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Post your pet :D

20 posts, 1769 views
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2 years ago
After constant requests from DErankHoppili, here are my cats :D


The black one is Momo, (my current pfp on discord) , the mixed one is kitty, and the gray one is dusty

Feel free to post your pets too :D
+15 / -0
2 years ago
She's not my pet, but my princess and my daughter.

Between angels and nature she was a perfect being.

We often walked without a leash, in front of block of flats to look at butteflies together, you know, the usual thing that people do in middle of Warsaw...

Some say that "pets" mimic their owners, here i found her once hacking a gibson... and she also liked vegan catfood... i miss her every day...
+10 / -1
2 years ago
vegan cat

Jesus Christ how horrifying, don't do that. https://www.aspca.org/news/why-cant-my-cat-be-vegan
+1 / -2

Cat can be vegan. Theres a fuckn corpo in italy that makes vegan cat food for like 10 years now... http://amipetfood.com and my cat chose it over top grade purina since day one of 2 week trial i was planning. there are also american corpos doing vegan vitamins for cats so you can homecook plant based meals for kitteh. theres shops like veggie pets veggiepets.com

cats can be vegan. they only need taurine that usually is animal based, but amipetfood crew made it from plant sources with italian university of padua. deal with it.

and my kitteh got the best there was on market.

+8 / -1
2 years ago
+14 / -0
#Mylittlebastard King Smithatron

+10 / -0
2 years ago
My dog!

+8 / -0
2 years ago
whats the name
also scruffington
+0 / -0
2 years ago
+10 / -0
2 years ago
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Like GoW??
if so i applaud that
+0 / -0

2 years ago

+10 / -0

2 years ago

Also there is a undefined amount of fish and the wife owns a broken wolf.
+12 / -0
2 years ago
Mojjj are those chickens? Very cute
+3 / -0
Quails. An adult pair. Female does plop one egg a day. 4 of these eggs equal a chicken egg. She is so tame, you can touch and lift it at your pleasure. Funny animals.
+4 / -0

This is Baby J
+12 / -0

2 years ago
I got temporary pets on my balcony

+8 / -0

2 years ago
+3 / -0
These are my cute pets :D

+2 / -2

2 years ago
well, DErankkatastrophe , pets are pets when petted. did you pet them?
+1 / -0