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Firepluk Memorial

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This is a thread to commemorate the Pluk and all his feats. If you want to discuss anything Pluk-related, feel free to say it right here.

To me, he was like a Zero-K celebrity - hated by his enemies, loved by his fans. Unfortunately, I joined ZK two months before he left. Anyway, whenever I saw the name "Firepluk" in a battle, I always smiled. To this day, I'm inspired by his weird strategies and more specifically, his impressive micro of his heavily morphed comms.

When I get around to it, I'll post some replays of my favorite Pluk games.

+11 / -4
3 years ago
+2 / -0
3 years ago
Because of Firepluk I considered learning C++/Lua (not sure which one I need for that) and implement mute-player feature in Zero-K.
+9 / -1

3 years ago

Because of Firepluk I considered learning C++/Lua (not sure which one I need for that) and implement mute-player feature in Zero-K.

The memories.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
I've considered contacting him letting him know one of the other pluks have returned
+5 / -0
He's on steam playing Oxygen is Not Included these days. Last I spoke with him a few weeks ago, "Fuck ZK" was literally what he typed. He's doing that or his GitHub projects.

I wouldn't hold my breath for him to come back, though I am saddened by this because he's actually a super cool guy.
+6 / -0
I've considered contacting him letting him know one of the other pluks have returned

I actually contacted him on Discord, but he is not coming back he said.
+6 / -0
3 years ago
u did this
+0 / -1
3 years ago
if u dont know who is u its u prob...
+1 / -1

3 years ago
"As one pluk falls another must take his place lest the lobsters will wash over the world, destroying all that they touch!”
+10 / -0
Well based on the downvotes we know who Firepluk's enemies are - or USrankSkrid enemies (one of them is)!
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Man I had a bit of a love / hate thing going with him.

On the one hand he was often super annoying in-game, hovering his cloaked athenas around, waiting for my commander to die while offering no support whatsoever. Then when the enemy popped me like a zit he'd tell me that I sucked and that I am a total lobster, and eat my commander's remains. >:(

On the other hand he could also single handedly salvage a lost game, building silos, scouting and then nuking the bejeezus out of the enemy while also emping their antis. And his dgun commander phase was equally fearsome. When he was on form he could zip around the map splattering enemy comms like they were nothing.

I chatted to him a bit out of game and he's actually a chill guy.

I can understandwhy people are happy he's gone but I kinda miss him tbh.
+8 / -0
i miss him too =) i guess i love even the people who annoy me
+4 / -0

3 years ago
he was often super annoying in-game, hovering his cloaked athenas around, waiting for my commander to die while offering no support whatsoever.

I can picture this so clearly ahaha
+4 / -0

3 years ago
lol why would he come back when mods are so toxic to him, just look at this paragraph on his profile lol Firepluk

He's not allowed to say "gg" or "wtf", rly sad powertrip drove away most active player
+9 / -0

3 years ago
Years of complaints from other players likely relevant, but we already had a thread on this topic
+1 / -0
He seems like he is very popular:







+1 / -0
3 years ago
+3 / -0
He has redeeming features and it would be nice to see him return if he could do so without insulting/belittling others on a regular basis. Most of the community abides by basic standards of mutual respect, it isn't a big ask.
+8 / -0
he was not so bad on the forum

Forum karma: +2712 / -460
+2 / -0
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