly too easily. So why the only way of partially countering DRP is to mass dozens of FunnelWeb around/in your base. Why, Aegis are not providing any shielding at all, against DRP, whatever the number of shields you would place. DRP could drain the shields down quickly; but currently, Aegis are completely permeable to its attack. The only defense tactic for protecting your base, is to deeply scout in search for it proactively. It cannot be the only one. To change this state, I would prefer to get rid of DRP "napalm" feature. I would replace it with a weaker explosive ammunition. It would still be able to stun and deplete shields efficiently. I would also increase its AoE, so the effect is more spread around the targeted area. I have no hope that my ask, will be taken into consideration. I have the feeling the devs and the hard-core players, do not like big base-builders. For me, it is what gives me the strongest fun in RTS, instead of continuously multitasking many guerilla spots. I like that Zero-k is both fast, allows you to control your units very precisely, but also let you build big bases and armies. I can understand the devs, as my kind of playing is leading to gather huge armies and deteriorate game experience on slower machine. Since I have upgraded to 32GB of RAM and 10th generation processor, not on mine :P In general, I think it should be made much easier to tweak Super weapons, using for ex. dedicated battle options in the user interface.
+0 / -0
My 2c - when superweapons happen, the good part of the game has passed. They are just supposed to bring a close to things. They don't really have to have counters IMO, but that doesn't mean they can't. Zenith is terrible. Which is a shame because it has the potential to be one of the most awesome visually. The visuals are another problem mind because superweapons are all long range, so you don't often get to see the rain of destruction. I wonder if superweapons (or maybe just Starlight/glint and Zenith) should have huge LoS to increase the satisfaction of using them. Now FFA is a weird mode which, I feel, is at odds with the primary design goals of the game. One thing that it does is push superweapons into regular use, and then people start asking for them to be balanced. To me the actual issue in FFA is: "how can you make FFA play out using the standard Zero-K progression?". This is either impossible or requires some fundamental thinking about resource acquisition and the benefits of starting a conflict with another player.
+1 / -0
Multiple people have said, that they think DRP is fine where it is. I kinda could agree to that were it not for the SL. Just 25%more cost for: more range, much more ground defense (5 detris gone in a minute...) plus the ability to hardcounter other DRP/SL, why would you ever go for DRP then? Maybe the simplest Solution would be to up SL price to 60-70k or so. Then the argument for DRP gets much stronger (also, if DRP is fine where it is, then clearly SL is underpriced). And this would also help(though not completly solve the problem) in FFA, as it would take that much longer / enemy gets that much bigger an army to fight back.
+0 / -0
quote: I kinda could agree to that were it not for the SL. Just 25%more cost for: more range, much more ground defense (5 detris gone in a minute...) plus the ability to hardcounter other DRP/SL, why would you ever go for DRP then? |
Counterpoint: a complete DRP is much stronger than a 75% complete Starlight nanoframe. If both players/teams going for a superweapon are about even (a not unreasonable default assumption) then whoever goes for a DRP is going to have a fair bit of time whether they are the only one with a superweapon.
+2 / -0
quote: Counterpoint: a complete DRP is much stronger than a 75% complete Starlight nanoframe. If both players/teams going for a superweapon are about even (a not unreasonable default assumption) then whoever goes for a DRP is going to have a fair bit of time whether they are the only one with a superweapon.
This is why DRP is better than SL in team games. This does not apply as much to FFA however, as you do not generally want to fire the SW as soon as it is built, but instead at the most opportune moment, lest you become a target for the remaining players.
+4 / -0
quote: Zenith is terrible. Which is a shame because it has the potential to be one of the most awesome visually. The visuals are another problem mind because superweapons are all long range, so you don't often get to see the rain of destruction. I wonder if superweapons (or maybe just Starlight/glint and Zenith) should have huge LoS to increase the satisfaction of using them. |
Zenith used to be the cheapest of the bunch, iirc. I don't remember why it was moved a tier up - maybe because it's more cool and DRP didn't get any love when Z was cheaper and S was better.
+0 / -0
   Kingstadquote: I like FFAs up until the point they reach lategame. You've porced your territories and if all you want is to win you are likely spamming funnels and getting a super weapon, which isnt that expensive in a FFA. The enemy has to jump through a lot of hoops to have a shot at killing it and even if they do (perhaps donating metal in the process) now you can and will rezz it for free safely, yay. The rez mechanic alone discourages making units and encourages sitting around making super weapons. Current funnel design made this situation a bit worse, it is a cool unit though. |
The funny part is that this is at least half self inflicted. What would be the ask for the devs here? Whatever we suggest could be countered with be more aggressive or play less maps with choke points, the latter of which valorize porc a lot. I would prefer to nerf late game stationary defenses and supers via making them more difficult to defend. I would suggest to nerf desolator and artemis, especially artemis, so that units aren't as sacrifical as the game progresses. Even if they can be countered, the point is supported/shielded porc slows any assault down to a crawl to a degree that a few desolators are always worth their price even if they don't kill anything. If they bought you enough time to react, they were worth it. Combine that with defensive nukes and it becomes a liability to have an army late game. You'll want to silo up, disable a fortified position and send the smallest force you can send to kill the defenses in time, or you'll just want to rush SL because it's much easier to point at something and vaporize it than it is to coordinate a multi step strike. I just plain dislike artemis. It shuts down scouts, it shuts down fleets of bombers, it even shuts down crows. It has obsene range and it's generally built far enough inland that the edge of the controlled territory wards sneaky attempts at taking it from afar. Even a silo would likely be in range of perimeter defenses if it could reach the artemis. At least you have to build many desolators to protect your terriroty. Build one artemis somewhere near the center of your base and you're probably free of air strikes for the rest of the game.
+2 / -0