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some error in zk

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3 years ago
I noticed that in the Windows version of steam, when I quit the game the application doesn't stop, and I have to quit steam to stop it.
Second thing, when I open the game very often it happens that the chat window does not appear, why?
Thank you
+3 / -0

3 years ago
I see both almsot every time I start the client.

If you can't join MM, can't see games or can't join them, look at your account name top right. If it's missing the country flag next to your rank, log off and log back in. That's usually enough to fix the session.

Sometimes one log off doesn't fix it, and in that case, no amount of logging off and back in fixes it. Close and reopen the client. For me one restart usually clears that issue.

For the client not closing properly, for me it happens every time I watch a replay. If you open the client, play a single game and close the client, does it close properly? If you open the client, view a replay and try to close, does it hang every time?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
The first is known, I have only heard of the second recently. They are both infrastructure things.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Usually when I quit zk, the zk program doesn't close, and I'm forced to close steam, which after a few seconds 'tells me I'm quitting zk'
and then let me out correctly.
Instead for some time every time I load zk it does not show me the #zk chat room and the players who are present.
Also trying to join the channel zk does not appear to me anyway.
But it's a random problem.
Maybe I reload the game and the #zk channel appears.
Nothing important.
Otherwise the game works perfectly.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
No CArankGalamesh it doesn't bother me when I watch match replays, it works fine.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
I'm a bit late here, but:
Usually when I quit zk, the zk program doesn't close, and I'm forced to close steam, which after a few seconds 'tells me I'm quitting zk'
and then let me out correctly.

This can happen when you do a zk<->internet browser thing, so if you open a link from the zk client or similar. It might also happen when you start a replay from the ZK website, I am not sure about that.

Close the relevant tab/browser to let ZK close down on Steam.
+0 / -0