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Lobby Constantly Disconnects, Games don't show up

16 posts, 796 views
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3 years ago
Not sure what is happening when I log into the lobby, as it constantly disconnects and would not reconnect. When attempting to MP, it would not join games and matchmaking is missing a lot of the time. Now this does not always happen and the game works fine some of the time.

I'm using the itch.io version running windows 10 home. The problem occurs on both installer run and semi portable package.

Here is infolog.txt from one of the disconnect cases

(it goes on and on)

[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"Header":{"BattleID":7051,"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Founder":"IgnisAurelius","Game":"Future Wars v0.24.7","IsMatchMaker":false,"IsRunning":false,"Map":"TumuWelcome {"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Game":"Zero-K v1.9.12.0","UserCount":118,"Version":"","ChallengeToken":"e310f42c-4482-4878-91f8-1b28fbf1eab1","ServerPubKey":"PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnR2NzNOZlpHdXM0bXp4djU2ZTlPNDRLVEhhR2M2d3BtU0ZySER6bTRLZXBseUh1aU85UUVVU0JmeHY4am9iNDZRTUxteDMzMHpsWTllRGsvUGVPVks3MG5wQzN1ZzBLalNKa3dWWGJwWXNvTHdSQi84aG1hMlBsRTUzWVJiUWpNamVrbmR5ajMrbVdsVURrTG0vdUZ5MUhSTGg2QXg4UU5Pd1ZmdmFrUU9kYz08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+","Blacklist":["dakeys","xtrasauce"],"Factions":[{"Name":"Dynasty of Man","Shortcut":"Dynasty","Color":"#FFBF00"},{"Name":"Empire","Shortcut":"Empire","Color":"#6010FF"},{"Name":"Federation","Shortcut":"Federation","Color":"#55BB55"}],"UserCountLimited":false}
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/observable.lua"]:51: in function '_PrintError'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282>
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: in function 'jsonCommandFunction'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:199: in function '_OnCommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:149: in function 'CommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:252: in function '_SocketUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:270: in function 'SafeUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function 'Update'
[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:70: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:69>
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'pcall'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/crashHandler.lua"]:50: in function 'f'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:80: in function <[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:76>
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"Header":{"BattleID":7051,"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Founder":"IgnisAurelius","Game":"Future Wars v0.24.7","IsMatchMaker":false,"IsRunning":false,"Map":"TumuWelcome {"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Game":"Zero-K v1.9.12.0","UserCount":118,"Version":"","ChallengeToken":"21660115-092c-40aa-a451-13420ec1086f","ServerPubKey":"PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnR2NzNOZlpHdXM0bXp4djU2ZTlPNDRLVEhhR2M2d3BtU0ZySER6bTRLZXBseUh1aU85UUVVU0JmeHY4am9iNDZRTUxteDMzMHpsWTllRGsvUGVPVks3MG5wQzN1ZzBLalNKa3dWWGJwWXNvTHdSQi84aG1hMlBsRTUzWVJiUWpNamVrbmR5ajMrbVdsVURrTG0vdUZ5MUhSTGg2QXg4UU5Pd1ZmdmFrUU9kYz08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+","Blacklist":["dakeys","xtrasauce"],"Factions":[{"Name":"Dynasty of Man","Shortcut":"Dynasty","Color":"#FFBF00"},{"Name":"Empire","Shortcut":"Empire","Color":"#6010FF"},{"Name":"Federation","Shortcut":"Federation","Color":"#55BB55"}],"UserCountLimited":false}
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/observable.lua"]:51: in function '_PrintError'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282>
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: in function 'jsonCommandFunction'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:199: in function '_OnCommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:149: in function 'CommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:252: in function '_SocketUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:270: in function 'SafeUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function 'Update'
[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:70: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:69>
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'pcall'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/crashHandler.lua"]:50: in function 'f'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:80: in function <[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:76>
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"Header":{"BattleID":7051,"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Founder":"IgnisAurelius","Game":"Future Wars v0.24.7","IsMatchMaker":false,"IsRunning":false,"Map":"TumuWelcome {"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Game":"Zero-K v1.9.12.0","UserCount":118,"Version":"","ChallengeToken":"632738ec-edb6-442b-94a9-b7ae6c5d957d","ServerPubKey":"PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnR2NzNOZlpHdXM0bXp4djU2ZTlPNDRLVEhhR2M2d3BtU0ZySER6bTRLZXBseUh1aU85UUVVU0JmeHY4am9iNDZRTUxteDMzMHpsWTllRGsvUGVPVks3MG5wQzN1ZzBLalNKa3dWWGJwWXNvTHdSQi84aG1hMlBsRTUzWVJiUWpNamVrbmR5ajMrbVdsVURrTG0vdUZ5MUhSTGg2QXg4UU5Pd1ZmdmFrUU9kYz08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+","Blacklist":["dakeys","xtrasauce"],"Factions":[{"Name":"Dynasty of Man","Shortcut":"Dynasty","Color":"#FFBF00"},{"Name":"Empire","Shortcut":"Empire","Color":"#6010FF"},{"Name":"Federation","Shortcut":"Federation","Color":"#55BB55"}],"UserCountLimited":false}
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/observable.lua"]:51: in function '_PrintError'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282>
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: in function 'jsonCommandFunction'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:199: in function '_OnCommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:149: in function 'CommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:252: in function '_SocketUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:270: in function 'SafeUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function 'Update'
[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:70: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:69>
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'pcall'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/crashHandler.lua"]:50: in function 'f'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:80: in function <[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:76>
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"Header":{"BattleID":7051,"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Founder":"IgnisAurelius","Game":"Future Wars v0.24.7","IsMatchMaker":false,"IsRunning":false,"Map":"TumuWelcome {"Engine":"104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f","Game":"Zero-K v1.9.12.0","UserCount":118,"Version":"","ChallengeToken":"2b4f5577-9002-4e86-898f-5a65d5aa17d4","ServerPubKey":"PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnR2NzNOZlpHdXM0bXp4djU2ZTlPNDRLVEhhR2M2d3BtU0ZySER6bTRLZXBseUh1aU85UUVVU0JmeHY4am9iNDZRTUxteDMzMHpsWTllRGsvUGVPVks3MG5wQzN1ZzBLalNKa3dWWGJwWXNvTHdSQi84aG1hMlBsRTUzWVJiUWpNamVrbmR5ajMrbVdsVURrTG0vdUZ5MUhSTGg2QXg4UU5Pd1ZmdmFrUU9kYz08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+","Blacklist":["dakeys","xtrasauce"],"Factions":[{"Name":"Dynasty of Man","Shortcut":"Dynasty","Color":"#FFBF00"},{"Name":"Empire","Shortcut":"Empire","Color":"#6010FF"},{"Name":"Federation","Shortcut":"Federation","Color":"#55BB55"}],"UserCountLimited":false}
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: [string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: attempt to index local 'header' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/observable.lua"]:51: in function '_PrintError'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:282>
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_zerok.lua"]:1032: in function 'jsonCommandFunction'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:199: in function '_OnCommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:149: in function 'CommandReceived'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:252: in function '_SocketUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:270: in function 'SafeUpdate'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "libs/liblobby/lobby/interface_shared.lua"]:281: in function 'Update'
[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:70: in function <[string "libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets/api_lobby.lua"]:69>
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function 'pcall'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/crashHandler.lua"]:50: in function 'f'
[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:80: in function <[string "LuaHandler/Utilities/specialCallinHandlers...."]:76>

+0 / -0

3 years ago
Not sure if related, but sometimes when I log in I don't see the flag on my status icon next to my name. When I see that, I can't view the running lobbies and cannot join MM. When I try to log off and log back in, it usually either results in the same behavior or I time out.

Closing the client and reopening seems to fix.
+0 / -0
This has been happening a lot to me recently as well. Open the lobby and go to MP, logs in fine and I can see the games but clicking them does nothing. If I logout and login again the login times out. I usually have to close the game and verify in steam. It downloads like 6 files and then works again.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
A similar thing happens to me all the time, I didn't say anything about it because I thought it was just my computer. I would launch the game, and the ZK chat would be gone, and it wouldn't let me host a game or join any games. Restarting the game also worked for me, and if it didn't work the first time it always worked the second time. Also when it was restarted and did work, the resolution wouldn't be set to full screen, but would be a little bit off on the bottom, so I would have to go into settings and change it to fullscreen in lobby even though it already said fullscreen.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
I also have issues. Also springrts.com is down today, maybe its related?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
That's been happening to me this past week. I AFKed in a battle a couple days ago because of it.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
I would launch the game, and the ZK chat would be gone, and it wouldn't let me host a game or join any games. Restarting the game also worked for me, and if it didn't work the first time it always worked the second time.

I also have this problem, but sometimes it does not work on the second launch. When this happens I usually need to restart steam to get it to work.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
I saw you on some games now. Does it all work alright? :-)
+0 / -0
3 years ago
It still happens, but generally resolves itself by restarting the game...multiple times if needed.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
I told CZrankAdminLicho. Thanks for the ticket. Hopefully he'll look into it soon.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
I am not sure about your local connectivity, in Germany... when you reconnect you get usually a new IPV4 address. Zero-K cannot really handle this.
Did you check your local AccessPoint if it might had disconnected everytime you experience this issue?
+0 / -0

3 years ago
TWrankshin_getter (or anyone else) are you able to attach a packet sniffer to record an instance of this bug? We don't have much to go on but it would help a lot to know whether the bug is in the traffic from the server, or in the handling of the traffic in the lobby.
+0 / -0

3 years ago

he bug is in the traffic from the server,

is it windows server?

- which year
- safe
- do we have remind everyone to use useless pwds?

# methods for something secure?
- efforts to take on LinuxServer
... * I bet many could help and we could secure
+0 / -0

3 years ago

TWrankshin_getter (or anyone else) are you able to attach a packet sniffer to record an instance of this bug? We don't have much to go on but it would help a lot to know whether the bug is in the traffic from the server, or in the handling of the traffic in the lobby.

Many people here would be able to just DO IT.
for myself. I won't!

Because no OpenSourceBase...
+1 / -0
DErankChesti, don't derail. It looks like you came here to bemoan that things aren't done the way you would do them, which only really matters if you are going to be or ever were someone who would do things.

Anyone with the bug can still inspect their packets to help us narrow down its source.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Actually, since this thread was crossposted with a ticket, I'm going to close this thread as its getting technical and the formatting is less convenient than GitHub.

Ticket: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Chobby/issues/824
+0 / -0